pafp TONGUES OF LILTING GRACE — stargazing & stories

❪ TAGS ❫ — It had been a long day of patrols and hunts; it felt even longer, which might be attributed to the arrival of newleaf. It seemed that the sun wanted to shine so brightly that it refused to set! It did though, eventually. Silverpelt was in full view, any cloud cover cleared from the skies, and the temperature outside was actually quite pleasant. Roosterstrut, as a result, had invited some of his clanmates out to the Burnt Sycamore in order to admire the stars together. It was growing quite noisy in camp nowadays, with the abundance of frogs and all.

The orange tabby was laid across the ground, belly to the skies as his pale green hues scanned the twinkling scape above. A recollection prods at his brain, prompting a hint of a smirk to tug on his maw. It was bittersweet, feelings of dull sorrow and pleasant memories warming his chest.

Roosterstrut decides rouse a conversation with the closest cat to him, Silkbreath, "My mom used to tell me these crazy stories," He doubts that Silkbreath remembers much of her; he had joined ShadowClan not too long before she succumbed to a mysterious illness. Both the deaths of Rooster's parents had struck him pretty hard, but if it hadn't been for cats like Ferndance to pull him out of his emotional rut and keep his head focused in the present, he probably would still be heavily grief-stricken to this day.

He retells the kithood tale for all of those present to hear, getting lost in the stories woven by his mother that may or may have not been true at all, "She said that cats all cats are descendants of the lion spirit and the tiger spirit, and that they both live up in the stars watching over everything. The lion spirit... I think his name was Sun Mane? He had a giant mane that glowed like the sun and he was super full of himself. The tiger spirit was called Moon Stripe. She was so jealous of Sun Mane that she tried to steal the sun's power away from him, but every morning he steals it back from her."

It was hard to believe in such things, especially after the confirmed existence of StarClan, but Roosterstrut figured that anything could be possible at this point. Who was to say that Sun Mane and Moon Stripe weren't both up there in StarClan as well? "Right now, Moon Stripe is hiding the sun away from Sun Mane." He sighed, shifting his shoulders before lightly chuckling, "I think it was just a story to shut my younger self up. I asked a lot of questions."

Rooster turned toward the cream-colored tom ever so slightly, and inquired, "What do you think? Did Ferndance ever tell you any stories?"
