titles are over-rated [weasel]

Jul 20, 2022



Grief wasn't something that Dusk was overly familiar with. He'd never had the opportunity growing up to get close enough to someone to really feel the full effects of a loss, and at 21 months old he now found himself struggling to cope with the guilt he was feeling over the loss of his apprentice. Rosepaw had been the first cat who'd ever relied on him for anything directly, and the deputy would be a liar if he said the sudden death of the younger cat didn't leave him feeling miserable and guilty. And as was typical, whenever Dusk crossed paths with something he couldn't understand, he simply chose to avoid it.

Thus, the large bengal tomcat had been on his paws ever since Dandelion cleared him to leave camp. His shoulders and chest would forever bare the scars of the hawk that took his apprentices life, and through them he would never forget Rosepaw. But sitting in his grief wasn't an option for Dusk. He had always been a restless soul whose paws itched to move, and now more than ever the tom found himself eager to indulge in any facet of work he could find. He went out with almost every patrol that left camp and filled whatever spare time he had with training. He'd refused to take an apprentice this time around, more than happy to leave Bright and Hya, and Weasel with the responsibility of taking care of the next generation, and instead would head out with the other warriors who lacked an apprentice to train.

Today though, his gaze didn't settle on the usual cats. Instead, green eyes found themselves on Weaselclaw.

Perhaps the only good thing to come from his inner turmoil was the fact that he no longer cared about how socially awkward he was with the other Windclanners. He just didn't have the energy to care what they thought of him, which meant he'd been breaking his normal routine of lone wolfing it a lot lately. He couldn't recall a single time he'd ever approached Weaselclaw alone just for the hell of it, and yet large paws were carrying him over to do just that.

"Hey." he called, the greeting lackluster but amiable enough. "You busy right now? I want to go out for a bit and two sets of eyes are better than one right now." he added, knowing that cats weren't encouraged to go out on their own during the day while the hawks were out.

windclan deputy - male - 21 months - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat