sensitive topics to freeze or thaw [orphaned kit]

CW — corpses, talk of death

The wind has howled through the past day and night, obscuring the landscape with snow. A powerful blizzard has swept through, and though the shrieking of wind had echoed through the night, it has now quieted to… nothing. The land is still. The land is silent. The lifelessness of winter, the seasonal death that follows ice and snow and wind, cuts through the territory. Though the sun now bears down upon the landscape, it is not enough to break through the frigid air, or to melt the snow. Nothing is enough to warm the land on this day.

Somewhere in the territory, tucked partially below a splintered and hollowed log, a stiff body rests. There is no blood spilled, and its ivory fur is just as pristine as the snow surrounding it. Beside it are curled three smaller bodies, pressed tightly into their mother’s frozen belly. The picture of a loving family, close together across life and into death.

But not all of them. Though its mewls grow weaker with each passing moment, one of the kits still breathes. Its tiny paws attempt to knead at the unforgiving surface of packed-down snow, but its motions slow over time. It knows of nothing that happens around it, only of the warmth that its mother once provided, and that is now being gradually leeched away even as the weather begins to calm. It mews once more, cries high pitched and crackling, as its tiny white form huddles ever closer to the only source of warmth—its mother, who has left them. Its mother, who cannot protect them.

-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- CW: mentions of death, blood The blizzard had kept the moorland cats huddled inside the barn. To some, it was warm and welcoming inside, and the bad weather gave way to moments of bonding and storytelling. To Slatetooth, his paws itched for movement, and he frequently found himself pacing the secluded corners of the structure. Stagnancy was not an ideal option for him, and this desire was only heightened in recent times.

Cottonfang had returned recently, speaking of her escape - and the possibility, no, the assurance that Sootstar and her dogs would be soon after. With that knowledge, Slatetooth wouldn't stray too far from the barn.. but he needed fresh air. Soft pink paw pads pressed into the layers of freshly fallen snow, green eyes traveling across dune-like shapes blown about by the harsh winds of the previous night. The sun danced along the blanket of snow, sparkling and untouched. He wondered how soon this serene landscape would be corrupted with blood. Pushing the thought away to all but a reminder to keep low, the tom-cat began his walk. His black pelt stood out sorely against the snow, but similarly for any WindClanners - he'd see them coming, hear the crunch of snow, and would be the first to sound alarm. That was his plan, should things go awry - he hoped to StarClan it wouldn't. Pity I can't enjoy a simple walk anymore.

There are paw prints in the snow from rabbits, and prints he doesn't recognize from other creatures, but there is no prey in sight as his trek continues. The sun had shifted overhead, signifying the length of his walk, but his search for food had been thus far, fruitless. Slatetooth clicks his tongue, swipes it over his maw, and considers returning home to make it in time for patrols, when his ears catch a faint sound carried through the still air. It rings out once, shrill and desperate albeit muffled - growing weaker with each call. Slatetooth's ears swivel, and his eyes dart across the landscape until they slow upon a buried log. Hesitantly, he begins his way over.

The closer he gets, the more apparent the noises become, and the quicker his pace becomes. Without a second thought, the black-furred tom locates the ends of the log and begins to dig - he feels like vomiting as the desperate cries underneath become shrill and frantic at the sound of his digging. Through his disbelief, he had recognized the pleas from several tail-lengths away, sending his heart to his throat. Somehow, there was a live kitten trapped in this log, stranded by the blizzard - perhaps kept warm by the layers of snow that shielded them from the wind.

After what feels like several minutes, with his heart pounding in his ears and his quickened breath sending puffs of fog into the air, he finally feels his paw abruptly push into the log - with that, he pulls out a larger clump of snow, and the entrance is revealed, streaming blinding rays of light into the once-dim shelter. The scent of death hits his nose immediately, causing a brief recoil. At first, he wonders if he's too late, but after a moment of deafening silence, the cries begin again. He dips his head into the log, large enough for a cat to squeeze into, and holds his breath as he scans the scene. His heart catches at what lays before him - a mother, still and lifeless, accompanied by three kits, only one of which that breathes life into the world.

Mindlessly, he reaches in and grabs the crying kit by the scruff. Forgive me. You will be cold,, and with that, he abandons the log and leaps into the footprints he had made in the snow. Burials for the child's family will have to wait - this kit will freeze if he isn't swift enough in his return. Despite his heart pleading with him to call for help, he bares in mind the warning that Cottonfang passed. He would not risk bringing attention to himself, not this close to WindClan's border, not when there may be countless search parties out for the traitors. Quietly, all except the ragged breathing and the crunch underneath as he begins to jog, his mind swarms with memories long buried, of moons past - he remembers his own mother, lifeless and coated in her own blood, remembers the swing of his younger self and his brother Gravelsnap in his father's jaws as they were brought to WindClan, two child soldiers. If WindClan would not allow this kitten to freeze alone, he hoped that the rebels would provide a better life than Sootstar's dogs provided for him.

It is all he can do to hope, Please, StarClan, let this child live.

  • ooc // slatetooth is returning to the barn with the kit, please feel free to come across him!
  • slate.png
  • SLATETOOTH he/him, moor-runner of windclan, 17 moons.
    a reclusive short-haired black tom with low white and green eyes.
    mate to no one. son of lynxtooth x adelaide. brother to gravelsnap and ashpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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It had been quite some time since Rattleheart had experienced a proper blizzard, her last memories of such an occasion fuzzy and unfocused thanks to how long ago it had been. There had been plenty of times before when snow had greeted her and Windclan in force, but not usually so viciously as this. She had taken the opportunity to stay indoors, enjoying the shelter that the somewhat rickety twoleg barn provided. Even though it was only a temporary escape, she did have to admit that it was preferable to being out on the moors in this particular moment - where the snow would be crushing down upon them without any limits. Just the thought was enough to make a shiver run down her spine, even as she laid comfortably in her makeshift nest, chin tucked down casually on her paws.

She was only roused when the scent of blood and death on the air reached her, weak and distant but still nevertheless there. Along with shrill, high-pitched cries that made her entire body tense. Initially Rattleheart had been worried about some kind of attack from Sootstar and her loyalists, but that... that didn't line up with what she had had in mind. Instead the cries sounded desperate and young, so much so that her heart was aching even before she went stumbling out into the cold to see what was going on. Her eyes were wide and slightly frantic as they darted around, before eventually landing on the darkened shape of Slatetooth against the snow. Not just Slatetooth, but the tiny white bundle that he held carefully clutched in his jaws. "Slatetooth! Oh, Starclan..." She nearly slid right to the ground in her effort to make it over to him, shaking snow from her fur and scanning over the little one that he carried with him. At least it didn't seem to be hurt, even as the scent of death clung to it.

As she turned back towards the barn, she tried her best to shove aside the still falling snow in an effort to lead both Slatetooth and the child back to the warmth and safety that it provided. "Come on, let's get inside. We can... we'll figure something out." She prayed that she sounded more sure than she felt, not letting up until her paws once again hit the wet, wooden flooring of the barn. Once they did, she called out with as much strength as she could muster. "Wolfsong! Scorchstreak! We have... Slatetooth found a kit! We need someone who can feed it. Oh Starclan, do we even have herbs for that?" For the first time ever she felt a dull little ache in her chest, a pinch of remorse over the fact that she had never had kits of her own before, and couldn't help the little one like she so desperately wanted to. It was a new feeling, and one that made her head spin even worse.

tw: death-

Milkthorn lifted his head almost immediately from his short spanned slumber- already interrupted by short flickers of images of bloody corpses, claws engraving into flesh and yowls of pain and betrayal. His sister- oh how he sometimes wished she would have not followed their parents footsteps.

The rosetted tom pulled his body from the wooden ground, and push forward towards rattleheart and slatetooth. blue optics were trained on the feigning cry from the alabaster kitten. it had been quite a while, but one thing from the youthful warriors punishment he would remember was watching spiderbloom care for her children.

"the child needs groomed," he started, softly. "that will help warm it up..." he shifted uncomfortably on silvered paws. "would you like me to do anything?"

The kit lets out a weak mewl when it is ripped from the cold, wet environment and dangled in an even colder one. Its scruff is tugged as it is lifted, held in the air with a tight grip. Pale pink eyes drift open for a moment, catching sight of a vast white landscape, but it swims back out of view as they are jerked harshly and their body sways in their captor’s jaws. The swaying does not stop, though, and a crunching noise meets their ears. It sounds the same as the bones in the mouse that their mother last fed them. It is dreadful, confusing. They squeak and squirm but it is in vain, as whatever has lifted them doesn’t let the kit go. After a few more heartbeats, the kit slips into unawareness, still shivering and shaking with the chill that’s seeped into their thin pelt.

When it returns to awareness, more odd noises draw another weak mewl from the kit. Its eyes flutter, and before it stand a few figures—none of them are its mother, their voices rumbling too deeply to belong to her. There is no flower-petal softness in the tones that speak now, only a spike in volume that makes them flinch. Tiny paws draw up to their chest and closer to their thin body, and the kit tilts its head back. Their muzzle brushes against fur, a pelt that smells nothing like their mother…

And the kit lets out a shrieking, ear-piercing scream. It does not know where it is, who these cats are. The fear-scent has overtaken the death-scent that has sunk into their fur since the cold began to slow their littermates’ movements. It is cold, it is hungry. It wants warmth. It wants its mother.

-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- Finally, someone saw him and approached. Slatetooth offers a curt nod towards Rattleheart, careful not to jerk the kid around any longer, as the older warrior paves the way through the thick snow. He becomes keenly aware of the kitten's squeaks and squirms, but holds tight - despite the guilt that surrounds him, he knew he couldn't leave them to freeze or starve in that log. And yet, as he follows Rattleheart back to the barn, he can't help but wonder: Am I doing the right thing?

The three made it into the barn, a sense of urgency about them when Milkthorn approached. Slatetooth winced at the scream that the kitten produced, and once again he couldn't help but wonder if he had saved them, or done something horrible. He felt the kit tilt its head back to get a look at the dark-furred warrior. Cold, hungry and scared, he couldn't imagine the terror the scrap of white was going through, but he could not find it in him to come up with words of comfort. He remained silent for a moment as he placed Blizzardkit on the wooden ground, and lowered his head to lap at their sodden fur. Milkthorn was right; the kit needed a grooming. He tried his best to ignore the scent of death that coated his tongue.

Finally, he lifted his gaze up to Milkthorn. Would you like me to do anything? Slatetooth shared a glance with Rattleheart for a moment, who had called for Wolfsong and Scorchstreak previously. They needed medical assistance, and advice. He didn't think they'd have taken any queens with him; he didn't know how old this kit was at a glance, if it could eat, if it would even survive. Finally, he turned his green gaze back to Milkthorn. "Fetch Wolfsong. Let Scorchstreak or Sunstride know that we have a kitten here, if they're around. It's urgent that it sees a medicine cat first."

The urgency melts from his expression as he turns back to Rattleheart - his eyes betray the feelings of defeat, insecurity. He acted on an impulse, a decision made in a moments notice upon discovering the kit's deceased family. It was alive, sure, but what if it wasn't enough? What if he wasn't quick enough? What was he supposed to do now, to calm the terrified little thing? Again, he lowered his head, and begins to attempt to groom the cold out of the kit's fur, speaking between laps. "It's mother - she was.. she's with the stars. No sign of blood. I.. couldn't leave them there, to starve, or worse.." He takes in a deep breath, and continues. "I know it wouldn't be right to leave them to die. But they seem.. so terrified now.. Rattleheart, what do we do? What do you need me to do right now?" He hoped that the older warrior would have some wisdom - anything for Slatetooth, who was too panicked to formulate a last minute plan. He didn't know anything about kits, and barely remembered his own mother. He was no good at comfort, either - it wasn't in his nature. Though, it wouldn't hurt him to try..

  • SLATETOOTH he/him, moor-runner of windclan, 17 moons.
    a reclusive short-haired black tom with low white and green eyes.
    mate to no one. son of lynxtooth x adelaide. brother to gravelsnap and ashpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The shrieking wasn't something that Rattleheart had expected, even if she couldn't exactly blame the kit for its response. After all, they had no idea of what was going on around them. No sense they could make of suddenly being torn away from their mother and brought into somewhere unfamiliar, even if that would eventually turn out to be for the best. Still, the fear scent that permeated the air was heartbreaking, and the tunneler wanted to do nothing more than wrap them up against her chest and never let anything touch them again. Instead she just tried to coo soothingly in the little one's direction, her tail coming to wrap loosely around the kit where Slatetooth wasn't already grooming in an effort to warm her up. "Shhhh, it'll be okay. All will be alright, I promise. You're safe now." She knew it was unlikely that they could understand her - at least not in their current state - but hoped all the same that her tone of voice would be enough to soothe the terror overwhelming the poor thing.

She then nodded along with Slatetooth's request of Milkthorn, gaze briefly darting around the barn in an effort to find any of the cats that had already been named. Though Rattleheart was certain Sunstride wouldn't have any issues with them taking in a poor orphaned kitten, she still wanted to make sure their new leader was at least aware of a new mouth around to feed - especially one so tiny and vulnerable. "At least it doesn't look or smell like they're sick at the moment, although Wolfsong would definitely know better. And things could have been much worse if they had already caught something from the freeze out there." She glanced briefly back towards the doors of the barn, a shiver going down her spine as she remembered just how frigid it was. Leafbare could be unforgiving in the best of times, but it was especially awful whenever heavy snow came to blanket the ground, threatening to drown and snuff them all out.

Slatetooth's soft, almost pleading words dragged her back into the present, and she nodded along with what he had to say. It made sense that he had needed to take the child, their mother's body likely losing more and more heat as the minutes dragged on. "That's... that's awful. But at least this one survived. I'm sure their mother is up there with Starclan, grateful that you thought to save her kit like that." It was meant to comfort the younger warrior - present him with some kind of soothing balm over his worries. "I haven't had kits of my own, but... I was around when Scorchstreak had hers. You should... get them into a nest and keep them warm until Wolfsong can look them over. I'm really not sure if they're old enough yet, but I'll grab some prey and we can see if they're eating more than just milk. If not... well. We'll figure it out." Rattleheart hoped desperately that her tone sounded firm, touching her nose one last time to the kit's head before she headed towards their makeshift freshkill pile, digging through it for a piece of prey small enough for their new arrival. Things - hopefully - weren't totally harmless if they weren't weaned yet, but it would certainly be easier for all of them if it was.