TONE OF THE BELL CURVE ☽; Thunderclan patrol

" Is it just me, or is it extra ghosty out here today? " Wolfwind's voice rings out at the head of her patrol. ( Her patrol, the small part of her that's still a giddy apprentice remarks with glee ). She almost can't tell if the extra - dangerous circumstances were good or bad. The branches around them shake almost violently, a few nearly looking ready to snap at any second. She tries to casually shift away from those ones and not show that she's kind of afraid of getting clocked by one. Even worse, she gets clocked and then her body is lifted into the fucking air, or something. Talk about a shitshow.

" Maybe not ghosty... Like... eerie. " Last few times she's seen ShadowClan, they were real busy being creepy weirdos from across the Thunderpath. Had they finally found better things to do with their lives? She was doubtful, really. She didn't really care past a surface, nosy level, but a part of her felt like something was just wrong on their end.

A scrape of sound would bring her eyes and ears down to the tunnel between their two territories. On any other day, she might grumble about how easy it is for ShadowClan to strut right over, but it certainly didn't seem like they were up to somethin' like that. It seems like... more than just a patrol of ShadowClanners, that's for sure. " ShadowClan? " Wolfwind would call, pausing momentarily to fluff up her fur against the rough winds. Some day this was. " What's up with you, huh? "

[ ooc: with patrol members @Sparkpaw @WILDHEART & @PEBBLESTEP ! ]
thicketpaw | 04 months | intersex | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #daa520
Living here is strange - its dark, and damp, and it smells bad. Which, thicket supposes absently, can be said of much of the marshlands - but this is different in an unsettling sort of way. The thunderpath and it's tunnel are as unnatural as the roaring monsters that roam it, and it leaves her feeling out of place. Wide doe eyes blink slowly at the sound of voices above the gale, as though she is finally waking from her ever present day dream. Long limbs pause in their motions, ringtail waving and fluttering about chaotically as she only stares owlishly. Is she supposed to say something? What had they asked again? Thicketpaw has already forgotten - but it was probably important, right?

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A shrill voice, mimicking the howling winds scraping around the metallic tubing of ShadowClan’s temporary camp, causes a low growl to spur in Granitepelt’s throat. The young warrior pads to the opening of the tunnel, blinking against sunlight that slants aggressively into his eyes. A ThunderClan patrol stares back, their fur fluffed up against the bite of the gales tearing through the forest. “ShadowClan? What’s up with you, huh?” He almost recognizes the grating voice, the flashing orange of the young warrior’s eyes, but he comes up short when he rummages through his memory for a name.

He clears his throat, giving Thriftpaw a sharp nudge. “They don’t need to know a damn thing,” he mutters to the young apprentice. Raising his voice, over the wind and the acoustics of his Clan shuffling about the tunnel, he calls back: “ShadowClan is fine. It’s no concern of ThunderClan’s. We aren’t on your territory—nor will we be crossing.” His eyes are cool as they graze over the ThunderClan patrol.

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"YOU AGAIN YOU UGLY RED TABBY!" Poppypaw's shriek breaks the otherwise calm questions and answers of the passing patrol, the moment she spots Sparkpaw she is besides herself in outrage that she had to look at this loser again after thrashing him so many moons before during their hunting on ThunderClan soil. "Why don't you all mind your own BUSINESS!" Granitepelt had said the same thing, essentially but he did it boring and quietly and if you truly wanted to make a point you had to be loud about it. The red and white apprentice stomped forward to stand alongside Thicketpaw, howling over the wind as she declared her personal vendetta against the ThunderClan apprentice, "You want a round TWO, ROUND BOY?!"
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Everything was great until Poppypaw appeared. His nemesis. His greatest enemy. Fated rival. Seeing her made his brows furrow and his fur fluff up.

"YOU!!!" He shouted, just as loud.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING UGLY, YOU PINECONE BRAINED DINGUS!!" He stomped over to her, minding the border.

Did she call him round!! The AUDACITY. Sure, he was round.... But it was his fur! He was just fluffy!


Yes... He will attain victory over her. And then......

"AND THEN I'LL SIT ON YOU AND EAT  YOUR SOUL!!" He roared. It probably echoed. He did not realize, or care.

He'll apologize to Wolfwind later for his behavior, but he couldn't just NOT yell back!​
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Hm... the leading warrior seemed familiar, though when Needledrift searched her memories, she only pulled a much younger and rounder face. Of all the cats that had been a part of the marsh colony, could she have been one? Let's see, of the little cats there had been... uhhh.... Ghost and Toad and Wren and Azalea and - ah! If Needledrift had fingers, she would've snapped them. Littler Wolf, Smaller Wolf, Azalea's sister. Not Little Wolf but her little gray niece. Smaller Wolf and her sister had been... six?.... seven?... moons when the colonies split. It was good to see that at least one was doing alright, even if Needledrift hadn't the foggiest recollection of ever having a conversation with the other she-cat.

She was about to make a happy little rrrrmp! in greeting until Poppypaw screeches her distaste of one of the passing apprentices. The challenge is practically deafening, a squeaky squabble between adolescents. It almost cringe-inducing to witness.

Needledrift clears her throat and steps in front of the younger she-cat - hoping that broken eye contact would quell the kitty-consternation. The wind buffets her fur, causing her eyes to water, but she attempts an apologetic look over the apoplectic apprentice. StarClan help that other kid if they ever meet in battle, though.
she smells like lemongrass and sleep
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Wolfwind's eyes meet those of a young, owl - eyed ShadowClan apprentice first. Wolfwind thinks there are about a million things they could be thinking right now. Why do my clanmates stink so much? Why am I in a weird hole? (Wolfwind finds this question relatable), How is this ThunderClanner so rugged but in a beautiful and alluring way? (This one too.) In all seriousness though, they. make Wolfwind pause. The ThunderClanner lifts her brows, wondering if they're gonna say anything at all.

Their clanmate seems to speak for them though, a cat she doesn't recognize, though something about them is familiar. A scrappy kitten, maybe. Then again, that was like, every marsh - born kitten. " Not tryna make it my concern. M' kinda nosy, though, " she says with a tilt of her head and easy, close - lipped smile. She'd get why they wouldn't wanna share their weird hole activities, though. To each their own. She doesn't care enough, and she lets him know she won't pry with a shrug of her shoulders. " Good to hear, though! "

Evidently, used - to - be scrappy marsh kitten #295 arrives, her voice shattering Wolfwind's eardrums before she even sees who the hell it is. Wolfwind can't help but fall slack jawed, and slowly it dawns on her that the UGLY RED TABBY is her apprentice. She shouldn't laugh. She shouldn't. Don't laugh. (She totally laughs before mashing her lips together to smother it). Wolfwind can't help but match her energy, she's way funnier when she's not saying' some random shit about killing ThunderClan. " Ay, I'm mindin', I'm mindin'! " she tells her, smile unbidden.

The two apprentices proceed to get into a screaming match. It's funny as hell. " Know her? " She cuffs Sparkpaw over the ear. " That's from responsible me. " She purses her lips, looking back over the border. " Me me says, ya need some better insults. Classics, ya know? Like, instead of eatin' souls, ask her if she was born with that ugly mug. " Damn, she shouldn't be insulting apprentices though. Let the apprentices insult each other. " – hypothetically " she adds, jutting out her lip all innocent - like.

One of ShadowClan's warriors gets in front of them, clearly trying to keep the apprentices from fighting. That's probably what Wolfwind should be doing right now. Shucks. She thinks she recognizes them though. ThunderClan is her life now, but she still has fuzzy thoughts of her former colony - mates. She offers them a small smile. But like, apprentice fights >>>>>

life seems to get harder every extra moment they're alive. cats become more and more frustrating to just be around, and there is a heaviness in the air that chilledstar can't shake. was this all in their head? likely. but it was still very real to them. they swear they can still see their body just laying on the ground helplessly. they didn't understand. the only other time they saw themselves like that was when they were so far out of it their mind seemed to have an "out of body" experience. a dissocation. this took that to an entirely different level. how did any of the leaders deal with this? how did they not freak out at the possibility of it happening again? it was unbelievably uncomfortable for them and yet– there is not a single expression on their face. not so much as even a twitch of a lip, or a glint in their eye. nothing. were they sure they truly came back from the dead?

their gaze angled upwards from their paws at the sound of thunderclan. nosey as always, but most cats catch the idea. they did not need every clan within the lands knowing where they were or why they were around here. it wasn't as if anyone knew where exactly they were staying. that, at least, was good.

"hypothetically, do you remember the time when all thunderclanners would shut up? no? me neither."

they rub their face with their paw, before they just snort dully.

"you're damned right about being nosy. poppypaw, if you're going to fight the kit, just do so already. if not, just be quiet. you're getting yourself worked up about a little nobody."

oh, shame. they didn't care about insulting, or not insulting, apprentice. both of them were equally loud and obnoxious but at least chilledstar had gotten used to the blabbermouth that was poppypaw.
Wildheart scoffed as he listened to the insults and remarks being made, all the whilst he was busy actually marking the border. Though the itch to wade into the trouble was beckoning him hard, and it truly was taking every ounce of strength to avoid buckling. Then again why should he resist the siren's call? He just needed a few good ones first, and that was easier said than done. "Better to be a nobody than a dead body. ShadowClan pipsqueaks are hardly worth the effort, Sparkpaw, they're scrawny and small. I reckon a gentle breeze would be enough to knock 'em over."
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