Jun 2, 2024


  • Name: Dazzlekit
    > Previous Names: N/A​
    Dazzle-: Brightness that confuses someone's vision temporarily. / Named after Dazzlepaw. | -kit: Standard suffix for a kitten
    Age: 3 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every uh. Eventually​
    Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Sexuality: Undecided
    Rank: Kit of WindClan
  • Short Description: Short haired blue she-cat with high white and blue eyes (Carrying longhaired and point)
    > Long Description: Answer​
    Scars and Injuries: Small burns on her paws.
    Accessories: Answer

    (Base by supurrnovae on deviantArt)
  • Selfless | Kind | Emotional | Naive | Pushover
    Personality: Dazzlekit is kind and generous, always looking to help others. She is selfless, always willing to put herself into danger or take the fall for others, and generous, willing to give away things to others if she thinks they need or want it more. She can be a bit of a pushover, however, as well as naïve - allowing her kind nature to be exploited by others. She can be very emotional at times, and she wears her feelings on her sleeve - she struggles to hide them.
    Mental Ailments: Answer
    Add Some Extras: MBTI type, pokemon types, etc. add as you wish!
  • Parents: Azaleafrost x Marmotbite (Adopted), Gen 2
    Siblings: Blisterkit
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single, Not Looking​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: N/A
    Friends: N/A
    Acquaintances: N/A
    Enemies: N/A
  • > Theme Color is Seagull #80CCEA, gradient also uses Cotton Candy #FFB7D5
    > Takes the fall for a littermate after they do something bad.
    > Her trusting and naïve nature is taken advantage of, resulting in her getting injured, making her reevalute herself.
    > An arc of trying to become more assertive
    > Struggles a bit after putting her foot down for the first time, seeks comfort in her parents and/or siblings.
    > Mostly unscathed from the flames, save for some burned patches of fur that eventually grow back. She remembers heat, and oftentimes gets a bit nervous during the hotter months of her life. The scent of smoke also makes her feel sick and scared.
    > Because she only had minor injuries from the fire, she'll likely feel very guilty if her littermate got most of the injuries. She'll likely wish she had gotten more injured in exchange for the severity of their's being lessened. No matter what, Dazzlekit will see the beauty in them, regardless of appearance, and try to make sure they can see it in themself too.
    > Potential warrior names: Dazzleberry, Dazzlebriar, Dazzleleaf, Dazzlecloud, Dazzlefall, Dazzlefern, Dazzleflower, Dazzleblossom, Dazzlebloom, Dazzleheart, Dazzlepoppy, Dazzleshine, Dazzlesong, Dazzlewish, Dazzlewillow, Dazzlerain, Dazzledream, Dazzlegleam