to the moon ⚘ training

An apprentice, how strange. He had honestly never expected to get one here in SkyClan and he'd been alright with the thought but now that he had one he was elated. His own training in WindClan had been cut short by his mentor abandoning the clan and vanishing and shortly after he'd become Honeytwist's student and left behind his warrior training to learn to heal. But it was still WindClan and he'd kept his claws sharp, training with Coldsnap to remain honed in case of emergencies, occasionally going out hunting so he didn't lose his edge; Dandelionwish would be an unorthodox mentor if anything but hopefully his skills would be something he could pass on to Hawkpaw. He'd adapted well to climbing, still not the best but he could make it up a tree without looking like a fool and he called that progress, but he had thrived in hunting in the forest and so he felt it best hunting was where they should start. The ex-shelter cat's story he didn't know, but perhaps they could talk of it somewhat if the apprentice was feeling up to a chat but otherwise he was just happy to be useful to his clan.
Chocolate masked head dipped into the apprentice den, mismatched eyes wide and grin across his maw, "Rise an' shine, Hawkpaw-we're going out!" It wasn't THAT early but he was hopeful that his new apprentice would be fine with a slightly earlier than normal training session to get an idea of where to start.
There was a small part of him that felt his fur prickle at the word 'hawk' each time he had to hear and say it, recalling when hawks nearly took his life in the moors and caused the death of a dear friend; but he'd force himself to say it often enough the sensation would fade. After all, it was a name and one he would one day proudly hear change into a warrior one if he did his job right.
"Ye got any hunting experience?" He'd ask the moment the molly was oriented enough to give him any attention.

Apprentice tag - @HAWKPAW.

"Rise an' shine, Hawkpaw-we're going out!"

The dark tortoiseshell found her light slumber disturbed at the sound of a voice. She raised her head, messy pelt even more dishevelled than normal. She hadn't meant to toss and turn so much, really, but she was still getting used to being in a den. Pale green eyes, still blurred with sleep, fixed themselves on the chocolate cream chimera, who she quickly recognized as Dandelionwish. "Yeah, alright," she murmured, slender body extending into a stretch and shaking out her fur. How early was it, anyway? Obviously not all apprentices has a similar wakeup time; many were still snoozing in their beds, curled tail-over-nose.

Gingerly stepping around each sleeping form on her way towards the entrance, she gave her mentor another brusque response to his next question. "I got some." She wasn't perfect, by any means, but hunting for one's sole survival left little room for error. She definitely wouldn't complain about getting more practice. At least here, if you miss, you don't starve. The multitude of options couldn't hurt her chances either. "That what we're doing?" Arriving by the tom's side, Hawkpaw let her gaze fall onto his. Her eyes were just as piercing as her namesake, boring into his as if daring him to reply.