Jul 22, 2023

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ The sun's warm on the back of his neck where his fur curls, damp with river-water. He's perched on a broad, flat stone that rises in stepping-succession with the other stones that form the makeshift path across, and on the shore is his fellow fisher. He's stiff-backed, those laughably tall ears of his towering above his head and the sharp angles of his cheeks made even more severe. He's ridiculous is what he is, and Fallinglight's mouth curls as he dips a paw into the water. "You admitting defeat, Saltsting?" His paw swirls and swirls, and his good-cheer falters when he realizes just how high the path has become compared to the river surface.

Swallowing it down, he forces the grin back onto his maw. He straightens up from his crouch to stretch out his back leg, rasping his tongue down to his toes. "You aren't...scared, are you?" It's a false revelation that widens his eyes dramatically. "All you have to do is knock me off, easy as twitching one of those whiskers." Fallinglight shrugs his shoulders, taking on a pitying air. "But that just might be too much for you. Say, am I good to take a nap?"

//please wait for @SALTSTING !

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic chocolate lynx point with low white. fur is thick and wavy, and tends to curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • dear shell, i was convinced he'd take the bait. i was even making it easy for him! saltsting likes to pretend he's a rock with legs, but all that means is i've gotta chip away at him.

Were Saltsting prone to poetry, there would be something to say of the way that Fallinglight stands framed by gold. The light and the water have made lamb curls of his soft brown fur, and the tips bathed auric by the sun. There is something to be said for his appearance. He is capable and strong, sturdy among the failing river. Where he stands, Saltsting nearly expects to see the water rushing downstream beneath his beckoning paws. Instead, there is only him. Immobile as he has always been upon the river's shore, only his paws tipped with water and grit. "I admit only that your attempt at luring me into the river is foolish." His brow lifts only slightly, though he knows the other warrior will read it for a smile as he always has. (Had it truly bothered him all this time, would he not have schooled his face to better neutrality? Would he not have ceased to look at him in this manner at all?)

"If your absurdity has tired you so greatly, perhaps you should visit Ravensong once we return. I have seen few warriors need a nap after a hunt– yet I also have not seen many fail a hunt so spectacularly as this. It would seem there is a correlation."

  • ooc: i swear they're friends
  • saltsting. formerly named idk yet.
    —— cis male. he - him // they - them. unoffended by others. 11 moons old. riverclanner.
    —— sexuality unknown. seems rather impossible to form close relationships with at first.
    —— half pine + marsh heritage. his father being a skyclan kittypet is general knowledge.
    —— earned his warrior name early despite a,, slight disagreement with cicadastar over it.

    Being the son of a kittypet, there is much there that Saltsting has inherited. From the sharp, angular profile of an Oriental Shorthair to the trim, glossy coat– he may as well have been his father's clone were one to not look too closely. He is a dark black smoke with a smattering of low white, particularly on his paws and muzzle, as well as very dark brown eyes he inherited from his mother.
  • "speech"
  • Haha

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ "I'm tired because you put me to sleep, Saltface." He'll probably use that to say Fallinglight's brain clearly isn't functioning if he's forgotten his name, even though Falling knows that he knows what a nickname is. "Should stick you in the nursery to give the queens a break. Bet they'd love you after that." He rolls onto his back and stretches, limbs held aloft and nearly skimming the water. Instead of righting himself, he stays there, Saltsting's face upside down on the shore, and if he were frowning, maybe it'd look like a smile from this angle. Except he's not frowning. Frowning is intentional, requires muscle movement; Saltsting's rarely moves at all.

"Saaaaaaaalt. Salt. Salty. Think of it like training, like I'm a WindClanner and I'm sitting here calling you a stinky fisheater." He stretches his front limbs out, squinting, his paws batting at Saltsting's face.

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic chocolate lynx point with low white. fur is thick and wavy, and tends to curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • blurb goes here

  • Sick
Reactions: SALTSTING

A slight bicker of humourous nature was heard across the river. Petalnose sat across, watching the minnows as she enjoyed the bath of rays warming her pelt. She couldn't quite make out the reasoning and beginning of the bicker as she originally wasn't paying attention to the conversation.

The woman looked up with a face that held irritation and lack of patience, kneading her paws against the sand below her. Fallinglight was gently swatting at his friend Saltsting, she snorted and shook her head in disappointment. It was a matter of time before one of them would fall in. A foolish place to sit she would point out to herself for now. Even more foolish to cause a clanmate lack of balance.

"At this point if one of you fall in and drown I'm just going to walk away." She grumbled, narrowing her eyes with the usual business like frown plastered across her face. Although, it was a joke if anyone knew Petalnose well enough. She would jump into any situation for her clanmates despite her harsh exterior. Mostly, for the thrill of it but she did actually care for each of them individually. No matter how they annoyed her.

"What are you two on about?" She urged as she drew her attention back upon the water Infront of her, irritated expression unmoving. Interested she was to hear the reasoning of this friendly banter despite her focus upon the minnows.

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"I do not understand your insinuation. If you mean to call me boring, then I doubt the queens would enjoy my time in the nursery– the kittens even less." No, he knows precisely what it is Fallinglight had meant: that his level manner of speech would bore any who listened to him to the point that they would wish for sleep. In some cases, he knows that is something of a necessity. Particularly in the nights that the warrior is strung too tightly for rest. They would sit outside of hearing range of the other warriors and speak of nothing at all. The classifications of fish within their rivers, whatever thoughts of the stars that he could muster. After a while he would no longer answer, and if the weight of him rested more heavily against his shoulder with soft, snuffling snores, Saltsting would not mention it.

He resists the softness threatening his eyes, and instead tilts his head to Fallinglight's upturned gaze. Here, he does frown. A brief fluttering gesture of disapproval. "I would react to a WindClanner much the same. I cannot let my emotions guide my actions, even from a face that attempts to irritate me as terribly as yours." It is a conscious choice to lift his own paw– not to push, but to press down upon one of Fallinglight's own. A firm gesture akin to an order to stay.

Petalnose distracts him. The sudden burst of noise from her nearly has him lifting his paw, pressure removing and then returning with some hesitance. Something tickles in the back of his mind. He does not question it at this time. "It would be our own failing, if trained warriors of RiverClan were to drown in our own waters," Saltsting confirms. That she may be joking is not of any consequence to him. Regardless, her words ring true. He looks to Fallinglight and then their lead warrior again, a deferential dip to his head. "Fallinglight and I were simply beginning our hunt, Petalnose. Yet the waters seem to have distracted the both of us. My apologies for any disruption this may have caused. It is....rare to have a moment in such high spirits, though it should not come at the cost of your own."

  • ooc:
  • saltsting. formerly named idk yet.
    —— cis male. he - him // they - them. unoffended by others. 11 moons old. riverclanner.
    —— sexuality unknown. seems rather impossible to form close relationships with at first.
    —— half pine + marsh heritage. his father being a skyclan kittypet is general knowledge.
    —— earned his warrior name early despite a,, slight disagreement with cicadastar over it.

    Being the son of a kittypet, there is much there that Saltsting has inherited. From the sharp, angular profile of an Oriental Shorthair to the trim, glossy coat– he may as well have been his father's clone were one to not look too closely. He is a dark black smoke with a smattering of low white, particularly on his paws and muzzle, as well as very dark brown eyes he inherited from his mother.
  • "speech"
( tags ) It was quite amusing to see Petalnose so irritated, he had missed her. He had missed this. The times where they would hang out, which seems like there would be more time to catch up. Otterpaw and Silverpaw would be off somewhere, either training, hunting, or exploring Riverclan's territory. The pair were supposed to relax in the sun and see the minnows swim about, but of course both of them would find their gaze lingering on the two young warriors. Who could blame them? It had been peaceful before those two started bickering. It was only natural that both he and Petalnose would find themselves watching the odd pair.

Although he would be lying to say he wasn't chuckling under his breath to hear Petalnose say she would leave them to drown. It was just like her to say such a thing, but the reality is that she wouldn't leave either Saltsting or Fallinglight to drown. Maybe. He didn't think she would be able to sleep at night if either of them actually drowned, so it might not be much of I like them... More like they're idiots who need saving. He almost forgets how young Saltsting is by how the tom carries himself. Saltsting doesn't scream young warrior, he has the presence of a warrior who has seen plenty of moons gone by. The apology is appreciated, but it is a bit much. You don't have to be so formal! And you're young! Have some more fun!

He glances at Petalnose, before turning his attention to Saltsting. He smiles at the young warrior and moves slightly so Fallinglight could see him to wave their paw at the other young warrior, "They're like us aren't they Petal?" What he means is that both of them have bickered like the two young warriors and he can still remember the day they scuffled and she dragged him into water, him choking as a result. Petalnose is dear to him and he would be lying to say if anything were to happen to her, he would be distraught. She was his sister, not by blood, but by spirit.

"Fallenlight is a good friend isn't he?" The question is directed towards Saltsting, whom he assumes will say otherwise due to the pair's earlier bickering. "There's no need to apologize for having fun, it's hard during these times to have these moments. In fact, I should thank you two." He turns to Petalnose with a wicked grin plastered on his face. "Whaddya say to round two right here and now? Let's decide which fish is better with our claws. Unless... You're admitting salmon is better than carp~" He knows better than to goad Petalnose like this, but it is plain as day that he means it. Pikesplash is not a warrior that enjoys sparring and Petalnose is more than aware about that fact, yet the fact that he is enthused about it speaks volumes. What Pikesplash means to tell Petalnose is I want to spend time with you. Although not in a corny way because bleck! Gross, that was beneath them! (They were very much like siblings who refuse to be clear in saying I care about you).
  • Love
Reactions: Petalnose