TO TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH [ TC batwing x leopardtongue | open ] AND LIVE INSIDE

Jun 7, 2023


  • THEIR STORY: Two cats, beginning friends. Back before the Great Battle, in times of peace- they were close friends, training together, and almost never seen without the other. But when Leopardtongue spoke to Batwing after the Battle, informing him of his family's death in a time of weakness for him, he split ways with her. Given the cold shoulder, Leopardtongue bided her time, patiently waiting for him. Batwing did indeed come 'round, apologizing and making an effort to be her friend again.

    They didn't stay just friends for long.

    Directly before Batwing left for the Journey, they advanced their friendship. He attempted to admit to his feelings at that final Gathering the Journey cats had with their clanmates, but Batwing was unable, being pushed off in interest of getting the mission started. She found out she was pregnant not long after the cats had left upon the journey. Batwing is many miles away, unaware of how Leopardtongue is doing, and Leopardtongue is at home, unaware of how Batwing truly feels. She's pregnant, and soon to be sick with yellowcough. Tensions are high- Will Batwing make it home to see his mate and their kits? Will Leopardtongue survive having the kittens? Time shall tell.

    SLOTS: There is two slots open!
    open, played by x

    open, played by x
    Applications are free-form, but they are not first come first serve. Please include the basics! Name, gender, appearance, etc.
    Applications will close on the 28th.
    The kits will be born on October 31st! Spooky kits.
    The kits will be born, then timeskip to 2 moons old once the birth thread is completed, and age realistically on the last day of every month (be it the 28th or 31st, just the last day of the month.)
    We are looking for at least 5 posts a month.
    If you cannot remain active, please contact myself or Tikki and let us know.
    If you would like to rehome your character, once again, contact us!
    The kits will be born in Thunderclan, and we prefer that they stay in Thunderclan! This rule can be broken far later on for big plots only.
    Please try to stick to the naming list! We are not going to deny names outside the list, though.
    The kits may have illnesses/disabilities! Please research accordingly if you do give them any!
    They will be born with fever coat!
    Please remember that these kits are going to be loved thoroughly!
  • Sire: SH blue smoke (carrying chocolate, non-silver, longhaired)
    Dam: LH chocolate rosette tabby (carrying solid, dilute)

    Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue, blue tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, chocolate smoke, chocolate silver tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, lilac smoke, or lilac silver tabby
    kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    kits will have no white
    kits may have any realistic eye color barring blue
    tabby kits will display the rosette tabby pattern
    Black-based kits will carry chocolate; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; silver kits will carry non-silver; tabby kits will carry solid

    After Leopardtongue: Cougar-, Leopard-, Lynx-, Pounce-, Sweet-, Swift-
    After Thunderclan: Brave-, Briar-, Gorse-, Oak-, Wild-
    After Hailstorm: Flurry-, Hail-, Heart-, Snow-, Storm-
    After Little Wolf: Howl-, Little-, Wolf-
    After his (deceased) family: Cardinal-, Cloud-, Haze-, Night-, Sand-, Song-, Storm-
    Journey Names: Mountain-

    After Batwing: Ash-, Cloud-, Coal-, Feather-, Moon-, Night-, Wing-
    After Thunderclan: Aspen-, Bark-, Deer-, Dove-, Elk-, Hail-, Kestrel-, Lightning-, Lynx-, Oak-, Storm-, Stump-, Stumpy-, Wolf-
    Names she likes: Antler-, Bear-, Bird-, Bloom-, Bounce-, Bubble-, Dragonfly-, Evening-, Flick-, Flicker-, Flickering-, Hoot-, Hope-, Hum-, Humming-, Hummingbird-, Quail-, Roar-, Roaring-, Warble-, Wish-, Wisteria-
    BANNED names: Cicada-, Lake-, Moor-, River-, Soot-, Wind-, any fish names



He / Him
★ PROFILE In the appearance of his coat, Bravekit takes on the appearance near-identical to his mother. Smooth, long fur acts like a cloak over his figure, its texture soft and dense. The fur around Bravekit's cheeks fluff out to curls that wrap around frame his face, growing out into a mighty mane that rests on his neck and shoulders. His tail may be the worst of it, long strands thick as wool weigh it down and often mat seemingly minutes after a thorough groom.

Painted on his pelt are round, dewdrop spots of rosettes that resemble his mothers. They align each side of his spine beside a dark stripe that extends from between his ears, all the way down to the tip of his tail. Warmer-toned fur hugs his sides and around his shoulders, then merges to a paler shade. The lightest of his fur wraps around his muzzle before reaching down his throat and stretches around his legs, before opening up around his belly.

His face is where he takes on a closer resemblance to his father, along with the frame hidden beneath mountains of fur. His muzzle is round and will eventually fatten with the presence of tom cheeks. Eyes wide with child-like awe open to deep hues of blue. Lighter shades round the edges of his iris before diving into murky tones closer to his pupils. They appear to hold a glow of mischief whenever his parents aren't around. His ears remain tall with thick feathery tufts reaching for the clouds. Bravekit will be towering as he reaches his fathers height, only appearing bigger with an eminent coat that will easily become a birds favorite source of nesting.

*NOTE: Bravekit will begin to develop signs of vitiligo after roughly 12 moons old. White flecks will begin on his tail and gradually cover it near entirely, along with most of his back legs and stop once its covered about half of his left foreleg.
*NOTE x2: If accepted, any/all referenced art will reflect the appropriate tabby patterns required for genetics
⤷ A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. link

assiduous / devoted / courageous / righteous / clingy / generous / forgiving / devilish / obsessive / headstrong
As his namesake, Bravekit does well to live valiantly in the face of struggle. Giving up is over-rated and not quite his style, so much so that he tends to put all of his effort and time into any roadblock he meets until it is conquered. Because he is so adamantly independent, Bravekit struggles to ask for, or accept, any help in either his childhood antics and possibly into his struggles during apprenticeship. He has a habit of holding himself to a higher standard where he is strong to compensate in other skills he is weak in. When he does not meet this standard, he tends to self isolate from his own insecurity.

Bravekit has a strong sense of duty to his family, as well as ThunderClan. As a kit, the majority of his first moons of life will be centered around his family first. He will be very defensive of his littermates and take on a more heroic approach both in the face of nursery bullying as well as play. He abides by the self fulfilling prophecy of acting fearless even when he would rather hide behind his mothers legs and beg for her to protect him. However, placing himself at the head of these situations constantly will make him appear much more confrontational than he intends, and may even label him a problematic kit when he can't discern pretend from reality.

Given the harsh reality of Clan life that will inevitably greet him once he starts exploring outside the nursery, Bravekit will quickly attach himself to those he finds safety in. At first this may be his mother, father and littermates, but as he makes further connections to his Clanmates he will start to gravitate toward them the moment he sees them. Depending how this may go, his clinginess may turn into abandonment issues or struggles with boundaries for both himself and others.

Despite whatever conflicts he may come across as he learns about his Clans culture and surviving alongside them, Bravekit is not one to hold grudges. A very simple 'sorry' is enough to have him crumbling and thanking the stars that he doesn't have to pretend to be mad anymore. Truthfully, anger is a difficult emotion for Bravekit to experience at all especially directed towards his Clanmates. With this in mind, should Bravekit ever express his anger it may tend to be explosive, or potentially uncontrollable due to his lack of experience with it.

★ RELATION GEN 2. Leopardtongue xx Batwing
—— ADMIRES tba
SEXUALITY ♡ MONO / POLYAM ; How easily do they fall in love? How easily do they trust? in development
SMELLS OF milk-scent and... sage?
SOUNDS LIKE Voice description

SONG NAME - artist
SONG NAME - playlist tba
This scrolls!
CREATED xx.xx.xxxx AT x MOONS. Ages every date.
—— penned by beatae!
—— speech is Gold

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A particular blend of her parents, Lynxkit wears the pelts of both. Her base coloring is similar to Leopardtongue's—a rich burnt sienna covers her from her small, triangular ears to the tip of her tail. Around her throat and neck, the fur lightens to the pale tawny of a wildcat's coat, as it does around her hindquarters and on the underside of her tail. The outer corners of Lynxkit's eyes have that same silvery webbing, reminiscent of her father's markings. Lynxkit is muscular, favoring her father's body composition, complete with powerful hind legs and a long, whiplike tail she inherits from Leopardtongue. Her eyes are narrow and a deep, fiery amber.

Lynxkit is best described in her earliest moons as a tomboy. Reckless, headstrong, and fierce as any ThunderClan warrior, the chocolate smoke will fling herself into any altercation with a joyous grin on her face. She has no sense of propriety or self-preservation—she sees trouble and she wants to be in on it immediately. Her favorite past-times will be sparring, battle training, and boasting about whatever feats she’s achieved in war. Her laughter can only be described as penetrating and raucous—no doubt a cat could hear her belly-booming chuckles from across camp! There’s nothing ladylike about Lynxkit, and though as she grows older she could certainly be described as beautiful in certain lights as the moon catches the silver in her fur, she will never have any interest in preserving that beauty. No doubt, Lynxkit will be covered in battle scars by the time she’s old enough to retire to the elder’s den.

That being said, most of Lynxkit’s trouble-making is goodnatured and comes from a spirit of adventure. She wants to be the best warrior the forest has ever seen, and fighting is what sets her blood aflame with delight. There’s not a mean bone in Lynxkit’s body! She wants to be pals with everyone, and even after she defeats someone in a spar, she will immediately offer them a helping paw and some tips for next time. If she is defeated in a spar or a battle, her respect for the other cat will increase exponentially. Though her spirit is for ThunderClan only, Lynxkit does not hate the other Clans and rather sees even the shadiest of them as rivals to be conquered in battle.

Through this reckless, friendly aggression, Lynxkit is proud, proud to be a ThunderClanner and proud of her family. Her ego will only grow with each victory she earns over other cats, with each adventure she successfully sees through to the end, and it’s inevitable she will meet her fatal flaw—the point of every heroine’s journey where they must face the darkness within. What is the thing that pushes Lynxkit to be better than others? What’s the source of that simmering confidence—and is there a well of dark insecurity that sits deep and guarded within her soul?

  • voiceclaim is Leone from Akame ga Kill
  • personality would develop further in RP if chosen
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Hazekit is a small black smoke kitten with olive green eyes. He takes after Batwing more than his mother in terms of short coat, long tail, and smokey fur. A mirror of his father but with darker fur, his little shadow, but instead of wing markings like Batwing he has a curved marking that touches his left eye and nose resembling a moon with little freckles underneath both of his eyes. On his chest, a darker star-shaped spot resting where his heart would likely be. The kitten normally wearing a blank stare or very attentive to those around him, observing their next move. A thing that he will learn that he enjoys is people watching and the bustle of busy cats going back and forth within camp rather than playing with other kittens or let alone his littermates.

When he grows further into apprenticeship, he will grow into a rather tall and somewhat lanky feline due to either the dire situation of leaf-fall and leaf-bare or simply forgetting to eat when there's work to do. He'll stand out awkwardly amongst his siblings as if he were some large twig with longer legs that branch out helping him excel in both running and hunting, combat being something that he will struggle with due to being clumsy on fawn-like legs but will gradually get better with time learning that he can use his other abilities to overcome an enemy. Later as he becomes a warrior, he'll round out around his face, legs, and become less of a lanky individual now present with muscles especially after training with his mentor.

At the beginning, its a little obvious that Hazekit stands out from the usual kittens not ever desiring to play with its denmates and more interested in keeping to itself. The little tomkit will still participate in play if someone coaxs it but otherwise Hazekit is more than content in staying by its mothers side and taking in the sights or surroundings around it. Much like a sponge, Hazekit tries to absorb any knowledge or advice given to it and will hold it close to its heart which makes it very impressionable if someone catches its attention, the little kitten is quick to idolize an older cat and oftentimes not the best of role models either. It often comes off as reserved and very blunt maybe even cold though that isn't its true intent, Hazekit simply struggles when it comes to socializing with others and stands in the shadows of either of its parents or a few pawsteps behind its littermates.

Despite how slow it seems to be when approaching others that isn't family, Hazekit is quite intelligent and very observant of its surroundings. Its quick to learn and pick up on things that are done in front of them which makes it rather ideal as an apprentice but again it'll admire its mentor and absorb their beliefs and lessons keeping them close to both heart and mind. Any ambitions or goals that its mentor has becoming its own (can lead to a potential/interesting plot) and will do everything in its ability to achieve it. Hazekit will also be a strong believer of Starclan and will outright snap at anyone if they dare speak ill of those above in the Silverpelt, it strongly believes that Starclan had let it live for a purpose and reason only slightly believing that its starblessed in some sort of way considering that Hazekit was brought forth into a time of disease and despair.

It has and holds more realistic beliefs, oftentimes lacking in more imaginative things that other kittens may partake in. Hazekit remaining silent for a good amount of interactions and possibly a selective mute only ever speaking to those most closest to it (ie: littermates, parents, mentor, etc...). The smokey kitten oftentimes caught more times staring with random expressions (raging from unintentional scowls, frowns, and angry looks, etc... something it doesn't realize that its doing until someone points it out) on its face whenever it sees someone or even family. Its all very unintentional and oftentimes finds itself frowning and immediately apologizing to whoever caught its stare.
  • Alternate names if someone else gets Hazekit; Night, Ash, Coal, Swift, Wish
  • Personality and character would develop further through roleplay if chosen
  • Inspirations/main faceclaim as a child would be Damian Wayne / Robin (both from comics, animated series, & Teen Titans)
  • As an adult, his faceclaim/voiceclaim will change to that of Gomez Addams
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Cougarkit | Cougarpaw | Cougarfang (suffix is subject to change as I get to know the character better!)
name meaning: The prefix not only denotes the main color of her coat, but it is also a means of paying homage to Leopardtongue herself.

Cis Female [afab] | She/Her

Biromantic | Graysexual

Genetics; Long-furred chocolate rosetted tabby with green eyes. | Reference
Taking much of her appearance from her mother, at the very least Cougarkit can say that she has her father's eyes which are a vibrant forest green. Somewhat large in size and stockier in build, much of that size actually comes from the thickness of her pelt that is sure to protect at even the slightest harsh winter breeze. The warm brown undertones of her pelt are only covered by the darker brown rosettes and tabby stripes, which coalesce into completely covering the tip of her tail. In apprenticeship she will come to grow into her large paws and end up being quite the well-muscled she-cat with a sturdy frame, and broad chest. Being named after a big cat will suite her well as she grows up, for she will be a force to be reckoned with physically.
smells of Oak and honey

Valiant | Powerful | Simple-Minded | Humble | Impulsive
Many of these personality traits won't show themselves fully until Cougarkit grows up into an apprentice, and even more so into an adult. But at the very least, her initial eagerness to jump head first into whatever new game the nursery kits come up with will be a good hint for both her valiant, and impulsive side. Shyness will never really be present with the young she-cat as she blunders and shoves her nose wherever her paws take her, for better, or for worse. And maybe for that reason her simple-minded attitude may present itself in the way that she talks about things, just accepting them how they are even if they're inherently lies or half-truths. She doesn't think on things very hard and is more keen to just take things at face value. Her powerful nature will be visible at any point where she has to speak up for another, which she will do so eagerly. Even as a kit her voice will not waver, it holds that tone of someone who is sure of what they're standing for. She has the makings of a fine warrior, so long as she's kept on the right path.

Batwing x Leopardtongue | Gen 02
sibling to: N/A
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