pafp TO THE MOON // kitten chaos


Wildpaw prowled slowly across the camp, lured over by movement near the outside of the nursery. Once he got closer he came to realise that it was a beetle. A big one. Now, he wasn't one for insects normally, but seeing as the thing had some nasty looking pincers on it he reckoned that it would be safer to despatch it before it could nip a youngster. The kill was swift and clean, hardly an effort for ThunderClan's strongest apprentice. "Too easy." He huffed to himself as he sat down with his back to the nursery's entrance, his tail flicking to and fro in irritation. A tempting target to the most daring of witnesses.

There were not many kittens in the nursery. Her mother was one of the only nursing queens. There was another cat there, Stormkit had learned eventually it was Little Wolf. She only had her brother to entertain her for the first few moons of her life. She needed new prey. Her parents were the best hunters in the Clan, and she was proud of them. They were important cats! Stormkit was obliged to be just as good.

A pair of bright blue eyes watched Wildpaw stalk the bottle. Her little hind legs thrummed against the ground as she mimicked the older cat's form. Her chest lowered and her rump raised. Pupils dilated in concentration as she watched the to-and-fro twitch of the tail and finally—it was too much.

"Mrow!" Stormkit squealed as she aimed to pounce directly on Wildpaw's tail, claws (unfortunately) half unsheathed.​


"Hrm?" Wildpaw heard the little squeal far too late and he failed to react in time before tiny, needle sharp claws found the sensitive skin of his tail through his fur. The reaction was somewhat delayed, but when it hit it was a big one. Wildpaw's eyes were practically bulging when he screamed loud enough for the entire camp to hear, and he whipped himself around with such force and ferocity that one might be forgiven of thinking that an enemy was raiding the camp in that moment. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU LIL SHIT! THAT'S MY FUCKING TAIL!" He snarled as he aimed to swat Stormkit with a paw, with claws sheathed of course. Though he wouldn't lie, he had been really tempted to extend his claws out.
  • Wow
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Her claws sank halfway into the twitchy thing and Stormkit's purr of accomplishment was cut short by the sudden snarl coming from the apprentice's mouth. She was used to being shouted at for her antics. Pebblepaw did not shout but sometimes they did make sounds that Stormkit interpreted as playful disapproval. But this was quite the reaction indeed. Stormkit's eyes widened, pupils dilating and then she was swatted.

"Hey!" The kit jumped back and then crouched in a clumsy hunting pose. "Get out, ShadowClan cat!" She yelped excitedly, a smile coming back to her face.​


The reaction isn't quite what Wildpaw expected. Most kits mewled for their mothers or cried like the feeble weaklings that they were. But this one... they dared to turn it into a game and smile at him? "Did I hit her too hard?" He quirked up a brow ridge whilst flicking a single ear as an air of bafflement descended over him, but he didn't walk away either.

Slowly a grin tugged at the edges of his maw until he was able to flash all of his teeth at Stormkit in quite the threatening display. "Oh, I ain't just any ShadowClan cat, brat! I'm Wildstar, Lord of ShadowClan! You'll bow to me, foolish Thunderling shit!" Wildpaw announced loudly with a sinister villain laugh, that he was waaaay too good at making, before he aimed to pounce on Stormkit
Falconkit is over there...Stormkit is over there..

Those were the last thoughts that crossed her mind. Slowly her drooping eyelids did not reopen, and a light slumber overcame her. She had just began to relax, when an extremely loud scream echoed throughout the camp. Within a second, the red tabby was on her paws, her eyes raking the camp for her kits. Her fur exploded, standing on end. Were the dogs here? Were they being attacked? She would shred anyone that laid a paw on Stormkit or Falconkit.

She spotted Falconkit in the same spot he was before, and Stormkit was...Wildpaw.


She watched as he swung around and smacked her daughter. Oh no...that wasn't going to fly. Keeping her fur puffed up, she would stalk through the camp towards the tom, but hoping to not make it obvious that she was slowly making her way towards him. Stormkit didn't seem injured, in fact, she simply bounced back and acted like nothing had happened. Regardless, Flamewhisker wouldn't tolerate the outburst. Wildpaw began to...she would assume, play along with her kit...but he was still using quite foul language.

Flamewhisker would attempt to sneak up behind the apprentice as they played, and let out a low, warning hiss. It took all of her composure to not smack him...but she knew she wouldn't keep her claws sheathed if she did. Her tail lashed behind her, more irritated at the thought that even though she wanted to scream, she wouldn't make a scene in front of her children. "Watch your tongue." the queen rumbled, "This is your only warning."

Wildpaw was right. Most kits would cry for their mother. Not Stormkit—no, never! She was brave and strong, just like any good ThunderClan warrior. She was smaller than the normal kitten, but that would never stop her. Her icy eyes widened in defiance, childish glee bubbling in her throat as Wildpaw played into her game.

The little puffball was bouncing back and forth, fluffing up her tail and arching her spine. "I'm Stormstar, defender of ThunderClan! And I will never bow to anyone!" She yowled—before being pounced on and tumbled over. She battered at Wildpaw's chest with clumsy paws.

"Oh—" She purred when she saw her mother. "Look at me, look at me, I'm defending us from invaders!"
Finishing out the remnants of a lousy mouse, Stormchaser had been a bit lazy this morning. He twitches ivory whiskers, his gaze lolling around the camp as he simply observes his surroundings. A familiar puff of torbie fur interests him as Stormkit crouched behind Wildpaw, eyes widened and enamored by the steady flick of his tail. The warrior pursed his lips into a thin line to keep from laughing, knowing what already was about to be the endgame of the scene unfolding before him. Gotta keep your wits about you, Wild. A mischievous grin etched onto an angular maw, his eyes tracing over the young kit as she pounces and digs new razor tipped claws into his tail.
An ensue of events developed then, Wildpaw cursing rather loudly to the young kit and swatting at her harshly. His apricot eyes widened in shock, nervously flitting around him for the familiar blazing pelt of Flamewhisker. Low and behold, there she was. Where there was playful kits romping about in camp, there was a watchful mother close by. A mother that could turn very murderous and cruel when it came to her young. "Welp, he poked the bear~" Stormchaser couldn't help but snicker at it all, watching her stalk towards Wildpaw and a seemingly uninjured Stormkit tusseling about. "Wildpaw! Lay on the ground and act like you're dead! It's the only way she'll leave you alone!" He calls from his perch, a toothy grin edging his tone. He bursts into a cackle, throwing a white paw over his mouth to quiet himself.
✦ ★ ✦


"Watch my tongue, huh?" Wildpaw dared to look back over his shoulder at Flamewhisker with a defiant look. If Blackmoon had still been alive he'd probably be proud of the rebellious youth. A wicked grin filled his maw though as a sly plan sprang to mind. He didn't even seem to mind that tiny paws were battering against him. Slowly he stepped back from the fearless Stormstar before rounding on the kit's mother. "Oh look, Stormstar, it's the dreaded Mad Queen of WindClan, Flamestar! She's here to take over all the clans, unless we stop her bitch-ass!" Oh look, more naughty words he could teach Stormkit, all the while turning one's child against their own parent. What was she gonna do, ruin her kid's fun game?

"Silence, rogue scum! The Mad Queen might have brought her lackies but I shall not roll over and die!" It was pretty clear that Wildpaw was getting a bit too into the game. Though with his target selected he then aimed to spring at Flamewhisker with the intentions of batting at her nose with sheathed claws.
Stormkit jumped up, spurred on by Stormchaser's calls to Wildpaw. "Yes!" That's right—bow down! She could eat his nose faster than a cardinal could take flight. Growing ever the more confident with her surroundings, Stormkit prepared herself for another round when suddenly the apprentice turned to her mother.

The kitten's eyes widened in surprise, her haunches lowering uncertainly for a moment. The foul words were foreign to her, but she had no reason to think they were bad, other than her mother's stern rebuke. Even then, she could not pick out the exact bad words.

"Ah!" Stormkit finally shouted, darting over to huddle among her mother's legs as she looked up at Wildpaw. "Get back! Back! Back!"