pafp to keep the good times rolling [ MURDER ]


fall into the clarity of undoing
Nov 2, 2022

[cw: // blood, violence, death]

Anew, the overture of a season.

Days both barren and bleak have come to pass. Not so much as a lone snowflake would dare trespass into the territory below, now held back by mellowed temperatures. Temperate rainfalls would soon emerge in the snow's stead, which would soon see life sweep across the landscape once more, which would soon draw the barbaric cats out from their passing dormancy. Colony cats, clan cats, they hound the same destructive goals regardless of their label. Provided that these mongrels remain steadfast in their pursuit of spilling blood upon the land, the sanctity of nature itself will ever continue to be blasphemed.

There is little that can be done to impede the clan cats' sadistic inclinations. They have created social and political hierarchies to justify their hunger for war, to create a faux legitamacy for the battles they fight and the lives they take, all in the name of lands are not their own. To insert themselves into ecosystems, breed, and further ravage the natural order with their spawn is dishonorable. They look to the stars for guidance, spiritual wisdom, and yet fail to notice how blind they truly are. He hates them. He hates every single one of them.

Kuiper's ability to slight them is limited to one course of action: bastardizing the trust they hold in their borders. Scent lines harbour minimal protection against wayward claws and fangs, especially to those who ventured out all on their own. His lonesome, chocolate-furred quarry does not realise this—a fatal mistake made by too many of her stock.

Eclipsed by the shroud of night, he courses upon her at a volatile pace. Piss and dirt hit his nose as he crosses the clan's boundary, and seconds afterwards, his teeth plunge into the she-cat's nape. Momentum brings her onto her side on the wet ground below; he makes use of the leverage and thrashes her to and fro, her neck remained locked in his jaws. His grip would only release when her body waned of its stiffness, permitting him recourse to tear into her back, and her throat.

It's a fleeting affair. Her struggles pale in comparison to some of his younger victims, and for that she is left an oozing, shambled mess.

His exit is swift. He retreats into the dark beyond, leaving only a rustled pathway through the soil and grass in his wake.

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shoelace | 21 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold red
So this is how it ends - not with a bang, but a laugh.

Branchfall has never cared much for rules - even as a child, she'd always been the free spirited sort, the kind of gal who did what she wanted, when she wanted, and nothing nobody said would change her mind. Of course, back in the alleyways such disobedience had gotten her into as much trouble as it had gotten her out of, and so far life in windclan had hardly been much different - though, there certainly were lots more interesting little bugs out in the moorlands than on the city streets.

Moon and stars shining overhead, the girl slips out of camp with single minded determination, not even bothering to tell anyone her whereabouts. Why should she? She's a free-range cat, she thinks, and despite all the fuss of becoming a windclan warrior and the change of name she's still the same cat at heart - still the rambunctious kitten full of wild ideas and manic energy. Still just Shoelace at heart.

Humming to herself as she bounds along, she doesn't have a certain destination in mind - only her task. She wants to find new bug friends to play with, perhaps a moth-friend or a tiny cricket, what with sootstar making her shoo away all her little spider-kits and all, and so that's what she's going to do. Now if only she new where to begin!

Head tips back to take a breath of the fresh night air, the crisp coolness of it tickling her throat, fiery eyes closed as she simply basks in the silence. As much as she's a chatty little thing, she's never had to spend so much time cooped up with others. There's much to many names and faces and personalities in windclan - much more drama and menial work than she'd realized upon her conscription. She misses her homeland dearly but lacks the knowledge nor the methods to return - this is all she has.

Eyes snap open, bright grin returning to her maw in the blink of an eye. So what if this isn't home? A den is a den, food is food as long as its in her belly, and there ain't no overgrown mutts to worry about running from! It's close enough.

Contented as she is by her conemplative musings, she is of course caught completely unawares by the attack. All she sees is his approach in what feels to be a blink of an eye - doesn't even get to stop to think whether he is friend or foe. Teeth and claws tear and rend flesh before she even realizes what has happened - before she can even think to react at all. She can barely put up a struggle - she is not a very strong cat after all, her own strength lie in her cunning and her chaotically quick wit. None of that can help her here, not now.

Limbs flail for but a moment before they begun to feel to heavy, feel to weak. The ground is soaked slick with blood and she knows with certainty that this is it, that she is dying - she can feel it, see it, taste it. Gaze turned upwards to the sky, a rather hysterical cackle gurgles up from her shredded throat and into the otherwise silent air in her final breath.

By the time help arrives it is already to late - her body still, eyes on seeing, and too-sharp smile frozen on her face. There is nothing left of Branchfall save for food for the bugs she loved so much.

Ah - what a wonderous end.

// Wordcount: 600
I absolutely do not expect anyone to match this length btw!

Firefang was aware the borders didn't hold back threats of the wilds but she's naïve enough to believe such occasions as Nettlepaw's maiming were a rarity as elusive as the occasional dog from the horseplace straying to close to the border. She pads the border alone caring not for safety in numbers baring the bravado to believe she is invincible. Perhaps Branchfall had felt the same and paid the price for it with her blood.

The stench of iron isn't a aroma that could stay hidden for long, the winds carry it across the moors whispering of the fatality at the border, Firefang doesn't expect to face death on this cold morning. Her pace would quicken, to reach the grizzly discovery before the morning patrol did. She liked setting out early to try and get first pickings of the moor when hares would least expect it, the early bird got the worm and maybe that's what the murderer brought in from distant lands outside the borders believed. Firefang expects to run into a spat not the scene of a crime, there is no yowling is no sign of shredded fur other then Branchfall's own. There was no fight. Her heart races as she steps towards the she-cats sundered corpse, her fur ruffled by the breeze it's warm hues lit up by the slowly climbing sun. She rushes over to her before she can fully take in the scene, nosing her fur checking for life believeing there was a chance she had yet to start running with Starclan, it's a thin hope she should really know better. There is no warmth and her body gives little resistance to her nudging, ❝Branchfall Get up!❞ she snap to ears that can no longer hear. There is nothing but silence nothing but her own quickened breathing, she continues in vain until her nose touches the warmth of coagulated blood that coated her nape, she wretches back at the sensation of it against her muzzle.

❝Holy shit! What the fuck!❞ She backs clumsily and far to quick almost stumbling her paws treading over her clanmates blood, her throat clenches and a gag coughs up it but she doesn't vomit. She takes in the scene vividly - no she was dead she'd died before Firefang ever arrived. Those glazed eyes still stare up, muscles in her face still forced into a gnarled semblance of a laugh the beginning of rigor mortis does little to make the ghastly sight any less horrific. She's seen the dead before, had watched as Sunsetbreeze's limp body hung heavily off the shoulders of his clanmates but he'd died in a war died with glory at the fangs of a opponent they knew. There is no scent of Skyclan here nor their fish eating neighbors, there is no scent here but of Windclans border mingled with the unfamiliarity of something entirely different, a stench that belonged to no cat she had faced. Her claws dig into the earth and her gaze leaves Branchfall to stare wildly around her; there was no where to hide on the open moors and she knows reasonable whoever had done this was gone long before she arrived.

Her tail lashes, unease prickles the fur on the young warriors hackles. For now she was alone, she favors her odds thinks she could defend herself but she can't say for certain not if she doesn't know her opponent doesn't know the murderer of her clanmate. Just what foxheart had hunted Branchfall like she was nothing more then the common hare, that bite had been the same exact way she'd gone for prey in the past - what cat would give such a pathetic end to another. What did some rogue have to gain? And would they stop with just her. This wouldn't be the first attack = and she doesn't realize it too wasn't even the first. She takes a deep breath looking back at her clanmate who not even a day before had still been sitting in camp alive and well.

She'd let out a loud yowl to summon whoever was within ear shot over. She... Didn't want to be alone out here for any longer...
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The scent of blood is what distracted Azaleapaw from her hunt. It hit her so strong that she couldn't ignore it, so she veered off her path to follow this new scent. She was filled with dread, she hadn't smelled such a strong blood scent before and it was different from the prey she caught.

Weaving through the grass she heard Firefang exclaim, and she almost turned around right then and there. Let her deal with it. Azaleapaw wasn't about to willingly interact with her. But when she yowled for help, she figured..... Ugh. May as well go see what it is.

And boy was she surprised when she did. Emerging through the grass and coming face to face with Branchfall's dead body, she let out a sharp gasp and her blood went cold. She stared in horror at the sight before her, forgetting that Firefang was even there.

She had never seen a dead body before.

"Wh....What happened-" She stuttered. She had just seen Branchfall. Alive and well back at camp.

She looked around. Was the danger still present? She sniffed the nearby grass, but the scent of blood was so strong it was hard to pick anything up.

"We need to.... We should check the area...." She said, hoping Firefang would keep her nasty remarks to herself for a change so they could find the culprit.
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With his paw healing well, Tigerfrost has taken the opportunities to avoid camp, for all the hours that he could. He hunted, he patrolled, and while he did try to take it easy, it was clear that the newly promoted Lead Warrior had no intentions of sitting around any longer. The stars glisten overhead and begin to fade as the early morning crawled to life, but there is more than one nest that is already empty in the clearing, he notes. Another excuse for the long legged brute to escape the hollow. The scents upon his nose are those of Firefang, and perhaps the stale wisp of Branchfall.

Tigerfrost does not suspect trouble, merely boredom or discontent, so he makes his way out of camp without a word, rises the crest and into the cool air of the windswept moors. There are crickets in the grass, insects he has not heard in moons, but now as the air grows pleasant, the smell is of new life and blooming flowers. But as he makes the long trek toward one of the borders, that peace is soon shattered. The scent of petals replaced with blood. The sound of a newly named Warrior's distress slicing through the pleasant air. Tigerfrost wastes no time, throwing himself into a sprint, his eyes akin to blazing fire as teeth bare. Had the exiles returned? Were they truly so bold? He'd tear them to shreds! Leave their corpses for the crows.

But there are no exiles. No, there's Firefang, Azaleapaw, and a body. The darkness disguises the pools of blood, like ink that splattered the grass. And then, a fourth scent, one he does not recognize. The smell of a stranger. Fiery eyes flicker across the scene with wrathful fury. Who had done this? Who had murdered one of their own, right from beneath their noses? Though he cannot recognize the smell, Tigerfrost convinces himself that it was one of the traitors that had fled with Dandelionwish. Snakes that still needed to be disposed of.

"You did not see who did this?" Gruff vocals like thunder, directed toward Firefang and the apprentice. He knows the answer though, they don't need to say it. The rogue-scent is stale by now, the body is stiff and cold. Whoever had done this, it had happened hours ago. Tigerfrost bolts, nose guiding him closer toward the border nearby, following what remained of the scent trail with wrathful eyes. The stranger was gone, and Tigerfrost does not cross the boundary, merely looks back toward Firefang with a grim expression. Patrols would have to be increased, it seemed. Badgermoon and Sootstar would need to be notified.

He turns, treks back to the scene, his expression that of a storm. "They're gone." Tigerfrost advises, referring to the killer. Their scent was stale, but somewhere out there, on the other side of the border, they still lurked. Perhaps they'd return. "But whoever it was, they may come back for more." Spoken coldly, but there is reasoning there. Why would a killer strike once and then never again? No, there had to be a reason for this death. But whatever that was, he does not know. He only knows that Branchfall hunts with StarClan, now. She would need a proper burial.

What a mess.
TAGS Icebreath is always happy to avoid WindClan's borders; they rarely bring anything good. Between dangerous places like the gorge, thunderpath, and horseplace that surround the moors, easy raid access by way of Fourtrees for their many enemy clans, and rogues like Nettlepaw's attacker... no, she has absolutely no desire to stray anywhere near the territory's outskirts. Just the thought makes her nervous, even if she can be with other cats for added protection. It's one of the countless reasons they have such a deep appreciation for their job as a tunneler, which keeps them safely underground and away from threats like these. Well, not that tunneling is necessarily safe — it's quite risky, in fact. But its threats are very familiar, and dealing with them feels like second nature at this point. The unknown is too full of perilous variables to be anything other than repellent.

She thinks about this as she traverses the tunnels, knowing she's getting close to the border. Or, at least she thinks so. It's so easy to second guess herself when she doesn't have Nightmareface to turn to for guidance and quick corrections, and they're hesitant to confirm it with their current companion and admit to their lack of confidence. The thought of giving anyone a reason to question whether she was ready for her early promotion is stressful, to put it lightly.

An anguished yowl wipes her brain clean of these musings, and everything in her body tenses as she recognizes the cry as Firefang's. Immediately they pick up speed, nearly banging their head against the tunnel ceiling in their shock before ducking down again and paying attention for the feeling of fresh, breezy air against her muzzle and any light filtering in. It's not too long before she makes it to an opening, and they squint a bit against the sunlight — but fortunately it's not too bright just yet, thanks to the time. It turns out she was close to the border; a small collection of cats has gathered close by, and beyond them is uncharted territory. Her already low expectations plummet as she slinks over with a pounding heart, solidified by the scent of blood assaulting her nose the closer she draws; her mind whirls as she imagines tragedy after tragedy that she mind find.

Her speculations come to an end when she sees a dark-furred body in the grass at her clanmates' paws; Icebreath gasps at the sight, blue eyes stretching wide and stomach doing a flip. "Branchfall," she realizes after a moment. Her voice is quiet, ragged, hoarse as tears blur her vision. They'd hardly known the molly; Icebreath can't remember the last time they'd had a direct conversation. But the sight is jarring nonetheless — sickening, horrifying. A part of her wants to move closer to Firefang to comfort her; she's never seen the other molly in such a shaken state. And to seek comfort for herself. All Icebreath wants to do is bury their face in her thick fur and hide forever, screw their eyes shut so they don't have to look at this gruesome scene anymore. But shock roots their paws to the ground and leaves their muscles too tense to move; they feel helplessly locked in place.

Seeing Sunsetbreeze's body was different; they'd been far more prepared for that even if it hadn't been entirely expected, fresh out of a losing battle swarming with enemies. This is different. Out of nowhere, gratuitously bloody, on a border not shared with any other clans. Nowhere is safe beyond the moors, and this re-solidifies that in her head. StarClan, she's going to be sick.

'We should check the area,' she hears Azaleapaw suggest. The thought fills her with dread. What if this mysterious killer (or killers) is still lurking, waiting for exactly that so they can pick off more WindClanners? Her heart lurches when Tigerfrost bolts off, admirably fearless as ever. She stays silent and frozen while waiting, owlish eyes darting this way and that to make up for the new feeling of unsafe exposure that mounts in his absence. It's not long before he returns and tells them there's no trace of who did the deed; she's relieved for the sake of their immediate safety, but scared about what this means for the future — which is deeply fueled by Tigerfrost's prediction. "Wh-what do we do?" she asks in a tone dripping with terror. Her throat is so dry and thick that it hurts to get the words out.
Newleaf was supposed to be a softer season. Snow and ice melted and nourished the thawing soil; buds, sprouts, and shoots began to emerge. The wind which sang continually over the rolling moor had a gentler edge to it than in past moons, and the sun's rays were beginning to heat the black patches of his coat. Soon there would be abundant prey, sweet-scented heather and moor grasses, baby birds and warm days: surely, now, was the time for peace and plenty. Badgermoon felt ready for such idyllic times, and he was certain his Clanmates felt the same way. Thus when he caught the scent of a stranger and the unmistakable sweetness of blood, when he heard voices pitched up in fear and frustration, he felt a surge of outrage. Hadn't they been through enough recently? Didn't they deserve to have at least one uneventful moon?

The bicolor tomcat appeared shortly after Icebreath, his yellow eyes hot with an anger which masked grief as he processed the scene. They had lost another good warrior, just like Sunsetbreeze. Except this time, there seemed to be no rhyme or reason for it. Slaughtered on her own land. Badgermoon thought with a deep sigh. StarClan, please welcome her and ease her sorrows. "Icebreath, Firefang, Tigerfrost: scout around and see if you can find any information about who did this, where they might've came from, or where they went. Keep an eye on each other in case someone's still around. This could be a trap; there could be more waiting to ambush us." the deputy's dark tail flicked behind him, a clear sign of his agitation. "Azaleapaw, run back to camp and find Sootstar. Tell her what's happened." he sighed and took a seat next to the chocolate-furred warrior's body, his broad shoulders slumping. "I'll stay here with the bo...I'll stay here with her."
The new scents of fresh rain and budding flora is tainted with the stench of death. Another cat's blood spilled -- another WindClanner's blood spilled, on their own territory -- Weaselclaw shuts his eyes, rage pulsing through his body. Badgermoon beats him to the scene, and he's quick to issue orders to the other cats. Azaleapaw will get Sootstar -- leaving Weaselclaw to stand beside his deputy in grieving solidarity.

"Filthy rogues," he spit. Branchfall had been one, once. And whatever Sootstar's stance on outsiders joining WindClan, Weaselclaw has never agreed. It had cost her a life. It was costing them more. "Maybe he knew her from before." He exhales raggedly. "If I catch that piece of foxdung on our territory again, I'll flay him alive," he curses.

// @sparkpaw. apprentice tag !!

In any other situation the arrival of one of the clans kittypets was always unwanted but now she can find solace that she's not the only one baring witness to this… horror in front of them. She watches Azaleapaw from the corner of her eye though no insults come rolling off her tongue, no the look she passes lacks and malice or playful antagonism. She just watches as her face contorts in shock and listens as her words bleat out. She asks a question there is no answer too, Branchfall was dead slaughtered like a lamb by a wolf who'd left scarcely a paw print behind.

She says nothing just looks back to the corpse and shrugs her shoulders, she wishes she could say something do something but she's unwilling to budge. Her legs feel like they won't let her as if a dreadful spell had been casted over her. She wills her traitorous legs to move as Azaleapaw suggests a form of action. She swallows hard trying to keep her voice level as she responds ❝Right… we should❞ she tries to move but her legs stiffen as her ears prick at the sound of more paws coming.

She knows they're windclanners but some senseless part of her brain prepares for an unseen threat that doesn't come. Tigerfrost arrives and his presence is far more grounding and comforting than Azaleapaw's was, he was formidable regardless of his current injuries and she could rely on him. No rogue nor traitor would strike with them both here, lest they had a death wish. Her pulse is still quick but she feels like she can breathe better. She steps closer to him head dipping respectfully towards the new lead warrior. He asks her what she'd seen and she responds honestly ❝I dunno, She was like this when I found her…❞ she casts another forlorn glance the fallen warriors way. maybe if she'd discovered her a little earlier then she could've been saved, but looking at that wound and the blood soaking the grass around her tells her that no matter how quick any car arrived to the scene nothing could've been done.

The killer had made as quick of a get away as Branchfall's trip to silverpelt - something Tigerfrost notices himself. He speaks out loud the worry that lingered in her mind, they would need to keep their eyes open and ears pricked. The borders weren’t safe, they never were and they wouldn’t be not even when they caught the bloodthirsty viper in the fall grass.

She’s so wrapped up in her head to not notice more clanmates have arrived; one in particular standing out. Shs recognizes their earthy scent more than she recognized her own. She hadn’t wanted Icebreath to see this and she almost deliberates jumping in front of them to block them from seeing what remained of the husk of Branchfall. They’re here now however and regardless of her desire to protect them from this or not they’d be witness to the worst reality of clan life; a death that lacked any glory the remnants of a life ripped away too soon by a enemy who cared little about honor. This wasn’t a scene that’d be a rarity, they’d seen clanmates die already but this was such a intimate look at one of the worst fates that could become of any of them.

Before she can even get a handle on herself she’s padding over to them, head dipping to bump against the side of their cheek gently. To get their attention - to take their tear filled eyes off the scene. Does she do it to comfort them? Or to comfort herself? She doesn’t say a word, just lapses into the warmth of another, her head would rest on top of theirs. She doesn’t budge even when Badgermoon’s authoritative voice booms to take the reins on the horrific situation. He does tell them what to do, Firefang has always done better that way she’s good with orders works better when she doesn’t need to think.

She moves back finally fur still prickled uncomfortably she looks to Icebreath and murmurs ❝Stay close to me❞ it’s a order spoken with a soft almost pleading trill ❝Until the coast is clear❞ she’d begin to pad off only when they’d fall in step with her - to look for a foe long vanished.

// mobile ​
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Didn't have to tell her to go twice- she nodded to Badgermoon and without any hesitation, she bolted off into the grass. The others would be fine- not that she cared. She had no attachment to anyone here right now and if she came back to find them dead too, she would simply feign grief.

She felt different on her way to camp. The threat of a looming danger, a predator out for her blood made her paranoid and scared. An unknown foe lurked on their moors, and with her luck, she would be next.

Her heart was racing as she ran and she held back tears, swallowing hard. She made short work of the dash back to camp, bursting through the entrance.

"Sootstar?" She called out, looking for the leader. "There's been a murder- Branchfall has been killed- Badgermoon sent me to get you....We believe it was a rogue..."

It was the most she had likely ever spoken to Sootstar. She didn't tend to talk to her much, she knew Sootstar didn't like her, so she avoided conversation with her when possible.

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As Badgermoon arrives, he quickly takes control of the scene. Expected, considering their rank as Sootstar's second in command. Tigerfrost pricks his ears and his eyes shift to focus upon the deputy. The task is simple enough, scout around for more information. Like Badgermoon, the dusty hued chimera is quite paranoid as well. The rogue could have circled back into WindClan territory from a different location, or there could have been more than one lurking nearby, waiting for their victims. Though Tigerfrost doesn't recognize the scent, he can't help but wonder if Dandelionwish and the rest of the exiles were responsible for this heinous murder. His eyes shift to Weaselclaw next, still glowing with wrath.

"Or perhaps those vile exiles of ours have returned for blood." He voices his paranoia with a growl, before his vision finds Firefang and Icebreath both. "Let's make sure that none of us get out of view of each other. Clearly, this attacker intends to target lone victims, rather than a group." That on it's own indicated only a single attacker, but they couldn't be too certain without more information. With that, Tigerfrost assumes the lead from Firefang, waving his tail for both her and Icebreath to follow as he makes his way toward the border so that they could investigate the edges of WindClan's territory.

Bluepool has seen plenty of death in her lifetime, plenty of blood and destruction. It brings back memories of harsher times, but that does not make the sight easier to see. She narrows her eyes at the scene, refusing to look away as she comes to stand beside her fellow warriors. She listens to Badgermoon bark out orders but he sounds far away. All she can hear is the pounding of her own heart, rage roaring through her veins. StarClan help if they ever caught whoever had done this, she had such wonderous plans for how she would drag her claws against their flesh, prolonging their death so long that they would beg for it. She looks the her brother in law as he speaks and she's glad to know she is not alone. "What a fox-hearted coward" she nearly spits on the ground with disgust "I dare them to come at us now rather than pick off the weak among us one by one, or better yet I dare them to try this shit with me. I'll show them how sharp my claws are" she almost wishes her words would make them materialize out of the heather but its no use. Still, her eyes move back and forth looking for any signs of them. If she had a tail right now it would be bristling in ill-disguised rage


Sootstar arrives mumbling curses and other expletive words, something she usually found unbefitting of her stature, but a clan-mate was killed for StarClan’s sake! As she was fetched by Azaleapaw a pretty picture of the scene was already painted for her, now she pushes past whatever crowd there is to stand by the befallen. Eyes of ember stare at Branchfall, the look accompanied by a scowl and a few twitches of the eye.

Sootstar says nothing, what more could be said?

”Let us pray they find the bastard who did this.” Then? She begins to exit the scene, paws splashing around in New-leaf murk. ”Bluepool, get more cats the guard the body. I will be back before the setting sun.” She was going to go to the Moonstone to collect the rocks for the burial, but there was something else she needed to do, alone.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 37 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Harrierkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ mentor to Smokepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.