By now, the hollow is filled with the voices of tens of cats from all five clans, sharing stories and pleasantries with each other while the leaders chat among themselves. Howlingstar can't help but glance down to spot where her clanmates might be. Are they sticking together, or branching out and making friends? A large part of peace is diplomacy, after all. Finally, the full moon reaches its peak and the clearing is bathed in silver light, signalling it's time for the chatter to die down. Howlingstar takes the initiative this time to step forward and call out, "Let the Gathering begin!"

She waits a moment for the voices to soften and for the many eyes to train upon her as she stands at the edge of the Great Rock. With pride, she bellows, "ThunderClan is doing well, all things considered. We have named three new warriors this moon: Wildheart, Shiningsun, and Mothsqueak, who are all with us tonight. A kit has moved from the nursery into the apprentice's den this moon, as well: Dovepaw, apprenticed to Stumpybounce. Lastly, newleaf has blessed us with kits! One of our lead warriors, Sunfreckle, is expecting a litter and we couldn't be more excited. We have also taken in a lost kit found within our territory that smelled of loner-scent. He has been named Marigoldkit, and he is being cared for by Wrenflutter, our nursery's only current queen." She doesn't bother to mention the incident with Sunnyday, nor the apprentice reassignments. The other clans do not need to know about such failings; they would only make ThunderClan look weak and so she opts to remain silent on them. However, there is one thing she knows she must warn the other clans about. "A fox has been found on ThunderClan territory. We were able to chase it out, but all clans should be aware of one in the area." With that, she dips her head and steps back to take her place beside Blazestar. "That's all from ThunderClan."


Sootstar sits on the rock, her tail elegantly tucked at her paws and her back straightened with ears perked attentatively. She waits curiously for Howlingstar to mention Sunning Rock’s, RiverClan and ThunderClan’s new argument. The last update the clans had gotten was the older she-cat declaring ThunderClan was now hers, with a promise from Cicadastar that it would not remain that way for long. She’s shocked when the leader says nothing and cannot help but grow anxious that it’s due to ThunderClan’s loss of the rocks… Has RiverClan regained their strength? If so, how long would it be until they came for WindClan?

Her worries do not show as she stands to give WindClan’s news.

”WindClan is thankful for the moon of peace StarClan has bestowed upon us. Our bellies are full and the only thing Vulturemask’s den is crowded with is herbs.” As far as she is aware, this is true, WindClan was doing marvelously. The past moon was the quietest she may ever witnessed on the moorland. ”I have named two new lead warriors, Bluepool and Scorchstreak. Scorchstreak could not join us this gathering as she is expecting a litter of kits. Aside from that, we’ve had no litters born, but we welcome Thriftkit into WindClan. He was found abandoned with the scent of milk stale, whoever his birth mother was, we believe she intentionally left him behind. We’ll raise him like one of our own. ” WindClan cats in the crowd would chant the names of the promoted cats and the new Thriftkit, perhaps some others would join in, but knowing WindClan’s infamous reputation she doubts it. ”That is all from WindClan.” Sootstar sits back down.

Nothingness it was. Smokethroat can not help but find his gaze sweeping across the stones where the scorch mark from moons before still lingered if only faintly from the rains that had come in newleaf. Howlingstar says nothing of their continued contesting of the rocks and Sootstar for once has no bloody conquests to crow about, perhaps the bolt had humbled her-he can not help but be amused at the thought but his expression draws into a thin line as he examines the rest of the leader and deputy crowd. SkyClan's deputy is absent, the black and white lead warrior he had met prior takes her place for the time being and RiverClan's remains empty though it is hardly a change of pace for them; until much later in her term Buckgait had never even bothered to show up to the gatherings so it was nothing new. His tail lashes in thought, the news thus far is mostly nonsensical clan news he cares nothing for and his attention wanders immediately. New warriors, new apprentices, new litters in the nursery; the last one gives him pause again, remembering that RiverClan had only had the one litter and a gnawing anxiety creeps upward into his paws as he shuffles in place. They would, at least, be naming warriors this gathering and his lone gaze searches for his ex-apprentice in the crowd before he remembers she will sadly not be here to hear it because of those blasted two-legs; still he hopes WindClan hears it and trembles, he hopes Weaselclaw remembers the face of the tortie who stole his rabbit right from under his fool nose. Its all that kept him present, he was never much one to brag but this was worthy of his full time and attention.
For the second time he thinks of the litter in the nursery and realizes it is because he misses having an apprentice dutifully at his side. The very idea of mentoring one of the disgraced ex-deputy's children is appalling to him but if he could just get over that he could remember their father was what a proper RiverClanner ought to be and they were worth the time. Maybe he would poke his nose in and see them again soon...see if any of the little furballs stuck out to him at all.
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chilledstar gently tucked their tail beside them. their gaze washes over their clan for a moment, before they just turn their gaze back to their paws. they're listening, and every word that comes from their fellow leaders finds its way into their brain. safe for later. they only move their gaze when it is finally their turn. they haven't much to say. they didn't even wanna come to this damned gathering in the first place. yet they are here, not wanting to piss the stars off more than other clans seemed to. they couldn't take any more bad luck. they just couldn't.

"shadowclan has been doing fine. we invite new life, new kits and new warriors. granitepelt, goosechase, and siltcloud. they are excellent warriors and will continue to be for many moons to come. halfshade has given birth to four healthy kittens. valeriankit, garlickit, swankit, and applekit. her and smogmaw make wonderful parents and surely they're kits will grow into lovely shadowclanners. we also found a couple of young ones lost... they are being fed well. npckit and emberkit."

chilledstar takes in a breath, nose crinkling in disdain.

"ghostpaw, however, has returned home to the stars. he is continuing a fruitful hunt, away from the harshness of forest life.... that is all from shadowclan."

they didn't want to speak any longer. they wanted to go home. they had shit to do, and anything was better than playing nice with a bunch of cats who didn't give a rats tail about them.
Blazestar sits upon the Great Rock with his chin lifted high. He looks the best he ever has upon the leaders' stone. His figure is full from plentiful prey, his coat shining with health and attentive care, his eyes clear. He listens to each leader speak, carefully observing their expressions and postures. All leaders have mostly good news, apprentices being made warriors, queens expecting or giving birth to kits, and success stories of driving predators from their territories.

Chilledstar then mentions an apprentice who did not make it to their warrior ceremony with the others. Blazestar gives them a sympathetic look. "May StarClan watch over them," he murmurs, dipping his head respectfully to the black-pelted feline.

A period of silence follows, and Blazestar goes to the edge of the Great Rock to fill it.

"The SkyClan cats taken by Twolegs have returned to their Clans. A patrol of daylight warriors found the location of their prison -- a Twoleg nest called a shelter -- and another patrol freed our missing cats, as well as other non-Clan cats trapped within." He flicks his dark blue gaze over the attendees, settling on a torbie warrior and a ginger. "Johnny led this patrol with the courage of ten warriors, along with Tallulahwing, Wyrm, Momowhisker, and Shrimpy Boy. My lead warrior, Thistleback, standing in for our deputy tonight, Pigeonsong, and his apprentice Spiderpaw assisted the daylight warriors in leading the trapped cats to freedom." He lifts his chin in defiance to the other leaders and the other warriors. "A traditional warrior could never have pulled a mission so dangerous off. Our daylight warriors had intimate knowledge of the Twoleg traps called cages, and they led all those within to freedom. I am proud of them all, and SkyClan will always know them as heroes."

He pauses. "The cats who were freed are being given the opportunity to learn our ways and become members of SkyClan. We have accepted cats of all ages, from elders and queens and kits to apprentice-aged and warrior-aged cats. If they manage to learn the ways of our Clan before this moon is over, they will be accepted into my Clan." A challenge flashes through his eyes before darkening.

"Not all cats made it home, though this was no fault of the daylight warriors." Grief edges his voice, though he is strong enough to maintain his dignity this time. Blazestar has learned to endure grief, and he knows, too, that StarClan shelters his lost friends. "Sheepcurl, one of my lead warriors, was not found at the shelter. Grizzlyridge, another trusted warrior, was not there, either." He exhales slowly, bitterly. "We pray they will escape the Twolegs and return to SkyClan one day. And..."

His voice deepens. "Daisyflight was killed by the Twolegs at the shelter." Blazestar's voice threatens to tremble. "Daisyflight was SkyClan's first deputy. She was the first deputy this forest has ever known. She served alongside me even after stepping down from her position as one of my lead warriors." Pain creases his face. "She was a mother to five fine kits who serve their Clan every day. I cannot say how much it pains me that she did not return to see her kits become warriors, but I know she hunts in StarClan, and that she watches over us all from there."

He gives himself a brisk shake, as if to dislodge his sorrow like fleas from his pelt. "SkyClan has happier news to report as well. Our deputy, Orangeblossom, is not present tonight, as she is heavy with kits. Two of our other queens, Yukio and Bobbie, are also expecting kits before the next Gathering, and a shelter cat residing with us named Chiara." Blazestar pauses. "We have several new warriors joining our ranks this moon. Figfeather, Greeneyes, Violetnose, Cloudberrythorn, and Bananasplash have all earned their warrior names." He shuffles his paws against the stone briefly. "My own daughter, Howlpaw, returned with the shelter cats. The rogue SkyClan executed lied."

Blazestar continues, "Despite the hardships we have faced, SkyClan is stronger than ever. Our ranks have swelled considerably, and our queens are providing the Clan with many future warriors." He could see Sootstar thinking about perceived weaknesses after their troubles.

He concludes with, "That is all from SkyClan."



Chilledstar speaks that ShadowClan is doing well, Smogmaw even has his own brood now. She refrains from wrinkling her nose in disgust, if she still prayed she might’ve sent one for the poor she-cat who had to nurse his kittens. Luckily Blazestar distracts her bitter thoughts about the ShadowClan deputy for new thoughts of ill-contempt.

The large Tom-cat announces his clan-mates have been rescued from the grasps of twolegs with a few casualties, one of them including Daisyflight. Sootstar remembers the calico she-cat who once sat at the base of the rock. Sootstar perhaps would’ve given a nod of condolences, if she wasn’t so enraged at the bold celebration of Blazestar’s kittypet warriors. Now more than ever they swelled the ranks too, at that. Damn StarClan if this is their image of an ideal clan, they let this Tom bring more and more kitty pets into the forest yet call the path of victory and power she walks upon wrong and destined to failure.

To top it off, the King of Kittypets announces his clan is stronger than ever, she has to do everything she could to keep her hackles from bristling. All the clans of the forest would have numbers to bolster if they all accepted any stray and twoleg toy that got lost at their borders!

Yet silent she keeps, rage boiling inside of her.
  • Angry
Reactions: BLAZESTAR
late. he was late, and the man enters as if it were nothing at all — a split in the crowd and long, calm strides bring him towards where this throne juts towards the heavens. newleaf had been much needed, waters thawing and giving way to the abundance of life underneath. his fur is thick, sleek with health, limbs padded with a layer of protection born from the excess hunt. ringlets work to form at the base of his bicolored fur, waterlogged and still dripping with river water. unlike moons prior, there is a spring to his gate — pondskater, quick and fluid and preening with the attention his delayed arrival pulls. he reaches the base of the towering stone and bunches sleek muscles, pushes off long hind limbs to land delicately in the spot where he belongs.

” my apologies for the wait. " he begins, after a period of shifting and settling, micro adjustments with ivory paws meant to prolong the amount of time that eyes lock onto him. he licks a single curl into place along his chest, before lifting his head, ” riverclan has been hard at work, and it has paid off at last! we have returned to our camp, our home! once again do we have the protection of water at all sides, once again will our kits know the river’s gifts before they reach apprenticeship. no longer can desperate rats storm our dens in the night, lest they meet their watery deaths. “ it’s said like a joke, a sharp - toothed smile easing its way towards the crowd, towards the shadowclan leader he’d settled aside. they smell of rat and muck, but moons ago, so had he, ” we have rebuilt ourselves stronger, have constructed new, well - woven dens to house our growing numbers. “

” as is the way of newleaf, we have welcomed new life into our clan alongside apricotflower’s foxkit and littlekit, and nightsplash’s (npc) pinkkit, otterkit, silverkit and chicorykit. to buckgait and lightningstone, three happy, healthy kits have been born : brightkit, meadowkit, and brookkit. “ he is proud, boasting and wild with strength he knows ripples in the muscles of those he called his clanmates, ” we’ve a full nursery, and plenty of fish to keep their bellies filled. our queens are working diligently to keep them all in line, but starclan knows they have their paws full. “ his chest puffs, chin tipping upwards and — what would did it feel like, to hear your child’s name called before the clans? to make them bask in their glory, to be sure that everyone from the rivers to the caves beyond the moorland know their names? would he stand here one day, announcing his own? salt blue luminaries try to find smokethroat amidst the crowd, instinct pulling his wide pupils to that lone, electric eye.

something in his chest pulls, something like dread that falls into his stomach and warms — born of love, born of want and fear. his tail wraps loose around his paws and for a beat, he lulls. a simple beat of quite, eyes so often widened with mania lidded tender, crinkled at their bright edges. it’s only after a sound from the otherwise quiet crowd does he blink, swivel an ear — and smiles proudly, hoping to pass his lapse as a moment for them to take in their recent victories.

” we’ve more good news this past moon, as one of riverclan’s first litter — born to mudpelt and icesparkle — achieved her name early by assessment. smokethroat trained her well. “ woops and cheers from the crowd, yowls of excitement, ” iciclefang reached warriorhood alongside gillsight.. unfortunately, his mentor could not be present for his ceremony, as his life had been cruelly taken a moon prior. “ a beat of silence once again, though this time, icy luminaries settle upon sootstar — until he clears his throat, turning his gaze pointedly back to the crowd, ” and thus he was named in his honor. i pray starclan looks down upon him here tonight, and i pray clearsight stands amongst them, proud as i know he would be. “ it burns still, to speak his name. the way fire claws up the back of his throat with it, scorches the back of his tongue bile - thick. monsters. beasts.

claws sheathe, almost an afterthought beneath the thick plume of his curled tail, ” moving on, gloompaw has.. seemingly vanished. it has been moons in her absence, and thus beesong has taken on a new apprentice — ravenpaw. “ gloompaw.. he wonders if she had been caught in the same traps as ashpaw had. the thought is short - lived in its horror, but the river leader seems to wind down, shoulders relaxing forcefully, ” that is all for riverclan. “

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"