camp To get to the center of the tootsie pop ⚙ Owl


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 It's easy for children, nestled safely in the comforting embrace of a well-guarded camp, to forget the dangers the forest has and always will have to offer. Singekit, an impatient 2 moons old hungry for a taste of the unknown doesn't consider for a moment that perhaps the shadows lurking outside his camp's entrance might have fangs just as sharp and hungry for a bite of him, too. He remains happily oblivious even now as he bounces after his leader, Chilledstar, on their way to their den for the night, eager to ask them yet again for an early apprenticeship. It's night, the time for rest when nocturnal cats overworked themselves through the day that they can't bear to stay awake a moment longer even if they were built for the shadows. The later patrols have already shifted out, and warriors and queens are sharing tongues within their dens, gossiping and bonding. It's time to sleep- in the cover of darkness, beneath their well-protected dens, no time is safest.

"Please Chilledstar? I promise you won't regret it!" Singekit mewls, bounding beneath the starlight as they race to catch up to their leader before they can vanish into their den. Skidding to a halt, the flame-and-cream feline wiggles excitedly, a candlelight in the dark, his voice shrill enough to contend with the crickets. "Ill defeat the strongest warriors- ill even hunt the biggest prey! Ill be the best member of your ranks!" at two moons old, there's so much life left to lead, so much to explore! So much to learn. "Please Chilledstar, I can't stand being in camp one minute longer-" and no sooner does he utter his ill-timed wish does the kitten suddenly seem to vanish into thin air.

Owls, notoriously silent, don't often prey on shadowclanners. But in leaf bare, all predators become desperate. And in its nightly search, this owl - unfamiliar with the boundary of a cat-infested camp - only saw the speck of fire glowing without cover or barrier, and made its move. A gust of wind from powerful wings is all that it leaves behind as it beats its way back up towards the stars. Singekit, shocked by the sudden pain lancing through his side, barely utters a squeak as he's dragged and lifted from his paws. One moment he's looking up at Chilledstar, the next he's basically at their eye level. When had he gotten so tall?


    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

  • Wow

if chilledstar was being honest, the current age of apprentices was too young. sent out into the world way too early, at four moons, not giving them nearly enough time to be just kits. it was the current culture, and they could deal with it, but that doesn't make them worry any less. so, singekit wanting to be an apprentice sooner only falls upon unhearing ears, nose twitching as they sigh. they're listening to him, but they're not getting into this with a kit.

"no, singekit. enjoy being a kit for a bit."

their answer is short and not-so-sweet, but they don't calm him. he's still talking. this was why they stayed away from kits. with a groan, they spin to face him, but for the scent of an owl hits them too late. they're stunned but then again, the lack of prey makes predators desperate. with a hiss, they run after the owl, paws drumming against the camp floor.

"foxdung! singekit!"

the leader's claws outstretched and they bundled their muscles before leaping upward, hitting the owl to daze it enough to let it drop lower. they leap again, grabbing singekit in their jaws, and claws swipping at a wing making it's claws release, and cut across the leader's ear. they don't even care. they barely can feel it as they fall back to the ground, hissing angrily from behind singekit's scruff.

"kits, get inside the nursery right now! someone make sure that owl gets out of here!"

it's fleeing and it's unlikely the thing will come back unless it's truly desperate. they'd have to... be more careful. with a heavy huff, they move to go to the medicine cat den, setting singekit down and looking the kit over, nudging and sniffing his wounds.

"are you alright, kit?"

// @Magpiepaw and @STARLINGHEART this is prior to starlingheart's attack ! sorry for the long wait !!


The wind down from a busy day was one of the best rewards. A sense of fulfillment seeing their prey eaten, that there was even prey to eat was a blessing. Lilacfur had dismissed Caterpillarpaw after their last patrol to enjoy the rest of what little daylight was left as long as the rest of the apprentices tasks were complete. Most of her time was spent freeing the mud from the tangles of her fur, making sure nothing had matted and maintained. The molly never took to caring over little details about her appearance, but appearing at least clean was important.

The evening had been rather quiet but of course it could not always last. Singekit was tailing after Chilledstar's shadow with the demands and promises of being a mighty apprentice so early and she scoffed to herself. She wished these kits enjoyed their youth more- too soon would their days be full of strife and challenges left and right.

In a moment of desperation an owl has swept away Singekit's pleas with razor sharp talons. Lilacfur jumped to her paws and the leader reacted quickly enough to save Singekits life, and she rushed forward to make sure the beast does not linger so low to the ground. "Stars, in a camp full of cats, too." She gasped, still partial in disbelief.

"I will let tonights guards know there's an owl lurking around." Singekit was lucky he still had his life! They would have to be more mindful of opportunistic predators this season, perhaps shorten the curfew for their smaller ranks.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

Starlingheart, in her life spent among the pines and the shadows and the marsh, had never seen a predator be so bold. If she was a more foolish cat, she would not be inclined to believe it without first having seen it with her own eyes. But she knew Chilledstar would not lie about such a thing, her own sister would not either so immediately she comes, bundle of herbs clutched tightly in her jaws as she slips from her rocky den and makes a bee line for the kit who had nearly been taken from them. Before she gets there, though, she pauses at her sisters side, a brief moment where she allows their pelts to brush. It is more than she has allowed herself to do in the past, proof that their relationship was finally on the way to mending. She had spent too long angry at her siblings, and she was determined to slowly and surely heal the rift that had opened up between them. The thorn that had prevented the wound from healing now gone.

When finally she reaches Singekits side she gives the frightened kit a sniff, looks him over for wounds. No doubt he had some, and no doubt he was terrified out of his mind. "This will-this will be one hell of a story to tell to your den mates" she says, her tone light as she tries to soothe her young clanmate "Imagine how-how cool everyone will think you are when you t-tell them that you survived your first predator attack, just like-just like a real warrior"

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Night was the time Scalejaw took to her den, resting inbetween the calls for sleep and the demand of staying awake one moment longer, if nothing else to make sure the rest of camp was safely in their dens. Her ears twitched, eyes sliding open to watch Singekit follow after Chilledstar as they headed for their den. Amusement was brief on Scalejaw's face, for she was reminded of a different time with her kits.

Then her hair was standing on end.

The beat of wings was undeniable, but so close? Scalejaw was slower then Chilledstar, pushing to her paws and surging towards the situation. The scent of blood in the air, Singekit's face. Paws beat the ground as she rushed past Lilacfur and Chilledstar, leaping once more into the air with a snap of her teeth towards the owl's leg. Her tail lashed as she landed, a snarl echoing past her. Owls were persistent, when they found scent of their prey, and Scalejaw wanted to drive home in the beast's mind that they were not prey.

She stood back up, orange eyes glowing towards the owl as it hopefully fled. "That was awfully brave of an owl." She stated, nodding towards Lilacfur when she was satisfied enough to turn her back.

[penned by dallas].
Shadekit could occasionally be a nuisance to get back in the nursery, when shadows got long and the sun started its descent behind the pines. By the time that darkness shrouded the marsh, though, they were always huddled up in the den. Leafbare nights had a sting to them that Shadekit did not want to tussle with. Still, sleep did not always come easy, espesically when their denmate's shrill voice was echoing across camp. Singekit was loud, squawking, and not even the thorn bush was soundproof enough to spare them. The dark tabby clambered out of the nest, and scrambled over to the entrance of the nursery, curious about the commotion.

They only witnessed Chilledstar's final leap, a blur of black-and-white motion where they came away with a flame-splashed form in their jaws. Then they barked out orders, and Shadekit didn't have to be told twice- they skittered back, eyes wide. Owl? Feathers, big eyes, sharp talons. They hadn't really seen it, but they could imagine it. Shadekit took a cautious step forward, flattened their body against the brambles that made up the side of the nursery's entrance, and watched as Chilledstar carried Singekit toward the shadow-wreathed medicine cat's den. Adults rushed over, a flurry of raised fur and carefully-controlled voices. No wails of despair, or further shouting, so everything was probably fine. They kept their paws firmly planted in their nursery, but still leaned out. Surely everyone was awake now. "Hey! Is Singekit okay?" They yelled, raising their normally-soft voice in hopes that it would reach the gathered cats... or, really, anyone who could confirm one way or another.​
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While others rush out towards Singekit and Chilledstar to check on the injured kit, Jitterbug instead heads quickly for the nursery. Some kits might listen, but others might try to take it as a chance to cause some trouble. Ey come to stand in front of the entrance, looking inside to make sure that the rest of the kits are still inside, before taking a moment to answer Shadekit's question. "Singekit will be fine," ey tells them firmly. "Chilledstar scared off the owl. It'll know better than to come back." There's a small jerk of eir neck as a tic sneaks through despite em trying to ignore it and hold it off. Ey gives a small shake of eir head and continues. "Starlingheart will make sure to fix him up if he's hurt. She's good at her job."
*+:。.。 It's al done and over within a second, but Singekit's mind is still gripped tightly in those talons, even as he's tumbling to the ground, swinging wildly in Chilledstar's maw. The usually chatty, dramatic child is now deathly silent, aquatic blue eyes now dry as a desert as he stares ahead in complete shock. No, not ahead - up, he watched the owl silently fly into Shadowclan's marsh, a monster that came and went seemingly seen by all except its victim.
A monster...

He'd like to say - and probably would say once he recovered - that he didn't immediately burst into tears because he was the strongest kit ever. But in truth, the world had simply become a cacophony of noises and colors as Singekit sat, limp as a newborn, looking dazedly up at Chilledstar and then the rest. What was that? Is that why kittens were stuck inside forever - because things like that lurked just outside of camp?

Then blue eyes are replaced with a single green one, and Singekit starts to come back into his own body. "A...real warrior?" he sniffled - sniffled? Oh. Warm tears had begun to well up and fall from his eyes. Before he knew it, the tremble of shock was replaced with the quake of muted sobs as the boy hiccups each breath. "y-yeah! I'm s-so bra-ave" he chokes, unconvincing to anyone with ears, including himself, "bu-uh-t not...not yet" he looks pathetically at Chilledstar, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes with a shaky paw, "I do-on't wanna b-be an appren-en-tice yet 'nymo-ore" Not forever, no, but not tonight. Maybe not tomorrow, either. But not forever. He just...needed more time to train. So he didn't have to survive like that again.
Not when he knew this warrior wouldn't have lived without Chilledstar's help.

Pressing his nose into Starlingheart's leg, Singekit wetly whimpered, "'m still a warrior e-even if I ca-an't st-o-op cr-r-ying, ri-ight?" Brushing his wet face against the woman's fur, too tired from the fright to worry about permission or whether she'd think him a loser, Singekit would look at Chilledstar. With wide eyes he'd say, "thank you"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


swallowkit 03 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

Swallowkit should... probably be concerned. She can see it in their clanmates faces - the way their eyes flicker, the way Sin' isn't the only one trembling in their coat. And yet-

As she watches with wide eyes and rapt fascination, the fear doesn't really set in. Doesn't feel real. Singekit could've died - and yet, Swallowkit only beams and bounces over, utterly unphased as she trails after the pair that heads towards the medicine cats den - " Mhm - definitely gonna be a cool warrior, even if you are a crybaby sometimes, " she chirps ever so helpfully - though she does throw the fading shadow one last put-upon glare for good measure. " Yeah - chilledstar really showed that rat-breath what-for - bet it'll think twice before tryna' eat you again Sin, "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'