today I don't feel like doing anything | warm den

With Howlfire not assigned to any dawn patrols that morning, she had quietly retreated to the shelter of the warrior's den. It was unusual for the chocolate torbie not to be milling around camp doing something to keep her paws busy, but even she was not opposed to the occasional longer rest. Besides, she did feel a bit tired that morning. Although it was cooler than it had been in recent days, it had felt stuffy in the warrior's den last for Howlfire and her sleep had been uncomfortable.

Curling back in her nest, Howlfire let out a contented sigh. With few bodies in the den now it was a lot cooler and more comfortable now. "Days like this, I could just sleep the day away!" Howlfire admitted with a laugh to her nearest denmate.
"Right??? It's so easy to sleep in... Quiet mornings are the best." Grapejuice said from his nest. His nest was terrible. It was soft, yes, but compared to everyone else's it was a disaster. Who taught him to make nests. Nobody, actually. He taught himself. Everyone knows which one is his because of how ugly it looks.

"It's just nice to enjoy the peace and quiet sometimes before getting the day started, you know?" He said. He didn't understand workaholics. Imagine being allergic to relaxing and taking it easy. What a miserable fate. He's glad he knows how to take time for his peace of mind, because if he doesn't, he'll go insane. He'll be enjoying this moment until some party pooper comes along to tell him to get up and be productive.​

Twitchbolt rarely woke up feeling rested; today was of course no different. His spiky fur felt like constrictor-coils attempting to squeeze his skin out from under it; it was hot, too hot. He preferred the whipping blizzards of the colder months instead of this... this magma rain, though it was lessening as the leaves grew redder. It seemed though that his opinion wasn't exactly a popular one- for when, in a flurry of some task that morning, he glanced into the warriors' den to notice Howlfire sprawled comfortably, and Grapejuice echoing her sentiment... oh, about how nice it was to sleep in, to soak in some relaxation... Twitchbolt shuddered in a mirthless giggle. His matted form split the light as he lingered in the doorway.

"I envy you, almost," he murmured, eyes scrunching up a little in thought. "If- if it's as nice as you say, I mean. I've never been able to- to sleep in. Be it dreams or stressors, one or the other spidered its way over to him and tied him into knots, barrelling him out into the dawn. Learned behaviour, he supposed...
penned by pin ✧