today i don't feel like doing anything - drowsy

Sleep had been increasingly difficult for Lilybloom in recent days. Whether it was all the losses RiverClan faced or something else entirely she could not say, but she knew sleep had not been a welcome friend to her. Lilybloom had hoped she at least managed to get some sleep as she didn't feel overly tired, but it seemed it had finally caught up with her.

The hunt had begun well enough, Lilybloom was alert and ready to go, eager to earn her share of fresh-kill to bring to her waiting clanmates, However, as she waited near the riverbank, Lilybloom found her fatigue catching up with her, to the point where she found herself beginning to feel a little drowsy. Or at least it felt like a little. She did not actually realise how sleepy she had become until she heard one of her clanmates yelling at her, and she looked up sharply, a mortified expression forming on her face when she realised she had missed her catch. "Stars, I'm sorry!" Lilybloom was quick to apologise. "I'm not sure what came over me..."
Fatigue has burrowed deep under Iciclefang’s pelt, and she chalks it up to the burden she now carries in her stomach. She recognizes the tilt of Lilybloom’s head, the drowsiness smearing softness across her expression, and suspicion narrows her blue eyes. She watches her sister’s catch flee from freckled paws and pauses beside her as she jerks awake with an apology spilling from her lips. “You… should see Ravensong,” she mutters without feeling. Her sister has a mate she loves, a mate to snuggle into her nest with her—Iciclefang has only a stone, cold and lifeless, taking up space in her nest. She’ll have Lakemoon to bring her the choicest pieces of fresh-kill, to tell her stories about life beyond the nursery.

Iciclefang tries not to let bitterness flood her mouth; it’s as though she’s bitten her tongue and envy has spilled out instead of blood. She prods her sister with a stiff white paw. “Either way, you should go back to camp, though, if you can’t stay on your paws.” She speaks with authority now, the authority of a lead warrior who cannot afford to see the fresh-kill pile thinned anymore. There is exhaustion clouding her own mew, her own crystalline gaze, but her symptoms so far have been more physical than tiredness. “You need a nap, I think. The rest of us will finish up here.” Her smile tightens, brooking no arguments from the tortoiseshell warrior.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Stormywing.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

Quite frankly, Larchtuft couldn't blame anyone for nodding off. It was a beautiful day, true, and hunting was one of his favorite activities, but still! Despite the late leaf-bare sun and the tantalizing play of light on the river, RiverClan's troubles dragged on the mind and heart, stealing rest away like rogues stole honorable warriors' lives. Larchtuft himself could not totally ignore the low, murmuring voice in the back of his mind which continually suggested laying out and napping on a warm rock. Slip into a warm, sleepy place, and forget about the dangers outside of camp, for just a few minutes...

Larchtuft stubbornly kept his focus on their task, leaning into the familiar rhythms of hunting, trying to use the thought of fresh fish to perk himself up. The striped tomcat watched with noncritical eyes as Lilybloom's prey slipped from her grasp, tracking its disappearance into the water before bringing his gaze back to his Clanmate. He frowned sympathetically and nodded in agreement with Iciclefang as the lead warrior instructed her sister to return to camp. He was half-tempted to tell both she-cats that they should go back and rest - their weariness was obvious - but his self-preservation instinct suggested that he not make any remarks about Iciclefang's well-being, nor get anywhere close to trying to tell her what to do.

"No worries." the scruffy warrior said quietly, rather touched that Lilybloom felt the need to apologize to the patrol. "Get some rest."

A smile briefly touched his white muzzle as he added, "I'll try to catch that slippery feller in your stead. That'll show him."
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

"Having trouble sleeping," she asks, craning her neck to get a look at Lilybloom from the opposite side of Iciclefang- they were such unlikely sisters sometimes... And even now in their names they stood as stalwart opposites. Soft versus jagged, gentle versus stern. It almost, almost (from someone who understood sibling rivalry) seemed like the lead warrior was more than just a little annoyed with her litter-mate. She couldn't remember it being a topic of conversation... maybe Iciclefang had decided she didn't like Lakemoon that much after journeying with her? To watch your sibling dote after someone you loathed was a difficult scale to swallow.

The concern here, really, was that if cats weren't resting well, she'd need to adjust their involvement on patrols... sending out half-awake fighters would spell for another ambush, would leave more dead. It wasn't worth risking, when she'd rather they just took a nap to recover their aching joints, their heavy eyelids.

"If there's thorns in your nest, my bet would be on Otterpaw..."

It wasn't a well-kept secret how little she enjoyed that brat's presence in camp.


Iciclefang's words might have a harsh edge to them, but Lilybloom knows her sister well enough to know there are good intentions behind them. "Seeing Ravensong could be a good idea," Lilybloom concedes, looking at her paws momentarily. She is aware of other cats approaching now, Larchtuft and Lichentail, who didn't seem too annoyed all things considered.

"Good luck to you, Larchtuft," Lilybloom mewed, faintly smiling at his offer to catch the fish in her stead. Her green eye then glanced towards deputy. "I am having trouble sleeping but I don't think Otterpaw is to blame." A pause. "At least not that I'm aware of." She and Lakemoon tended to keep their nest in good condition, so she assumed any thorns or any such uncomfortable materials would have been discovered.

Realising she couldn't put things off forever, Lilybloom finally decided to heed her sister's suggestion and return to camp and get some rest. "I hope the rest of the hunting goes well," She mewed, before padding away quickly, sparing herself from any further embarrassment.