to be okay — drizzlepaw

White-splashed lilac paws move quietly towards a gray form, pale eyes round with worry; Drizzlepaw had run like the wind to retrieve help when the dog had attacked, and Bobbie still felt she needed to thank him properly. That, and it couldn't have been easy for a cat so young to see his mentor mauled like that, to see Blazestar lose his life; the lilac queen had been shaken herself, and she was slowly approaching 40 moons (stars, that still surprised her sometimes). The unfortunate sight of the poor apprentice curled crying on the ground when Duskpool had collapsed lingers behind her eyes and so the queen steps towards Drizzlepaw, her steps still checked by healing bruises and cuts.

"Drizzlepaw?" Her mew is low and courteous, a polite question implied in it; her mother had instilled manners in her at a young age and they remained even out here. Bobbie steps closer to the apprentice and, with a careful glance, seats herself; her injuries tend to make standing a touch uncomfortable, at least for the moment. She glances at him and then away; eye contact is a rare luxury with her and it makes her uncomfortable at best with strangers—which, for all intents and purposes, Drizzlepaw is, despite their shared experience. The queen mews a touch shakily, "I, um, I wanted to thank y-you for running to get help on the patrol. Stars know what we would've all d-done without you. And ... I wanted to just kind of check up on y-you. That wasn't an easy thing to witness."

// @Drizzlepaw !!
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Drizzlepaw blinks at Bobbie starts talking to him, a little worried about what she was going to say, but then smiles at her compliment. "Oh! It was no problem, really. There's no way I would have left you guys to fend it off alone. I felt bad leaving at first...but I don't think I could have done much to help, anyways," he laughs. "I'm glad we got the help we needed...even if it was bittersweet." He still feels awful that Blazestar lost a life, but better him than the cats who don't have lives to spare.

It's true though, it was a hard thing to witness. He wasn't a stranger to traumatic incidents, but nothing like that... He knows he'll have to get used to it, for the remainder of his life could be filled with bloody fights. "Thank you for checking up on me, too. Yeah, it was...not easy. Really it was just...scary to think I could lose someone I care about...I've never had someone who has really felt like a parental figure to me. To think Duskpool could have died..." He doesn't finish the sentence, feeling tears forming in his eyes.​

The bittersweet tone of Drizzlepaw's reply mirrors Bobbie's thoughts; she's certainly glad nobody lost their life who didn't have more to spare, but at the same time .... the queen nearly shudders to think of what could've happened, what they'd all so narrowly missed. The sad warmth of his voice as he speaks about Duskpool is achingly familiar; to never know your parents, she thinks, is bad enough—to almost lose the cat who's become like one to you must be worse. She nods and offers, "It was sc-scary. Although, I guess I'll have to get used to that kind of th-thing now that I'm part of SkyClan." Bobbie hurries to add, "Not that I'm complaining."

Sage eyes dance over and then away, lighting on the glittering beads of unshed tears in Drizzlepaw's eyes. She pins her lip under one tooth, debating what to say. Whether to say what she wants to. The queen sighs quietly and mews, "My ... my m-mother died when I was quite young, younger than you. I won't lie, it's hard to lose a parent, or a cat who's l-like one, but Duskpool will be fine. He h-has to be." Perhaps the conviction in her voice is meant partly to reassure herself, but she continues, her voice lightening a bit with humor, "He's a tough old cat. He'd pr-probably give death a good whack to the muzzle if it came for him."
He nods his head at her words about having to get used to these kinda of things, having thought the same thing. Drizzlepaw then laughs at her last comment, thinking about how true it is. Duskpool would be the last cat to freely let himself pass away; he's a fighter through and through. He already feels a bit better, tears drying up. "Yeah...yeah, you're right, hehe. But...I'm sorry about your mother, even if it's been a long time." He at least had the satisfaction of knowing his mother was likely still alive, even if she disowned him. His father, though...

"My own mother was very cagey about details when it comes to my dad. I know his color was similar to yours, but that's about it. I've never quite cared about finding him, since both he and my mother abandoned me..." He also doesn't like to think about what he'd say, knowing that his comments would be scathing. He really has changed... Before, he was desperate to find him, but he was never successful. He's almost glad he gave up, otherwise he wouldn't be here now, most likely. There's still some longing in there, but at least he has Duskpool, now.​

"I'm sorry. It's g-good you have Duskpool, and the Clan too, though." Bobbie's saddened by the news that Drizzlepaw's parents had not died but abandoned him; how terrible, she thinks, must a cat be to do that? She cannot imagine leaving her own children behind to face the world alone; why and how their father had managed to do so still haunts her. But Drizzlepaw has Duskpool, and most of all he has the Clan, just as she and her kits do now. Despite the sadness lacing their discussion, gratitude is warm in her veins; for her kits to have a safe home is a blessing indeed.

The queen sighs lightly at the thought, at the painful reminders that follow it, but turns her attention to Drizzlepaw again. Trying to make the conversation more lighthearted, she offers, "So, h-how's training been for you so far? I m-might be doing some myself in a couple moons."
He gives the queen another soft smile at their shared sentiment about SkyClan. Duskpool and the clan really is his family, and he wouldn't change it for the world. He's sure her kits will come to appreciate what their mother has done for them, too. He can almost see himself coming to find Bobbie as a motherly figure to him, despite the trauma surrounding his own. Having a mother that actually cares for his wellbeing... it sounds real nice.

At the mention of training, his mood returns to normal. Fighting isn't something he would really say he enjoys, though it's a necessity, but that isn't the only thing he's had to learn. Climbing was a rush, and being able to see so much was always a joy. Learning to hunt properly was also something he appreciated, as he wasn't bad, but becoming less sloppy and working out the kinks made him feel better. "Really good! It's good to have a real teacher. I could hold myself well enough, but I'm still young. I needed this, and I'm sure when you start yourself you'll find the pain worth it." He knows that if he was a parent, learning more survival skills to make sure his children were safe would put him at ease. Self improvement is always a good thing too, of course.​

✿—— She's reminded now that the Clan is like a family, that she isn't left to care for her kits and herself alone. The queen finds herself thinking of how SkyClan has embraced her and her children, taken care of them. Soft nests and prey delivered during her pregnancy, other queens to watch her kits when she wants to get out for a moment. If she should want to train as a warrior, and she does, she will be taught—nobody would deny her the opportunity, and her kittens will receive the same one. It goes both ways, too; she will offer her claws and her life, if she must, for this Clan when she is able. She will watch any kits for as long as she resides in the nursery, which does not feel a long time at all now, and she will check on her Clanmates as she's doing now. The thought warms her bruised heart.

"Th-That's good, then," She mews brightly in response to his words, interested to hear what training is like. It confirms what she'd thought; that training to be a warrior will be tough, painful even at times, but worth it. She thinks of being able to properly raise her claws for her children and her Clan when she must, to bring home prey in a chatting group of warriors to feed hungry mouths of kittens like her own. The thought lifts her spirits and she smiles, mewing, "It sounds gr-great. I suppose it's a little childish, but I'm excited to train one day. Only a couple moons or l-less, I think."

  • ooc: sorry this is so late!! travelling lol
  • xFuluhM.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 38 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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“It’s not childish at all!” He exclaims at her readiness. It’s a good mindset to have, going into something that can be hard on the body. He’s glad she’s not going right into it, though. Not that any of the cats here would push her that far anyways, but Bobbie definitely needs a big break to really recover. “Heck, maybe I could even help you! I’ll be a warrior by then, and I’m totally up to it.” Drizzlepaw smiles at her. Having to learn properly so late put him at a slight disadvantage, but maybe that could be turned into a boon and he can teach her with her perspective in mind. “Just take it easy for now, alright? I’m glad you came to talk to me, but you need all the rest you can get.”