to eternal bliss — collapsing

Anyone could tell that Troutsnout constantly worked, she seemingly never stopped and just constantly moved. The spotted feline had been seen none stop helping Riverclan and the refugees at the Beech Copse, a factor that never changed and those who needed her help piled on her list. They needed her, she needed to make everyone happy. Her best friend was expecting anytime now, the queens relied on the warriors to feed them and their children, the duties to fill her duties as a member of Riverclan: border patrols, hunting, training. It seemed no matter the effort— something was there to ruin it all. She couldn't stop the fox from mauling Sandpaw, if only she had been able to distract it or if it was her instead. He had moons ahead of him and he had to face a traumatic experience.

It started to affect her slowly, seeping in her blood similar to a adder's venom. Her bright chambray gaze was exhausted with eyebags, her coat an unruly of waves and curls and she never seemed to settle in one spot for long. Even when her body felt exhausted, the cries of her limbs begging for a rest— Trout continued. Her friends needed her, how selfish of her to try and rest? Her head felt heavy, her body was sloggish and she continued her adventure out the camp. It would be nice to get some fresh moss for Robinheart or maybe to catch something for the elders, queens and kits. She tugs along as she glances around as she spots moss growing on the rocks near the water's edge as she moves forward, gently using a claw to remove it and keep the form of the moss. A couple more like this would be perfect, and thus her exploration for moss continued.

Her steps feel heavy and she stumbles forward, stopping for a moment as she leans against a tree and raises a paw to her forehead. "I'll rest when I get back..." She murmurs as she takes a deep breath, blinking to clear her blurring gaze as she eventually found more heaps of moss growing. This was perfect, Robin and everyone in the nursery would be happy to have new nests. Her body felt hot almost as she would be an representation of the flames that swallowed Windclan, gritting her teeth as she struggled back to camp with moss in her jaws. A couple hours of sleep and everything would be better... she had none to return to her nest for and her siblings were old enough to live without her— this disgusting selfish thought caused her to growl at herself.

They need me, as long as they're happy— I don't care about anything else. What was these unfamiliar and disgusting thoughts? These emotions had no place in her heart. Her love for Reedstrike had no place in her heart, she saw the way he looked at Bronzeshine from afar: the same way that her best friend looked at Brookstorm, the same way that Ferngill looked at Sablemist. I... don't deserve that. Who was I to cling to someone for their love? My happiness means nothing, I feel happy and content when I help everyone else. The thought makes her smile as she weakly enters camp, slowly moving to the nursery before everything went spinning. "I got more moss for everyone—" Trout would murmur as she gets closer to the entrance, stumbling before her body completely collapses under the weight of her.

Rugged coughing heaves from her body as her body feels completely drained, her sides heaving slightly as an exhausted chambray gaze struggles to stay awake. Her body temperature was flaming hot, as she felt sweaty from the overexertion she put her body through. She felt useless, an unworthy friend and her eyes shut tightly in pain. Troutsnout looked horrible and sickly, it was obvious she lost weight from barely eating and putting in hours of work without compensating her body with enough nutrient and sleep. It didn't take long for the warrior to succumb to the severity of her ailing pain, her face seemingly pale of her collapsed body with moss tossed to the side from her dropping it. Her body trembles slightly from the conflicting temperatures, eyes closed as tight as possible as she fades in and out of consciousness from her high fever.

OOC she collapsed from exhaustion, lack of sleep & eating + running an high fever!
  • Wow
Reactions: ixora

It was a good thing to be a hardworker, Tigerspash would consider herself one but she was far from the working-dead which poor Troutsnout had turned out to be. Business was important but so was pleasure, every cat needed time to unwind without the weight of countless duties on their back she finds her peace in the cool water of the river of in camp grooming her fur until she's the picture of perfect. She found many other things to do to keep her sane as well and she'd never pass up a chance to hang around and gossip with her clanmates, she was always assured that whenever she wasn't being productive there were two other warriors in her stead who were. Riverclan was strong in numbers and in community, she loves her clan dearly and was flad she had so many cats she could trust and rely on. Troutsnout being one of them, but she woudn't put anymore weight on her shoulders. Her amber eyes flash with concern watching the younger she-cat stumble back into camp moss hanging in her jaws. She looks haggard she wonders if she remembers her falling asleep in the warrior den the past night or the nights before but she can't remember.

She's already getting up to move, to try and help her fellow warrior but she's not quick enough. She watches in horror as she collapses, falling into a coughing fit and slumping on the ground in front of the nursery - as feeble as the little ones inside. "Troutsnout!" Finally she reaches her, she comes closer sniffing at her fur and she can feel the warmth permeating off the tabby. If she wasn't already concerned before she was now, Foxdung! newleaf had been so kind but in the past days Sandpaw had gotten mauled and now poor Troutsnout was ailed by something. "Hey can you hear me? I'm gonna sit with you until Moonpaw's here to look at ya... and i'll carry you if I have to alright? Is that okay? I won't drop you I promise, i'm very strong" her voice is spoken above her ear, it's hush and she means it to sound soothing but worry still worms into her throat.

She briefly takes a step back and would call over her shoulder "Can someone fetch Moonpaw! And fetch some wet moss or something, Troutsnout's burning up hotter then spoiled fish left out in the sun in greenleaf!" that would get the point of urgency across.

  • text
  • XBxPudf.png
    Tigersplash She/He, Warrior of Riverclan, 17 moons
    A chocolate/cinnamon chimera she-cat with high white and amber eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
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♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 27 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine looked up from her meal when she heard Tigersplash fretting. She was ready to snap at her to be quiet, to let the rest of them have peace. But before she had a chance to even open her mouth again, the words clicked in her mind with the image of Troutsnout panting upon the ground pitifully. And while she might not love the other femme, she was no monster. She stood, no rush in her movements, and meowed, "I'll get Moonpaw," before going to do just that. Ugh, trying to be a saint and wasting the clan herbs and warriors... she thought.

"Hey, uh, Troutsnout collapsed I think," She meowed to the white she-cat, sticking her head just inside the medicine den.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: @Moonpaw medicine cat tag!

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible
    ages on the 15th

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking
He's no stranger to hard work and sleepless hours. More often than not, his nights are spent in contemplation– or the avoidance of just the same. But he drove himself only to the point of sleep. Never beyond it. Never to this. Whatever worry he'd felt at the first shout that the warrior collapsed faded horribly quick. From worry to annoyance an' cycling back. Maybe there was some real reason for it. That's what keeps getting him back to his concern. Was it truly his fault for thinking otherwise, if he'd had to watch her run herself to bone for a whole moon now? Maybe it'd been longer. Stars if he knew the perfect track of time. "Still breathin', then?" he asks Tigersplash. At least his words aren't as flippant as he'd want them to be. Hound sounds as serious as he feels.

In a gesture that's near paternal, something he'd learned so long ago from his own father, Houndstride presses his nose to the burning heat of Troutsnout's ears. "Really ain't all that well, are you?" It felt feverish beneath his own sensitive skin, though he's no Moonpaw. "Running yourself dry'll do that sort'f thing, you know. And you'll not do any of us good, gettin' all weak and collapsing like this." Damned waste of resources, in truth, but not even in his irritable moments could the warrior call a clanmate something like that. He sits nearby in withdrawn silence, waiting with the others for their healer's approach.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄. HE - HIM - HIS. PRODIGAL WARRIOR OF RIVERCLAN. ————— mauled by a fox moons ago and has the scars to prove it. though his wounds are healed, nothing can rid him of that pain.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a lean chocolate tabby with lime green eyes. the scars that had once been limited to the bridge of his nose now shatter and expand across that entire side of his face, up to a ripped ear and down to his shoulder and front right leg. it is somewhat difficult for him to put his weight on that paw at odd angles, and he gets grumpy after a long while of walking, but it does not inhibit him terribly.

The clamoring around the entrance to camp yanks Bubblepaw away from her meal before she can even think. Her paws move as if on their own accord, taking her quickly to where her clanmates are crowded around an unconscious Troutsnout. "What happened?" she asks, glancing between her clanmates. Though she doesn't know what could have caused this, at least there isn't blood on or around the warrior. Bubblepaw reaches down to nudge Troutsnout, and retracts a paw as if burned when she feels the heat coming off her skin.

"She's hot!" Bubblepaw loudly (and unhelpfully) observes, not realizing that Tigersplash has already made such a comment "Like... she feels like the sun or something." She has no idea what to do, and feels a bit useless as she stands there and tries to figure out what she can do to best help her clanmate. Bubblepaw looks at Tigersplash with huge eyes as she realizes what the warrior has demanded, and after a pause that is both pregnant and awkward, she hurriedly says "I'll go get some wet moss," before rushing off towards the nearby river.

/ she will be back when moonpaw arrives :)
✦ ★ ✦