wc rebels to your new best friend } pafp

Ever since Blizzardkit had first arrived, Rattleheart had been trying to keep an eye on them. That alone was pretty difficult, considering she had also been trying to help out with battle preparations and hunting as much as possible too, but it wasn't impossible. Just difficult. It was, however, made significantly easier when she could just keep the kit close while she was doing something else - a slightly complicated thing to manage, when kits could get bored so easily. This particular time though, the tunneler had decided to focus her attention fully on Blizzardkit, figuring that they could use a little tour around their temporary home. Even if they would hopefully be accompanying everyone else back to Windclan's proper camp before long, it was good for it to have an overview of where they were now. Especially with Soostar and her loyalists bearing down upon them. The more that Blizzardkit knew, the more they could use for running if things came to a truly worse case scenario.

So Rattleheart had touched her nose lightly to their head, her voice an almost maternal coo as she ushered them along with her tail. "Come along, Blizzardkit. You've been cooped up in that big nest for so long that I think you could use a little bit of a tour." Perhaps one of the barn cats would make a better tour guide than her, but she found herself unwilling to reach out to any of them for help at the moment. She knew that not all of them were exiles or rogues, and not all of them were like or had even associated with Gale, and yet... she wanted to keep Blizzardkit far away from them, just in case. "We won't go too far, though. Wouldn't want your little legs to get tired." Her words were soft and teasing, hiding her true worries over bringing Blizzardkit too far from their little makeshift nest in the barn itself. She wouldn't dare let them get anywhere near potential hunters could see them, let alone near any of the borders that loyalists could be lingering just over the edge of.

Instead she just swept the kit after her with her long tail, moving slowly towards the barn doors so that Blizzardkit would be able to keep up. Rattleheart's legs were much longer than hers, even if she was relatively short and tiny compared to her moor runner clanmates.

// please wait for @BLIZZARDKIT !
The kit does not startle when Rattleheart touches the top of their head; they have grown used to her presence in the short time they have stayed here. Like Slatetooth, the long-legged feline has become a source of comfort—not like their mother, but a decent stand-in, at the very least. The problem with this new living situation that they have found themself in, though, is that the comfort came with a price. Their mother, their siblings… gone. With the stars. This barn is their new home—and these cats are their new family, it seems.

The barn is large and unfamiliar, so when they are gently encouraged to come along with Rattleheart to explore the barn, they nod once. They have felt a bit copper up—lost and confused or not, they are still a kit, and they have the energy to run and play like any other child. "Little bit of a tour," they repeat, pale eyes shifting around. The older cat seems to have an idea of where to start, and pink-hued eyes blink slowly up at her as she begins to walk off. "Wait up," they say, but the older cat seems to be walking slowly enough for them to keep up—is it on purpose? There is a small part of Blizzardkit that protests at the thought of being left behind, and so pale paws pick up their pace, swaying along after Rattleheart.

Wait up. Blizzardkit's soft, simple request caused her to chuckle softly, slowing down even further so that the kit could pad and stumble freely alongside her legs. It didn't take long for them to reach the towering barn doors, Rattleheart's tail raising to signify that they should stop as she sat down and gestured with a paw towards the nearby building. "That, little one, is the twoleg nest. That's where the twolegs who come bring food sometimes seem to make their home. They're not as hostile as some other twolegs I've seen, but it's still important to be careful around them, alright?" She knew it was unlikely that Blizzardkit would truly understand the seriousness of what twolegs could do just yet, but she wanted to warn them anyways. Wanted to make sure they knew that the barn was the safest place for them, and that Windclan wouldn't let anything touch a single strand of fur on its head.

Shifting a little bit more, Rattleheart's paw once again stretched out to gesture - this time towards a spot of blue that was half hidden by the horizon. "There's also a little pond near here, good for cleaning off in. Herbs also grow around it from what I've seen, I think that's where Wolfsong has been getting a lot of his supplies." There was then a pause, her contented expression faltering only slightly before she motioned towards the trees, chest a little tight. "And... beyond those trees is where our clan's territory is. The moors, with our camp and the tunnels and the gorge, and Rabbit's Run. I'd love to show you all of that, but that'll have to wait for a bit later." She desperately hoped that the shake in her voice wasn't obvious, not wanting her homesickness to ruin the rest of the little tour she had prepared for Blizzardkit.
The kit toddles after Rattleheart, shoulders bumping into the older feline’s legs once or twice as they walk along. Everything that the warrior points out is met with a curious, round-eyed gaze, but firstly is the twoleg nest. The word twoleg strikes confusion in the kit, and her pale eyes widen. Birds have two legs, is that what Rattleheart means? Birds also build nests—do birds sometimes feed these cats? Is that where the feathers tucked into some of their straw nests come from, too? "Twoleg nest… what is a twoleg? What do they look like? Why do they bring food?" If she needs to be careful around these twolegs, then it stands to reason that she also needs to know what they look like. And why would a twoleg be living around all these cars? She knows that this group of cats are called WindClan, but do they also have a strange, unbalanced bird in their midst?

The next thing that Rattleheart says makes the kit’s nose wrinkle, lip curling slightly. Why would anyone want to get in the water when it’s so cold, even to wash off? She can clearly remember the wet, frigid snow that clung to her frosted pelt when she’d been plucked up from her little hiding spot. She has never washed off, except for when cats like Slatetooth and Rattleheart have groomed her fur with their tongues. She nods with understanding, though when Rattleheart mentions the clan’s territory, Blizzardkit frowns. She wants to see where WindClan lives—because she knows that the horseplace is not the clan’s real home, but she doesn’t know where their real home is. "When do you show me the moors and camp?" They blink up at the older cat, tail flicking behind them.

It made sense that Blizzardkit would not yet know what a twoleg was, blessedly unbothered by them thus far. A fact that Rattleheart was grateful for, especially after the panic that had gripped her body when one of them had grabbed Redpaw. Things had worked out in the end and he had been fine, but she had felt sheer terror in that moment. Fear that she would lose another part of the family that she had gradually built up. The thought was like a viper squeezing around her heart, choking her until she gave a quick shake of her head. "The twolegs are... well, they look very different from us. They don't really seem to have any fur on them except for on the top of them, and they walk around on two legs all the time, instead of four. And their paws are big and seem excellent at gripping. Good enough to pick a full-grown warrior right up off their paws. That's why you need to be careful." Her tone was far firmer than a moment before, just wanting to make sure that Blizzardkit truly got the message. "As for why they bring food... I'm not quite sure, honestly. The barn cats seem to think it's because they like us taking care of the mice. The food they bring isn't nearly as good as fresh prey, though." That she was certain of, having tried a mouthful of the food that the twolegs had brought out once before deciding without a moment of hesitation that it wasn't for her.

The kit's next question made sense, though it still caused Rattleheart to pause, a frown curling on her muzzle in spite of her best efforts. "That is a good question. And I hope that the answer is very, very soon, little Blizzardkit. The moors and the camp are ours, but right now they're being controlled by an awfully cruel cat. The moment that we drive her out, I'll finally be able to show you it all." She forced the frown off of her face, hiding away the pain that thinking of home caused. After all, none of that was Blizzardkit's fault. They were innocent, wholly unaware of what had driven Windclan from the moors and into the barn. "Once we get back, you'll even be able to have your own nest alongside everyone else. One that doesn't smell so much like hay..." The tunneler glanced towards the nearby stacked piles of hay with a slight huff, remembering how the dust from them alone was enough to throw a cat into a sneezing fit.