pafp to go omniscient * climbing.. attempt


Oct 26, 2023

dragging his fluffy, and still chunky behind up the tree is a task and a half. using his front paws to leverage himself, the result is sliding back embarrassingly fast. dolly, unfamiliar with the concept of embarrassment tries again. the same result. he sits back at looks at the tall plentifully branched tree, as if to provide him answers to his tree climbing woes. he carries out his attempt nearby camp - with the concept sound, at the top he wouldn't have to venture the territory by himself, the top of the tree will give him the view he needs.

with the rouge attacks he's gotten swept up in it all, no other option than to go with the clan. as a result, many of his skills still leave something to be desired, although he had rather pathetically thrown his paws he had at least tried, if sadly. he's throwing himself into improvement of his own volition, but well. the results are rather visible. the whole situation is.. jarring to say the least for the former kittypet. it isn't too long ago that he didn't have to worry about where his food came from, and having gentle pats for hours was pretty sweet.

dolly doesn't feel any festering frustration, just a bewilderment as to how he can't seem to put his paws in the right place, how his legs scrabble uselessly against the bark of the tree. the slender thing isn't anything that's exactly ideal for climbing, the surface of it smooth - probably explaining much of his struggle.

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Not a bad try,” comes a good-humored mrrow from behind the plump, befuddled Ragdoll. Blazestar prowls from behind the tree, his blue eyes wide but soft with understanding. The recent kittypet wears features Blazestar has heretofore seen only in his reflection and in the distant, faded memory of the mother who’d kitted him. They share features to the point where they could be blood-kin themselves. Round eyes, tinted blue, soft, thick fur, the same short neck, and the same impossible ineptitude when it comes to scaling trees. The SkyClan leader regards him sympathetically before padding closer.

It took me many moons before I was even adequate at climbing,” he confesses to Dolly. He gestures toward the bark with his muzzle. “But I could show you how I learned, if it helps. Don’t give up. It’s not easy.

The flame point Ragdoll unsheathes his claws, scoring the bark of the tree several mouselengths above his head. With a grunt, Blazestar heaves himself forward, back legs scrabbling for purchase against the ragged surface. “Use… your back legs to lift you,” he puffs, pulling himself up until he is on the lowest-reaching of the branches. “It’s more difficult for bigger cats—but we can use the strength in our legs to help us.” It will be obvious to any passerby that Blazestar is only minutely better than Dolly in the climbing department, and the exertion wears on him—his flanks deflate as he struggles to catch his breath.

, ”
Oh MAN they could remember their very first time going out with Tawnystripe to go learn about climbing... It was the thing that made SkyClan special and Edenpaw had been perhaps, exceedingly confident in their natural talent. Hopping and scrambling up the fences to their yard or neighbor yards made it seem like a cake walk but something about the rigid, unforgiving scrape of bark under tender pink pads did not match that vibe. Nearly scraping up their chin with the effort, it had even proven to catch their own mentor off his stride, having an ungraceful attempt himself...

Edenpaw was pretty certain, even as Blazestar made some headway up the trunk, that his advice was all hooey and didn't matter a lick to the success or failure of the untameable nature of trees. They were truly beyond feline understanding. Frowning slightly, green eyes trailed up the figure of the hay-furred leader towards the lower branches... They wanted to get up there and have a look around too someday. They'd be the best arboreal weapon to grace this forest! Believe that.

Trotting up to Dolly with a flick of their tail, the apprentice offers a nod that reflects a sage understanding of the cryptic advice of Blazestar. If only anyone could understand what the hell he was trying to communicate... (something about where to shift your weight?) "Truly, truly a completely impossible task," they meow, a direct contradiction to the assurance of their leader. "You're better off asking Hazelbeam for some sort of sticky-paw ritual to help you if you want my advice." No one really did want the advice of an inexperienced child but it wouldn't stop them from talking.​

when the ragdoll approaches dolly has to give him a once-over, startled by the similarities of the similarly fluffy leader. dolly blinks slowly at the reassurance. takes a minute to understand what's being said, and offers up a dozy smile. "thanks. i'm trying to like." dolly rests his fluffy paws on the tall tree to explain the issue. something akin to relief washes over him - the way his world keeps twisting and crashing in over his head, it feels weirdly good to know someone understood at least his tree climbing experience. he rocks his head backwards and forwards at the felines explanation. constantly dazed blue eyes watch blazestar scramble up the tree, with a kind of admiration regardless of the effort it clearly takes. "you're good at that." he lies.

wanting to replicate the other ragdoll's attempt he volunteers a: "​
i can do it." front paws first, he tries to scrabble up a similar, low down branch. the bark seems to escape his back paws, crumbling away or slipping from his grasp. its the third try that he starts getting somewhere, gaining some momentum, legs furiously kicking against the bark. dolly strains, getting his paws over the branch before falling back down. "huh." he puffs with the effort, leaning against the trunk to catch his breath. it doesn't seem like it comes to him easy. like most things however, no concern is felt.

it's odd. he's never had to do these things before, but the realization of many things as necessities has him determined to get it right. "oh. i didn't realize climbing was so hard." turning to edenpaw he says it completely seriously. "hazelbeam? maybe i should ask them."

"i think i missed out on chances to do this with the camp being busy." dolly explains slowly, pulling air into his lungs. "i don't know lots. yet." he confesses, the chaos seems to have thrown everything into disarray, and as such he's horrifically out of the loop.