pafp To See Through Your Eyes | Gossip


Just Pretend
Feb 26, 2023
A shadow in the background it has felt like he's been. Going forth with duties, training Sparrowpaw (not to the best of his ability, he feels as if he's failed them), patrolling, sleep, repeat. It even feels as if he hasn't seen his beloved in what was a mere day or so, but it feels as if it's been moons. Silversmoke has been busy and he knows this, even respects it—but he misses him dearly. Luckily, there has been ample faces for him as a distraction; and for them, he's thankful. They've made these long days more bearable.
Another figure of familial ties—a shadow he's been to her greatness ever since kithood. He misses Orangeblossom with a passion. The deputy had been even busier than Silversmoke, with her usual duties in helping the clan run smoothly and then rearing kits on top of that. He misses her dearly, he craves her presence like a bird urging to soar. She was his life for his whole life, now that both of their parents were gone. His cousins—disappeared. Honeysplash, Cloudberrythorn—disappeared. He misses them, but Orangeblossom's new generation of kits has helped to fill that void. He loves them dearly, as fiercely as if they were his own. He remembers being there for the kitting, trying not to panic and nearly passing out. It was all a fond memory to him now, something for him to laugh at now.

The sun rises above the canopy of towering trees, it's heat ever present and near sweltering despite the shelter towering pines made. It did little to help then remain cool and Auburnflame halfway wishes he could submerge himself into the river, but with the news spreading quickly of Yukio's misstep, he does not dare less he seek out a verbal lashing of sharp tongues. With his patrol done, he's built up quite an appetite. Patched paws move forth to the fresh kill pile at a purpose-filled trot, a pleasant smile radiating his mottled features and he picks a sizable magpie. Fat little birds weren't they? The decadent scent of it's flesh makes his mouth instantly water as he searches for a perch to devour his meal—and as if his wish to he granted—he spots Orangeblossom across the clearing by herself. Auburnflame smiles through bi-colored feathers, making a bee line for his cousin with a curled tail that drapes over his back.
Flopping down beside her without much request, he drops the magpie between them with a smile. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Ivory teeth gnash together in a gleeful smile, aiming to touch a blushed nose to her snowy cheek. "How are you fairing, Ora? Everything going well?" He bends and takes no time to rip into the bird that lay among them, chewing thoughtfully before swallowing. A purr rumbles deep at the base of his throat, unable to hide the content within glacial irises. "Got any juicy drama to share? I've been noticing—Blazestar and Bobbie seem to be getting rather comfortable with one another. Wonder why?" He was no fool, anyone with eyes could see what was possibly budding between those two. Just as him and Silversmoke or Orangeblossom with Ashenclaw—something was going on between those two.

Please wait for @orangeblossom

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