private tomorrow will be kinder. // spark


Flower Child
Jun 10, 2022
Pale paws pummeled the ground as Sagepaw ran through ShadowClan territory. She didn't want to be here anymore. She needed somewhere else. Someplace better. Kinder. Anywhere. ShadowClan might've been the ones to take her in after she'd left her father, but their callousness had long unsettled her. She was a feather in a pile of thorns. Soft. Fragile. Weak. She had never belonged there. She'd tried. But she seemed to have fallen off the edges of everyone's vision. Everyone but Twilightfall.

Her mentor had been kind to her. Gentle. Sensitive to her feelings and fears. And now she was gone. All because Bonejaw had decided that no one else could have her help. Briarstar was gone, so it was okay to watch the rest of them wither and die. Because they surely would now. The world was growing colder. Snow would fall. Cats would get sick. And all they'd have as medicine were scraps. Shredded, useless, scraps.

Lungs burning, the lanky molly skidded to a halt. She stared out at the world before her for a moment, and then erupted into another shrieking wail of rage and grief. And then, with nothing else left to do, she crumpled to the ground and wept.