camp Today, Today ☆ Morning after the vigil


Slave to self-righteousness
Nov 1, 2023
*+:。.。 //This became a lot longer than I expected I'm so sorry! Only important thing is the very last paragraph <3

Staying up through the night wasn't difficult for the insomniac.

After the meeting, after all the congratulations, after the quiet finally fell upon himself and Bubbleburst, Asphodelrain took his position at the clan's entrance and sat. Tail curled carefully around his paws, he sat. With his chin held high and his ears perked for any potential threats, he sat. With his heart hammering against his chest, excited for what warriorhood would bring him, he sat.

There was nothing much else to do besides sit. Maybe perhaps think.

So he thought.

He thought about the reason behind this new tradition - the fools who'd let wolves ravage their camp. He thought about a similar threat that had come before in Riverclan's land - wave after wave of ferocious loners hungry for honorable clan blood.
He thought about what it meant to have honorable blood. About who did, and who didn't. He shuffled in his seat, then, as he recalled how he treated many of Riverclan's for Ripple colony cats. The burned bridges he wasn't sure how he'd go about fixing. You'd think becoming a fully-fledged adult by name, you'd have all the answers, huh? But he didn't, and he doubted he would tomorrow or the day after that.

Panic pulled at the edges of his heart then. The idea of not being liked - not being respected - made his mouth dry. Of course, he wanted to earn that respect but...he hadn't realized how much easier it was to lose it. He sighed, then quickly snapped his jaws shut, wondering if that little noise broke the tradition. Glancing nervously at Bubbleburst, he wondered if she'd tell. Instead, the panic in him eased slightly as he simply watched his vigil companion. Her tabby fur practically glowed beneath the moon's light, swirling and twisting like the river's playful current. He wonders how an outgoing cat like her manages to stay so still. If she was bored. What she was currently thinking about.

Suddenly, he wondered if they were friends.
Quickly, he snaps his eyes away, ear tips growing red at the thought. Ear tips growing cold as he knew, clearly, the answer.

He'd thought this night would be different. Although he hadn't gone through his apprenticeship with the expectation to make loads of friends, he at least thought he'd have made some. Instead, he found himself sitting in calm quiet beside a girl he'd practically grown up with and...couldn't say he knew anything about. He wondered if Claythorn and Otterbite had enjoyed their vigil together. He wondered if Wavepaw and Valepaw would enjoy theirs.

He wondered...what had he done wrong?

Lifting his gaze towards the moon, he feels his teeth grit a little harder together. It felt so unbelievably silly to let his thoughts wander this way, but he had plenty of time, didn't he? To think through this night, and to fix his mistakes for however long it took in the morning. Things would work out, so long as he follows Lichenstar's lead and keeps an eye on his opinions things...things would get better.

But right now? Right now, they weren't.
Right now, beneath the brightly glowing moon, he just felt small.

He had failed to fix his fear of swimming. Failed to earn his name early. He failed at earning respect and making a name for himself that wasn't muddied by his foolish mistakes and...he failed to make friends. His eyes widen, a horrible pain lancing through his chest when he notices heavy rain clouds beginning to obscure the moon. He watches, bit by bit, as his glowing companion is hidden from view, swallowing up its gentle light until he's left in stormy grey darkness. In the corner of his eye, he briefly looks for Bubbleburst, before dropping the attempt.
Ear tips burning, he childishly thinks then about how...lonely he is.
No friends, no siblings, not even a mentor, and...

A freezing vice digs deep into his stomach, forcing a painful lump to slam into his throat.

Mom and Dad aren't coming home.

He squeezes his eyes shut as hard as he can, knowing for sure that if he lets out the noise pounding against the inside of his teeth he'll surely break the tradition.
It hits him then, finally, childishly, that they're not coming back. He'd thought, in some wordless, dreamy way, that they would before he reached his dozenth moon. That they'd be the loudest to shout his new name. More than getting his warrior name early, he wanted his mom to kiss him on the forehead. More than being the most respected cat in Riverclan, he wanted his dad to tell him he was proud of him. More than making friends, he wanted his parents to hug him one more time. More than anything, he wanted to them.

The young warrior startles out of his thoughts when a droplet smacks against his cheek. I can't be the first idiot to cry during their vigil! he thinks in dismay, but looking up, he finds instead that the clouds have begun to give way. A gentle rain falls upon Riverclan's camp, then. Thin droplets thicken the air but feel more like a spray than a shower. A drizzle, soft but still dancing. He wonders, then, what inspired Lichenstar to name him -Rain. He wonders if she's still mad at him. If any chance for him to earn her respect is truly as lost as he thinks it is.

Flicking his ears, Asphodelpaw squints through the soft shower, letting the water cool his uncomfortably hot cheeks. Maybe, it could even ease the pesky lump in his throat? Without further thought, Asphodelpaw cranes back his neck and opens his mouth, sticking out his tongue to catch the minuscule droplets as they fall.
Behind the storm, the sun would begin to rise. Unbeknownst to the tom, he'd run out of time to think - but that was okay. He'd over-thought anyway. So instead, the new warrior enjoyed the taste of rain as a new morning was born.

Asphodelrain, new warrior of Riverclan, would be found in the morning proudly guarding his camp entrance with his tongue out!

  • //also have any of you guys ever experienced like, a rain drizzle that's like, a misting? Like, it's a thick downpour but the rain is so light and airy that you see it more than you feel it? It's one of the best rains man 10/10

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
ALL THIS EFFORT 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 ————————————

Pikefoot awakes to the cool damp morning with a yawn. She stretches out her legs in her moss nest, rolling onto her back and surveying her fellow warriors, many of which were just waking, too. She smiled. She quite liked this new tradition of fresh warriors taking a silent vigil. Especially after such a tragedy from which it was born, these cats wouldn't let a mouse past them into camp. She could sleep soundly knowing she is safe. She stretches again, claws nearly scraping the reeds of the warriors den, before heading out into the clearing despite the misting rain. She flicks her ears against the tiny drops and tries to fight a scowl from the wet when she spies one of the new warriors in his place, seeming to enjoy the weather far more than her. Pikefoot strides across the clearing towards him, head held low as her fur dampens along the trek.

"Good morning, new warrior." the spotted tabby shecat hums. An amused look crosses her face as she looks at his choice of enjoyment in the rain, tongue hanging and maw to the sky. "Lovely weather we're having." This time she doesn't try to hide the annoyance, if partly good natured, from her words as she raises her amber gaze to the sky squinting, only to lower it again with a shake. She didn't mind the wet really, but first thing in the morning was not the most pleasant experience. Though she supposes, maybe it meant starclan likes the name chosen for him.

[penned by user - ]
———————————— 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 TO MAKE IF LOOK EFFORTLESS

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Otterbite's vigil was joined with Claythorn's company. Their night was full of clear skies with hardly even a cloud in sight. The night full of cricketsong and the gentle lap of the tide against the islands shore. It was peaceful, it was serene, and somehow a storm hadn't clustered despite the electric tension between him and his fellow warrior.

Asphodelrain also had a companion of his own- Bubbleburst. The little airheaded molly that could mistake bared teeth for a smile.

"Your back legs feel stuck to the sand? That was the worst part for me." The chimera made a show of stretching out each individual limb just from recalling the sore stiffness from that night. He would rather patrol an entire day straight then stare into the night sky and try not to fall asleep from the boredom.

  • OTTERBITE he/him, warrior of riverclan, thirteen moons.
    scruffy blue/black chimera with a white tail-tip and green eyes. noticeable kinked whiskers
    adopted son to pikesplash // former apprentice to coyotecreek
    peaceful and healing powerplay requires permission / / underline and tag when attacking or making an action toward
    see battle info here
    penned by beataegonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

"You did it," he says dumbly, observing from where others have gathered (and where he has tested his luck with trying to fetch his own breakfast). His name suited him, even if Valepaw wouldn't dare to say it out loud... and it seemed StarClan agreed in the form of misty skies that lazily greet the new warriors (Bubbleburst is not forgotten in this celebration). If the fickle fate-weavers held any love for the chimera, he too would join them amongst the ranks of 'graduated' in a few months time... but until then, the unfortunate delay of his healing came up as a significant hurdle.

Otterbite shares his sympathies for what had proven the hardest part of sitting vigil but the princely tom thinks that may be the whole point. A test of wills... a final proof that they would endure in the face of discomfort, in the face of danger... that protection of the clan in its weakest moment was their priority even as their own eyelids weighed heavy.

He doesn't offer a tooth grin, if only because it doesn't feel like he has earned the right to creep closer into Asphodelrain's moment when their relationship remains strained. He can thank the older cat for saving his miserable hide in the throes of winter but... that did not mend everything. He isn't so far gone not to recognize that. "Taste good?" Though he means the taste of victory, maybe the taste of a new, fresh rain can apply too.​