TO FIRE AND SWORD | laurelpaw

Dec 8, 2024

GENERAL | laurelkit > laurelpaw
— 15 moons, aging on the 17th | created 12/8/24
— afab demigirl, using she/they | (unrealized) lesbian
— windclan tunneler apprentice

APPEARANCE | shorthaired tortoiseshell with low white and green eyes
— a carelessly crafted thing of oranges and blacks, with white splashed over her chest and face like an afterthought. she is spindly all throughout her life, small, lean and wiry beneath her perpetually windswept fur — a fine example of a windclan cat. most often, she carries an air of having just escaped from some sort of trouble: her pelt tousled, her gait flighty, and her expression always settled into some level of a faint scowl. her eyes of an indiscriminate green colour are often willed to sit in stillness, but still stir with emotion under certain lights, small spots of cold brilliance like faraway stars. a set of ragged clawmarks scar her right shoulder, telling a story of valiance — or foolishness.

PERSONALITY | practical, reliable, compassionate, sensitive, reserved, stern, persistent, stubborn, deceptive, abrasive, uncertain

— the girl on fire, the dog that bites, the burning candle gone unchecked for too long. enkindled by her mother's crimes, and stoked to life by her father's exile; a force to be reckoned with, a wildfire in the fields, burning up the grasses and blotting out the stars. sparks in her head and smoke in her throat, her search of the skies for faith done through blind eyes — a question for which she yearns an answer, though she already knows one deeply: is it belief, or is it strength, that triumphs during dark times?

laurelpaw was born of traitors, with a heritage stained in the gaudy red of those who defied the land she tries to claim ownership to, but you wouldn't ever see the weight of it on her face: she is brash, proud, and calculating in the way she pilots herself through her life, one may think of her first as a particularly annoying apprentice overeager for their promotion, and second as simply a cold, abrasive sort of cat; the type perhaps in need of being taken down a peg or two. she is quick to jump to a challenge and slow to back away from it, headstrong and wild-willed, and unwilling, or possibly even unable, to admit fault or defeat, as if doing so might snuff out the fire in her eyes and she'd have nothing to rekindle it. laurelpaw would argue the color of the sky til the sun began to set upon it, and point to its changing hues as proof of her own rightness. a hard worker, yet still drawn to playing dirty to get the win.

she's always been aware of just how hard she would have to work to scrub the influence of where and from whom she came from off of her skin, and its made for a no-nonsense, rough-around-the-edges-and-also-the-center sort of girl. even from kittenhood, she'd never been too good at fitting in with her peers, and her disconnected upbringing leading up to her father's shameful exile only served to set her further down an isolated path. she has become less "shy", as she seemed in her younger youth, and more obviously withdrawn; less fumbly and awkward, and more pointedly angry and snippy. her inability — or maybe even outright refusal — to make peace with anything threatens to draw her down a troubled path, and continued resentment still simmers under her icy surface. despite her insecurity, she is rigid: staunch and severe, even with her remaining loved ones (perhaps especially with them), proclaiming that she knows what to do and is right even when, beneath the surface, she's uncertain of everything that she does.

for all these less shortcomings, the hotheaded molly manages to show some admirable traits; she follows orders to the letter, can be relied upon to get a job done, and, above all, is ferociously loyal to her home of windclan, never having so much as had a friendly acquaintanceship with a cat from elsewhere — (though it could be said this is more due to the acid in her personality than out of any conscious effort on her part). if there is a need, laurelpaw is there to tend to it, for better or for worse.

laurelpaw was named for victory, and yet she has won nothing, so it seems — but what remains to hold back one from climbing great heights when they have already crashed into the ground?

RELATIONSHIPS & INTERACTIONS | snakehiss x berrysnap
— gen 2
— littermate of rowanheart, wasppaw, viperpaw, (privetfrost)
— starts fights and will try to finish them
— speech in #C35502, thoughts in italics; attack using underline
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