pafp TO THE MOON / flowers

Jan 14, 2024
Despite the events of quarter-moons past, time slipping past ruthlessly and seemingly dragging SkyClan with it in its cruelty, newleaf continues to grow. The dazzling warmth of the sun sets the forest alight with sunshine and greenery that's so abundant, Ekat finds it hard to believe she'd joined the Clan when the trees were barren and snow suffocated the earth. But even now, the unshadowed heat and rapid-growing grasses seem nearly overwhelming when their Clanmates had also returned to the hollow with the sharp scents of fox and fear on their bloodstained pelts, and a few others had seemingly vanished. Eggshellbloom had returned, thankfully, as Ekat wasn't sure what she'd do if she'd never be able to see the tomcat again, but there were still others. Danger seemed to have sunk its sharp teeth into their flesh ever since the sun's momentary disappearance, and Ekat had been afraid of its clutches for as long as she can remember.

It's why the she-cat feels afraid at the moment, even as she simply stands beneath the canopy of gently-shifting leaves and finds an assortment of flowers at her paws — dotting their way amongst the grass and blooming brightly and colorfully. The world all seems a bit too bright, and a bit too warm, and Ekat might've been inclined to appreciate it if she wasn't trembling at every darting shadow, waiting for the sight of a fox's dark eyes. It never comes, but the midnight-furred she-cat still can't calm her erratic heartbeat. For a brief moment, she pauses to give the flowers a sniff, a mundane sort of action that nearly seems out of place for Ekat. But she's curious about their scent, and the fresh floral one she receives is admittedly pleasant. That is, until her nose begins to itch and the she-cat lets out a sudden, loud sneeze, louder than the quiet Ekat's voice ever is. She looks about sheepishly in the wake of it.

/ Please wait for @Honeysplash to post first!​
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Everything seemed to be putting itself into place. Things were falling into one another like they had always meant to be and it was like a breath of fresh air. Though this nagging feeling crept up their throat at every waking moment like something was shadowing the good and was only waiting to strike. They couldnt quite place it and it made things a little harder to get by. They tried to not dwell on it though and kept going about the days like everything was peachy.

Honeysplash had been wondering across camp in search of something to do with idle paws. They had been finding their time needed to be filled and it was only a matter of time before something found them. Peachpaw had to be around here some where and maybe Chrysaliswing wanted to do something- then she started slightly. They blinked a bit as the young warrior looked around for the source of the noise.

Bless you?” They called out and then their green eyes fixated on something in the depths of the canopy, “Oh hey Ekat! I didnt see you there!” They giggled as they must’ve not been paying full attention to their surroundings- again.

  • 78199381_aoTXrQHcRsrwjrB.png
  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"There are foxes out in the territory, and here you are smelling the roses." Came the glower of Chrysaliswing' voice, inundated with poison and acerbic verse alike, like it spanged in the venom that it got drunk on. Heterochromatic gaze glanced upwards at Honeysplash first as she greeted Ekat, then back to the midnight-pitched molly. The feline who had chosen to keep her outsiders' name was here goofing off with the blossoms, go figure. Though, Chrysalis couldn't help but notice the pops of color that emerged from the gloom, painting themselves and draping themselves along the drab barks and leafage. Flowers had grown abound the pine forest, from the daffodils to the tulips and the cowslips, like they had awoken as soon as the winter's wrath had run dry. Perhaps the warrior could not blame the two for wanting to stop and smell the flowers, so to speak. Still, there was little excuse to be found in a time of crisis like this. Snout wrinkled as he caught upon the ribbons of aromas from the florets, a snort escaping him as virulent pollen clung to his nose, like a plague dogging at the edges of eyes and frays of throat. Before he knew it, he inhaled, and inhaled and - "ACHOO." A loud sneeze boomed through the forest. Chrys wiped at his nose, ears slightly folded in embarrassment.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


Howlfire did not see the harm in stopping to appreciate the flowers. Sometimes it was good to stop and appreciate your surroundings, to stop and take a breath and forget your worries for just a little while. Given everything that was said and done that was easier said than done for Howlfire with a daughter missing and a mate still gone in search of her.

"I doubt a fox would try this close to camp," Howlfire mewed, briefly looking to Chrysaliswing when he chastised Ekat and Honeysplash. She didn't think he was entirely out of line with his warning, however. It was unlikely a fox would attack so close to camp but you could never be certain. After all, her father had once been attacked on their territory. "Perhaps all your sneezing will scare them away?" Howlfire teased, looking between Ekat and Chrysaliswing.
Ekat turns to the first cat that approaches, embarrassed that the older she-cat had been there to witness her loud sneeze — but mildly comforted by the sight of the tabby nonetheless. If there's any Clanmate of theirs that Ekat's sure isn't likely to judge her for taking a sniff of the flowers and ending up with a nose full of pollen, it's the sweet and sunshine-like Honeysplash. Ekat doesn't know her very well, of course, but she's gathered as much from simply observing the other she-cat. She returns Honeysplash's cheerful giggle with a smile of her own, albeit reserved and cautious. "Ah, thank you," Ekat responds with an additional sniff, glancing away sheepishly and meeting the derisive gaze of Chrysaliswing in the process.

The midnight-furred she-cat turns her head away just as quickly, her ears flattening backwards as the tomcat's words sink in. It's not as though Ekat is blissfully ignoring the threat of the foxes while she indulges in flowers — in fact, she's certain there's never been a time where she hasn't been afraid of perils on the horizon, no matter how dire. The danger of the predator that had attacked their Clanmates making its return is a very real one, but Ekat's also afraid of birds that flutter away too suddenly, or twigs that snap beneath pawsteps too loud, and Ekat feels a little ridiculous after startling at those. Perhaps Chrysaliswing's right, though. Maybe Ekat still isn't cautious enough, or afraid enough.

Perhaps she isn't good enough of a warrior for sniffing a flower. She says nothing.

Ekat only returns her gaze to the tomcat when he inhales haltingly, watching in silence as he sniffs and closes his eyes and lets out the loudest sneeze the she-cat has ever heard. Ekat flinches backwards, blinking in surprise, and she nearly would've laughed at the absurdity of it all if the tomcat hadn't sent any mirth she might've had to die. She looks away again, glancing towards Howlfire bashfully. She appreciates the other warrior for refuting Chrysaliswing's statement, although she's sure the she-cat didn't speak up for her sake. Still, Ekat gives her a tight-lipped smile, fleeting but seeming to offer just the slightest bit of gratitude. Her heart squeezes in her chest with the distress the situation gives her, and she focuses on the innocent flowers below rather than any watchful eyes.​

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The cream warrior gave a small start as the ever so pleasant voice of Chrysaliswing sounded from nearby. The thought of the foxes wasnt something they wanted to keep thinking about that was for certain. The mere thoughts and notions enough to send their heart fluttering in their chest and they swallowed thickly, trying to shove the ever vicious pictures of blood and stumbling figures into camp. She gave the tom a pointed look and shook her head, before Howlfire came up to them. The other warrior had mentioned there wouldn’t be any foxes in camp and they were inclined to believe.

Yeah! What if it is your big ol’ sneeze hmm?” Honeysplash countered to the orange and ebony tomcat and lashed her tail with a small puff out of her chest, then filtered into giggles and she shrugged, “Yes there is risk of foxes, but like Howlfire said- it is unlikely they’d get to camp” They nodded a little bit and smiled a bit before turning to Ekat as the black-furred she-cat seemed- uncomfortable.

Honeysplash then moved forward a bit to the flowers and pawed at one with a sheathed paw, “They are quite nice, it shows good signs of what’s to come. Brighter things and what not!” They tried to remain cheerful but it was rather suffocating to do so. Still, they kept their smile even if it didnt quite reach green eyes.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.