titles are hard | open - sparring


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


The sandy ravine wasn't somewhere Quill went very often anymore. It was a place meant mainly for apprentices and their mentors, of which he was now neither, and while he knew that warriors still frequented to place to sharpen their own skills as well, it had felt... odd just showing up on his own. And so while he'd been keeping up on his training, it was usually elsewhere and on his own time. And really, solitary training was just fine by him- but it didn't keep you on your toes like training with a partner did.

Thus, the large chimera tabby had decided to just say 'fuck it', making his way to the western edge of the territory where he knew the sandy ravine lay waiting. It was another nice spring day, the breeze cool but lazy, allowing the warmth of the sun to sink into the pelt whenever it went still. He knew there'd be cats there already on an afternoon like this one, and he was hoping at least a few of them were just as eager to burn some energy as he was.

As expected, there were several cats already there when he finally arrive, most having come with their apprentices, but some who'd tagged along just to get out of camp on a nice day. Making his way over to a group of warriors who were sat watching some apprentices spar, Quill nodded a greeting. "Anyone in the mood to spar?" he asked, straight to the point as always.

OOC- open to anyone!

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
"Sure. Go easy on me though, my age is showing." Orangeblossom's voice is dry as dust as she rises to her paws, shaking them out one by one and feeling the unpleasant stretch in her bad leg as she does so. She concludes quickly that this is not a good day for it. Were she a cat with more self-preservation, or one who had fought Quillstrike, she'd pass on the opportunity and leave it to someone else. However, the deputy is neither of those things. And she's also very curious.

"Claws sheathed, to the yield. Got it?" Plumy tail flicks, waiting for his answer, and she sinks into a more battle-ready stance. It's just a spar, but she finds it odd to be facing in combat a cat she's watched grow up - and not one who was her own apprentice, at that.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

The call for a spar is one Daisyflight always followed, even if only to watch. Seeing what aspects of combat cats clung to under pressure was illuminating, and witnessing it in the clan's safety rid the discomfort she might have felt in the past. Mismatch ears pricked, the warrior trailed Orangeblossom's sunrise-tip silhouette.

Keen eyes swept over Quillstrike, a steady blink converting her approval. Though already considered a committed clanmate, it pleased her to see him keeping up with training even after becoming a warrior. Daisyflight sat a few strides from the pair and patiently waited, tail lapping at the grassy knoll beneath her. As the deputy rasped out that her 'age is showing', the calico couldn't help the sour expression that overtook her snout. Orangeblossom was many moons younger than she was, and while Daisyflight was not sensitive to her own seniority, the reminder brushed affront down her spine. There is no age to show.

After a moment taken to comb through the fur of her chest, teasing ran unbidden from her tongue. "Best you show what those moons are worth!" A thump of the earth punctuated her encouragement.
Quillstrike's call reverberated within his ears, turning his head to the young chimera with a mischievous grin. He comes to his beckoning call, also eager to burn off a bit of energy. He remembers being in his position not too long ago, a young warrior wanting to prove their worth and show their skills against an opponent. Paws quickly stride in behind Daisyflight, kicking up tufts of sand behind him with an eager expression resting on his freckled features. Orangeblossom takes the bait before he's able, her position open and sturdy for him to begin.
He takes a seat besides the tortoiseshell, reclining back onto his rump with a plumed tail splayed lazily behind him, tip flicking in excitement. "Who d'you think'll win?" He asks the woman beside him, ears perked in earnest for her answer. Orangeblossom comments about her age, saying to go easy on her and it seemed him along with Daisyflight shared a similar mindset. "You're not even old, shut up bird-brain!" He crows from his position, rolling pale irises dramatically. The deputy was only a couple of moons older than him, and the lead at his side older than that. Though, his gaze does linger on her injured leg before mentally shrugging it off. "I call winner!"



To his surprise, it was Orangeblossom who answered his call. He had never sparred the deputy before, and the lingering glance on her injured leg spoke of his uncertainty. Not only did he want to hurt her farther by mistake, but he wanted a good workout. Would her leg hold them back from that? Then again, she was a big cat, and strong too, the kind of cat Quill needed to get his practice in against- even if it was only practicing the toleration of proximity.

"No way." he replied, lips quirking up into the ghost of a smirk. "Show me why they made you deputy, old timer." he teased as he took his place across from her.

He nodded at her next words. Obviously Quill wouldn't do anything dumb, and he'd fully respect the rule of claws sheathed and to the yield. It wasn't like he had a reason to shed Orangeblossoms blood, after all.

For Quill especially, these spars were important. He could still remember the fight he'd lost during the windclan raid, not because he lacked the strength or the skill, but because he'd frozen when shit had hit the fan, the trauma from his past flashing to the forefront at the worst possible moment. He knew he could never allow that to happen again, and so he pushed himself to not just spar with the cats from his agegroup that he was comfortable with, but the older warriors as well, the ones who might catch him off guard and trigger a panic during a real fight.

In a way, it was therapy for Quillstrike. Exposure therapy, sure, but the effect was the same.

Squared off and ready to go, the chimera made the first move. Simple and sweet, he pounced for her, aiming to bowl the shecat over onto her back for a quick pin. Did he expect it to work? Fuck no. But he wanted to see the tricks she had up her sleeves, get an idea for how he might use them or counter them himself in the future.

skyclan - male - 13 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several old scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.