TO THE UNITED GAYS OF AMERICA &. meeting [ 7/14/23 ]


it was finally time. there was a lot to address this meeting and chilledstar did not want to waste any time. they had too much to do, and stars it seemed like they didn't have enough time to do it. with a huff, they find themself back upon the highest point within camp. they feel weird being back up here, given the fact that the last time they had been, their camp was invaded and... they closed their eyes before calling out to the clan below them, voice calm and steady, yet loud and filled with authority.

"shadowclan! it is time for another meeting! please, join me beneath the clouds."

they watched for a moment as the clouds moved within the sky, allowing the sun to peak every so often before they just turned back to the clan with a serious look on their face.

"we have been through quite a bit, shadowclan. each one of you standing here have shown a level of courage and bravery that no other clan could even begin to have. starclan showed us yet another challenge and we have overcome because of you all. strongly united, shadowclan will continue to do so. i am proud of you. the bears have left, and with a little luck, they won't be coming back. now its time to rebuild our home."

they figure a little motivation is a good place to start as any. now. onto the next thing.

"we... lost a great apprentice. i'm sure we are all saddened or shocked by the loss of poppypaw. the camp will not be the same without her. but she... she's watching over us now. she will not be forgotten, especially by those closest to her. but not all of the news we have is sad.

starlingheart and forestshade have both given birth to their kits. healthy as can be, flintkit, nettlekit, ghostkit, screechkit, briarkit, and sweetkit. may the stars bless each and every one of you, little ones.

they don't expect the stars to listen, but for the kits sake... they could hope.

"we have... new editions to the clan. wheat and loki. in order to stay within this clan, I must be able to... trust... that you will work for it. emberkit, though you are not a new edition to this clan, it is time for your apprenticeship to begin. do you promise to stay loyal to shadowclan and begin your journey as an apprentice, so that you may climb your way to warriorhood?"

they would wait for any semblance of an answer before continuing.

"good. loki, your name is fit for that of a loner. for this reason, your name will now be tadpolepaw. your mentor is needledrift. i trust that needledrift will be a good mentor to you. learn well. wheat, you will now be known as wheatpaw, mentored by barkbite. I hope you learn to use your ears and less of your tongue. emberkit... you will now be known as emberpaw. your mentor will be ribbitleap. trust in yourself. you will be a great warrior one day. ribbitleap... i know that you are the best cat for this responsibility. do not prove me wrong."

there is but a pause before they continue.

"yarrowpaw. your mentor leafjaw has not be a good fit to you. for one reason or another you simply do not mesh and for this reason, your mentor will now be brackenlight. I hope this one trains you more effectively than the last.

loampaw... please step forward. it is time for your apprenticeship to be over. do you promise to fight for, hunt for, and protect this clan, even if it may cost you your life? do you promise to uphold the code and be an honorable warrior of shadowclan?

they wait once more.

"then from this day forward, you shall be known as loampelt, named for your ability to blend in, as your coat does. you've done well."

it feels like so long since they've been able to make an apprentice a warrior. it was long overdue. but no one else had been ready... no one else that was ready had been alive.

"on one last note, geckoscreech has chosen to step down as a lead warrior. this is not a decision she should be hated for. she will still be around and willing to help in any way she can. and with that, this meeting is dismissed. we've got a lot of work to do, here."

they gestured towards the disheveled camp before making their way to clean up a den, or two.

//if i missed anything, do not be afraid to let me know! I will gladly edit it in !!!

// edit: activity shout outs go to Smogmaw, Starlingheart, Magpiepaw, Sabletuft, Frostbite, Needledrift, Granitepelt, and Honeyjaw ! keep up the good work everyone !!
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The dark warrior, his face shaped by the troubles of his past, would approach under ChilledStar as they called for a meeting. Many new comers, many kits becoming apprentices, and one becoming a warrior.

Shadowclan was plentiful. And there were more kits and more warriors. The losses and hardships they have felt will continue to be felt, but they will persevere.

he did not know his stance on the stars above them. Unsure if their power even guided them, but many said they did. That is how anyone of position was named, supposedly. The allegations were both proven and unproven. If they guided us, why would they wish we were gone? Sending bears to destroy their home?

his eyes would slit in the though, claws would dig in the ground. They were only trying to survive and the stars sent bears after them.

He would join in chorus of names, cheering for the newly named. But, his cheers were sounded of a more blunt nature, sharp yet clear.

And when the meeting was over, he would resume his work.
Meetings were something that Emberkit had paid little heed to, until today. She'd been told by the queens that she needed to be present, groomed, and on her best behaviour. It had slipped her notice why exactly this was, but Emberkit did as she was told and wandered over to the crowd as Chilledstar began to speak. Apprentices and warriors were being made, and the dark tabby leaned forward to listen. The different ceremonies were quite foreign to her, sudden blizzards over the commonplace sand of her life. But she was young and had little precious life to compare this moment to, so as the snow accumulated she quickly grew accustomed.

Then Chilledstar said her name. She was called upon, alongside other kits her age. The ebony leader gazed warmly upon her, eyes of clearest sky-blue reassuring her in an instant that she was meant to be here. They asked her a question, a long question that sounded as though it had been repeated a thousand times before.
"I do," she mewed, every part of her focused on keeping a steady voice. The youth did not fully comprehend the weight of the vow she was taking. All she truly knew was that Chilledstar wanted this for her, and if that was the case then she trusted that this was a good thing. I'm a… a 'pprentice now. Woah.

When Chilledstar mentioned Ribbitleap, Emberkit- Emberpaw, now- tensed just for a moment. Pale green eyes flitted between cats until she found him, then flicked away just as quickly. I don't think he's going to like this very much. Emberpaw might have been young, but she wasn't completely dumb. Ribbitleap was not at all fond of her, for whatever reason. She wasn't exactly sure what a mentor did, but the tabby was pretty sure Chilledstar had just made certain that they would be spending a lot more time together. I hope everything will be okay.
There had been a time when Loampaw would have hesitated when his name was called. He would have reminded Chilledstar, harshly if needed, that he was simply Loam. The day he had been named Loampaw had passed him by as an unnoticed and forgotten blip in his history. Just as ShadowClan had needlessly decided his name was Loamkit, one day they seemingly collectively decided to start calling him Loampaw.

He remembers the day he decided to keep his name far better than any ceremony. A gift is received more than it is given — Loampaw needed time to accept it.

Today is different, Loampaw thinks. He's ready for his name. He has been ready, despite whatever Sabletuft must think. When Loampaw's name is called, he steps forward without pause, his bad paw swinging as if in step. It wouldn't be a ceremony without rules and promises. Loampaw wrinkles his nose at Chilledstar's questions but answers with the expected I-eee-uh do.

Newly declared Loampelt, he cannot help the grin that overtakes him. His apprenticeship is over. Almost by instinct, Loampelt looks out into the crowd cheering his name, seeking Siltcloud's face. He hopes she likes it as much as he does. ​
tags ∘ shadowclan warrior ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 13 moons
siltcloud | 14 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
Siltcloud holds little interest in the usual ceremonies, in the tediousness of the day-to-day business like patrols and other tasks she's ordered about. But today is different - dull green gaze watches, sharp and attentive, waiting. And then it finally happens - loampaw is called forth by chilledstar, given a new name, a new rank. Loampelt. It's not the most creative name, she thinks - a suffix given just a few moons ago, now shared by her brother and her.... friend. The very last she has left in this world. But it is not a bad name. "Loampelt!" she cheers, voice ringing out loud and clear within the camp in a way it has not since the fateful day that had set this frightful new life of hers in motion. She watches him with green eyes that glint with something other, something more and all but preens. He'll make a good warrior for shadowclan.

can we leave it behind? // tw for ableist thoughts against loampelt

Still much work to be done, Sabletuft dragged himself away from the project that had kept him busy that morning to attend the meeting. He remained at the rear, observing his Clanmates between the words of their leader. He feared at the rate which their apprentices were dying would cause a setback for the Clans growth, but he did not voice this fear.

Instead he shared the the moment of quiet as several had come to receive new names. Loki in particular, the odd addition to Ferndance's family. Tadpolepaw was a nice name... he liked it. Hopefully Needledrift would teach him something useful. Then of course Emberkit, who he was sure would be glad to finally leave the nursery to join the others her age.

And at last, the impossible apprentice.

A conflict of thoughts and opinions surrounded the black tom. Sabletuft felt he would never be ready for warriorhood, his priorities too foolish and his brain too rattled by whatever possessed him to randomly collapse and tremble. Though he despised the thought of letting Loampaw graduate as a stain against his own skills, he couldn't be seen with a permanent apprentice. Whatever happened to Loampaw- now Loampelt, after this day would be of his own doing. Sabletuft had warned him, their first training together, he would only be good enough to get himself killed. Each day he survived would be by sheer luck.

The Lead made no further interaction with his now former trainee. Thankful to have his time given back to him for something more useful, he returned to his prior task. — tags
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The tom sits close to the front, unblinking eyes staring up at Chilledstar.

Today is the day. He's to become a warrior today - all his training paying off, turning him into something new. Into an Eeriestep, an Eeriefur, an Eerieblink. After this meeting, he'll be able to walk beside Spectermask as a warrior, rather than his apprentice. He'll be able to move out of the ever-cramped confines of the apprentice den, too.

And, though his mentor hasn't said anything about Eeriepaw's warrior ceremony, he believes today is still the day - that he's old enough to be a warrior, that he's been waiting long enough already.

Chilledstar speaks. And speaks. The leader recounts the past moon's news, and it feels like forever before they get to the warrior ceremonies. Before Loampaw is called to the front, before Loampaw becomes Loampelt. Eeriepaw leans forward, listening for his name as he prepares to rise, to step forward just as Loampelt had.

But his name is never called, and the warrior ceremonies come to a close. Eeriepaw feels his heart sinking as Loampelt's name is chanted, and only Loampelt's.

What went wrong? Hadn't he trained enough? Had... Had Chilledstar forgotten him? Did Spectermask forget to tell them? No, no... That couldn't be.

"Loampelt," he slowly repeats, hurt striking at his otherwise monotonous tone.

Another meeting has brought Ribbitleap to its audience, and yet, the brown tabby doesn't see the need to be here. He isn't sure if he has for a while, really - the monotony of watching kits become apprentices, and apprentices become warriors can only be exciting so many times.

However, it's the first since ShadowClan's return to their camp - the first proper one since bears had interrupted the last and thrown it into chaos. So, being here seems necessary, even if he doesn't feel like being here.

But, maybe he should've stayed in his nest, away from the news that transpires.

He hears Emberkit's name among those becoming apprentices. Ribbitleap hadn't been aware of the kid becoming an apprentice this moon, though, he hasn't really been paying attention enough to the small gray tabby to really know, has he? An unease in her presence, in the idea that Chilledstar's shadow was seen as his sibling, he really wouldn't know that today was the day she would become an apprentice. Yet another milestone that his real sibling wasn't able to have.

And it's his own name that follows after, a mention that makes swamp-green eyes go wide in disbelief. This can't be happening.

He's been a warrior for some time now and had yet to have his first apprentice. Up until now at least, as Emberpaw is assigned to him. Is this a joke? he wants to ask, as Chilledstar insists he's the right warrior to train him. Couldn't Chilledstar train their own shadow?

His first apprentice and it has to be the kid everyone insists is his sibling. It has to be a joke. Did Chilledstar make this decision on their own? Or was Geckoscreech part of the decision-making process. He scans the crowd for his mother during Loampelt's ceremony and finally finds her as the news that she's stepping down breaks. Another piece of information he hasn't been informed about; more news he wishes he missed out on.

"Great," he mumbles, dark brown tail lashing behind him. Just great. What more could happen? What more would change?