private to be or not to be? That is the question // Owlheart


meant to be here
Mar 3, 2024

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The determination to get better at the skill set of a true forest warrior was burning hot through his blood. Though while Beetleback seemed busy today, he managed to convince another cat to join him in his third hunting escapade of the day. The first two had been unsuccessful for the most part as his form was sloppy and he was wobbly still, but he was hoping with some help then maybe he’d get better. Bluepaw wanted to be able to catch all kinds of prey for the clan and he found the hardest to catch was squirrels or birds. While his climbing could also use work, he wanted to focus on the hunting crouch and pose more.

Thanks for coming out here with me, Owlheart, i swear Florabreeze will kill me if i drag her out here one more time” He was joking of course, he knew she wouldn’t do that but he’d like to give her a break from his pestering from time to time. She had her own life after all and things to do as well. So, he’d ask Owlheart to come along for the ride of his furious learning plan, and she had said yes which he was thankful for. Someone closer to his age would understand the work put in than someone older like his mentor or his adoptive sister.

The young blue tabby and white cat looked up at the ginger cat and smiled a little, “Suppose you can guess i wanted your help in perfecting my couch! Jaypaw almost got me there but i think im still too wobbly or something- ya know?,” He gave a small shrug of his shoulders and swallowed thickly, before glancing down.

Regardless, Bluepaw shook himself mentally and trotted on ahead through the forest before stopping to sniff the air. He liked to think his nose was getting better at picking the different scents of the forest, but it still felt like it wasnt quite there. He huffed slightly and looked around for a moment, “Can we do some climbing too?” He asked curiously and looked to the young warrior once more with his tail raised in question.


She had to admit that she was surprised by Bluepaw's request to join him in hunting. Though she supposed that now she was a warrior it was best to get used to these spontaneous requests now. In some ways it held more structure than as an apprentice and in other ways it felt too open. “It’s no problem at all Bluepaw, hunting is fun for me so I’m happy to be here.” She replied with a shrug, the tabby had noticed that he has been in and out of camp a few times. Just how many attempts at this has he had already? A funny thought entered her head on if there was even any prey left in the forest after his attempts.

She gazed along the trees surrounding them, trying to spot a birds nest or a stray squirrel attempting to blend in with the bark. Ears flicked towards the direction of any new sound in their surroundings as the pair walked. She tilts her head to his direction, staring at him with curiosity. Unaware of the fact that he had been receiving pointers from Jaypaw, she supposed it made sense since the two were usually seen together. “I'm sure you're crouching fine, maybe it’s just a practice thing? Do you think you could demonstrate?” She questioned politely, the warrior wasn't the biggest fan of doubting one's own capabilities. Though she hadn't seen Bluepaw's crouch so maybe there was some merit to that assessment.

He was eager, that was both impressive and a little intimidating to her. No matter how she felt though, she wasn't someone to turn down an opportunity to climb. “Of course, it would be good to see how you climb. Would you like to lead the way and I can follow suit? Just so I know your pace.” This was supposed to be just a fun outing so she didn't want to make the apprentice climb too high or anything like that. Owlheart figured if she followed him at his own pace then she'd know how she could help if he wanted that.
Was a bit too eager to get his training going? Sure, he was probably working himself a little too hard and too quickly but that was because he had to catch up to the other apprentices’ his age. They had moons under their belt already and if he wanted to join in on getting his name at the same time they did- then he had to work harder. Still, Owlheart was a kind cat and he was thankful she was putting up with his rather restless behavior. Bluepaw had done this a few times already out here but he just felt he couldnt get it right. He felt like something was stuck in clicking with him to make it make sense. He couldnt rightly explain it and it was infuriating cause how was he suppose to improve if he didnt know what was holding him back? The young cat sighed heavily to himself quietly to keep down his rising anxiety in his chest and looked back to his ginger counterpart.

She said that she was sure his crouch was good and to show it to her. Bluepaw felt his pelt bristle with shyness and embarrassment, something that seemed to be happening a lot with himself, and he adverted his blue gaze downwards. He felt so silly but he crouched down regardless, and his form was okay at best with some unsteadiness in his paws. Like he was lacking confidence in what he was doing and over thinking the crouch to the he’s picked it apart over and over again. To which had lead to unbalanced stance and he sighed standing back up with a huff of frustration, “its like they know im there all the time” He admitted quietly and shook his head. Bluepaw wanted to get better at hunting so badly!

Though the topic of climbing had him changing his tone as he brightened and lifted his head, “Sure i can do that! Wanna climb an oak tree? Their branches tend to be thicker to stand on from what I’ve seen” He asked in turn to her question before trotting up to the tree and looked up into he tops of it, wondering if he could perfect hunting in the trees this way too. It was a possibility but he also felt it might be a death sentence- but that’s as the point of the clans right? Risking everything and trying to be better at all times no matter what. There was always room for improvement, “Come on! Let’s see if we can watch patrols from the top!” He mused happily and smiled a little in response to his own words.

Bluepaw then crouched at the bottom of the tree and sprung upwards, finding it easiest to climb to the first branch. It was like climbing the cat tower back home! Though taller, rougher and it made his shoulders string slightly from pulling himself up. Yet he managed to do it regardless! The young tomcat puffed up his chest proudly and looked down from where he stood, “I see you!” He crowed down the trunk and laughed a little.


  • Bluepaw-- 8 months Skyclan Daylight Apprentice
    -- AMAB Cisgendered Masculine
    -- Panromantic Demisexual Questioning Polyamory
    -- Apprentice to Beetleback
    -- A stock, short blue tabby cat with high white and sky blue eyes (carrying; TBD)
    -- Notable friendships; Edenberry, Florabreee, Jaypaw, Owlheart, Emberpaw​

Owlheart watched his crouch with a critical look to her otherwise soft eyes. Analytically picking apart what he was struggling with compared to what seemed strong. “Have you considered that this isn't what's natural for you? A hunter's crouch can have a lot of flexibility, as long as you don't stay too low to the ground and keep your paws steady you can work with what's best for you” Her tone remained the light breeze that it usually sounds but there was something stern in there. It was apparent she was trying to think of advice she had been given as an apprentice to pass on.

“Maybe try shifting your weight to be less heavy on your front end, I noticed you can get a little wobbly, which is okay! You may just need to shift your balance for what suits you best” she crouches next to him, trying to showcase what she meant by that. The warrior demonstrated that she preferred to crouch in a manner that allowed to apply more pressure to her hind legs. She rose back to be standing normally, a small nod given to the apprentice with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Your mentor may have different advice! Be sure to bring up those concerns when you have the chance. No concern or question is too silly or anything so be sure to ask” overthinking was something that the molly was familiar with. She was still prone to do it, though, that personal experience helped with her insight to tell when others were doing it.

It was a good thing to see his expression change into something brighter at the thought of climbing. She nodded in earnest enthusiasm at the mention of wanting to climb the oak tree, trailing behind as he bounded towards it. “I don't think that's possible but I could be wrong” she confessed with a laugh as she gazed up at the tree, it could be possible to see the patrols she supposed.

Watching the young tom climb up the tree brought a smile, she trotted up to the base of the tree and gazed upon the apprentice who looked down at her. “I'd be worried if you couldn't, i'm not exactly hard to miss” her tangerine coat glistened in the sunlight, her sun lit pelt akin to a fire. She crouched then jumped, hooking her claws into the bark of the tree. Climbing had a rhythm to it, she found that it was of ease to climb at least to the first branch these days. She climbed beyond it to sit upon the second branch of the tree, a flick of her tail to indicate she wanted Bluepaw to join her.

What- what was natural for him? Bluepaw hadn’t really thought about what was natural for him to do. He simply was following Jaypaws’ instructions of how to do it, but now that he thought about it maybe Owlheart was right. He had been doing a crouch someone else was doing and Jaypaw was much smaller than him, leaner and lithe while he was stock and short. He blinked a bit at her words as he sat in the tree as if the world had just dawned on him. Maybe he should ask Beetleback about that- he needed to talk to his mentor for certain. Bluepaw felt though he was bothersome to the tomcat and he didnt want to be a pester for his desire to learn.

The orange cat spoke about how his mentor would have different advice and he nodded in understanding, flicking back his ears a bit. Bluepaw had been sort of avoiding Beetleback in favor of trying to learn from everyone at the same time. He wanted to part of the clan so desperately he would ask anyone if they wanted to walk or hunt or spar or what have you. Anything and everything, Bluepaw hardly said no to anything. The young white and blue apprentice then turned his attention to the warrior as she climbed up to the tree as well.

Of course she got higher than him! The tomcat huffed a bit and looked up at her on the second branch, and he hesitated a little. He didnt go super high in the trees out of his own fear of falling to the ground. His cat tower wasn’t high like the tree but the first branch was at least a little easier than anything else. Bluepaw though wasnt going to turn down a challenge nor chance to hang out with the coolest warrior out there!

He got a determined look on his face and crouched on the branch, before carefully hopping up onto the next. Grabbing at it tightly and scrambling slightly but he managed to pull himself up, now he sat there with his eyes closed and praying he wasnt about to die from falling out of a tree.

So! What have you been up to, Owlie? Anything new in your world? Any new hobbies? Friends?” Bluepaw asked the warrior in an attempt to hide his panic as he clung onto the second branch like a kit would their parents leg in fear. Though he slowly opened his eye and looked around, found he wasnt about to perish immediately and he scooted along the branch. He reached Owlhearts’ side and sighed with relief at the thicker base than what he decided to climb up on, which was the end of the branch, “That was terrifying by the way, I felt like i might die” He exasperated with a sigh and shook his head.


  • Bluepaw-- 10 months Skyclan Daylight Apprentice
    -- AMAB Cisgendered Masculine
    -- Panromantic Demisexual Questioning Polyamory
    -- Apprentice to Beetleback
    -- A stock, short blue tabby cat with high white and sky blue eyes (carrying; TBD)
    -- Notable friendships; Edenberry, Florabreee, Jaypaw, Owlheart, Emberpaw​

Curious yet analytical golden eyes watched him as he thought about climbing up to the other branch, she wasn’t his mentor so she wasn’t aware of what his physical limitations were or if he had ever climbed above the first branch before. As he scrambled up the tree to pull himself up to the second branch the expression of concern flashed across her face. She moved from her spot on the branch in an attempt to help him but ultimately decided to sit back, there was confidence that he had this. The ginger tabby was pleased to be proven right as he scrambled up, the tip of her tail twitched as she watched him cling onto the branch for dear life.

Despite being a little taken aback by the nickname she carries on the conversation, registering that this might be some attempt to not think about that bark that he was currently stripping from the branch he clung to. “Uh, well one of my partners graduated, Oddgleam, so now the three of us are in the warriors den” she comments with a shrug, she wasn’t good at talking about herself. This was something she had learnt recently but it was something that she was trying to learn to be better at. There was the issue of not exactly knowing how much Bluepaw actually know about him. “I have picked up stargazing, though. It’s really peaceful. Have you gone stargazing before?” She tilts her head to stare at him owlishly, as her namesake may suggest. Those wide eyes making sure that he was actually stable up on this branch, a small satisfied smile given at the sight that he seemed to be handling it.

“I won’t make you climb any higher then” she offers gently, nodding in thought. Eyes glancing at the next branch above them, yeah that would definitely be too high for the poor apprentice. “What about you? What have you been up to?” She realised that in turn she had no idea what the tom was interested in, she didn’t really speak to many of the apprentices after graduating. That was something that she was going to have to change, especially if they’re all as kind and friendly as Bluepaw was.
Did he mention heights were a little woozy feeling? Bluepaw though was determined to stay up on the branch and stay in the tree as much as possible. So he wasnt going to say anything about being too high up or wanting to get down, but he might have to in a second if this dizzy feeling didnt go away soon. God, he was a terrible warrior wasnt he? Bluepaw inwardly huffed at himself in his own annoyance and shook out his coat a little as if a bug touched him, but really he was shaking feelings from his coat. No, he’d be fine. This was fine.

The blue tabby tomcat watched his ginger companion as she talks about Oddgleam and his eyes rounded, he graduated! Thats so awesome! Bluepaw remembered they had been friends briefly and they havent had the chance to catch up in recent times. That was awesome though that he was now a warrior too. He nodded along with her words, and listened intently as he was trying to put focus elsewhere. He was overthinking too much and it was growing overwhelmingly so.

Owlheart then mentions she picked up stargazing and he shook his head at her question, no he hadn’t been stargazing, “You can’t really see the stars in twoleg place, there’s too much light from them” He responded meekly but he’d love to see them sometime. Really see them other than just briefly before he had to go inside for who knows how long. Jaypaw had tried to show him once and it went well, but he had to go shortly after that. So there was no real time to appreciate it.

The ginger warrior promises to not make him climb high and he breathed a sigh of relief, oh good. He wasnt sure if he could go higher yet but he would work on it for certain! Bluepaw lifted his head up and looked up at the branches, wondering about a squirrel or something higher up. Owlheart though turned the questions on him and he blinked before giving a small, nervous shrug and chuckled.

Oh you know, training as much as i can to be good at this” He said idly and glanced down at the branch, picking at the bark with a claw idly, “Beetlebacks been busy so I’ve been trying to do it myself? I guess? And I’ve been trying to get the courage up to ask Orangestar to join full time and that’s not going well either” He sighed to himself and shook his head slightly, sometimes he hated how his brain worked. How empty it could be and how quick it was to assume the worst type of situation was going to happen. Bluepaw wished it was different, but alas. He moved to try to sit up on the branch, rather than cling to it, and he looked at the ginger cat, “Otherwise not doing a whole lot really, nothing exciting like being a warrior or anything” He gave a light tease to the warrior.


  • Bluepaw-- 10 months Skyclan Daylight Apprentice
    -- AMAB Cisgendered Masculine
    -- Panromantic Demisexual Questioning Polyamory
    -- Apprentice to Beetleback
    -- A stock, short blue tabby cat with high white and sky blue eyes (carrying; TBD)
    -- Notable friendships; Edenberry, Florabreee, Jaypaw, Owlheart, Emberpaw​