tomorrow, tomorrow - fish scales [intro]


Apr 30, 2024

The scales had been left on the ground from a discarded fish brought in for one of the queens. Shimmerkit had been eyeing them intently since they fish had gone, hinting to her mother she wanted them to play with or to decorate her pelt with. Lavendersong had merely chuckled, flicking a tail over her kits flank and shooing her away, telling her they would be cleared up soon enough.

Well, time had passed and they still hadn't been cleaned up - which meant surely Shimmerkit could have them. Perhaps wary her mother might shoo her away if she tried to investigate, Shimmerkit would wait for her mother to be distracted talking with another queen, before suddenly darting to the scales, dropping to the floor, and rolling around on them, giggling all the while. She only stopped when she heard pawsteps approach. Shimmerkit would turn suddenly before jumping back up onto her paws. "Look! Look!" She trilled. "I'm Fishkit now!"

New leaf was still a gift despite everything, no matter how many tragedies that befell them they would always have hope. They had a new generation of Riverclanners to look after who’d bring joy and pride to them all. Smokestar may be gone but she hopes he still watches his clan with pride wherever he is rather he was with Starclan or some place far away carried by the rivers current. Life would move forward as it always did and Tigersplash knew better than most not to fight the current, they’d be ushered into a new Dawn into calmer waters. The rapids wouldn’t consume them forever, and as she watches Shimmerkit play she feels those rapids lessen.

The kit now shined in the sun, scales reflecting back at her. She chuckles as she moves closer "Careful there little fish, roll in more scales and some warrior might mistake you for the real thing and try to eat you" she jests and she hopes she doesn’t give the kit a scare but she can’t help herself.

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    Tigersplash She/He, Warrior of Riverclan, 18 moons
    A chocolate/cinnamon chimera she-cat with high white and amber eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​

He neared the nursery often- with so much kin cooped up in there, what choice did he have? Tragedies buffeted them like a rainstorm, numbing the face the more they struck; being sad about Lilybloom was almost harder than it was to be sad about Mudpelt, though he loved and grieved them both dearly- and Steepsnout had been even worse than that, adrift without closure. When the pins and needles wore away, though, the pain still lay beneath.

So, it was these little things that cheered him up so; to see Shimmerkit aglimmer, very much living up to her name! Or, he supposed... living up to her new name too. Tigersplash's good humour amused him, as ever- he offered the calico warrior a quick smile, before tilting his head to examine 'Fishkit's new spangled pelt. "That, or they'd mistake you for a little constellation," he cooed, voice as gentle as ever. "You look just like a streak of Silverpelt!"
penned by pin