sensitive topics TOO LATE ✧・゚: * INJURY

Jun 8, 2022
He can't remember the last time he was alone.

The last time he was left to his own devices, allowed himself to be. The anxiety was still there, sinking, creeping feeling along his spine, a pit in his stomach. The twitch of muscle before he can truly loosen up, the hesitation before each and every step. It was there, he doesn't think it will ever truly go away. But today, it's... tolerable.

Breathe in. Out. There's a rise and fall of his shoulders, the flare of his nostrils with heavy breath, thinning with each intake of air. He's made it this far, hasn't he? A stream sings nearby, he can hear it, calm waters slipping past muddy banks, parted by an occasional stone, or two. There's the sway of branches nearby. The wind grows louder as it catches on swaying fronds, leaving odd chimes in its wake. There's the chirping of birds, a pleasant, but faraway thing. Enjoying the evening air. In that respect, they were similar. And there are... pawsteps.

Hard, heavy, thumping across the ground, approaching him. There's a sharp intake of breath. In a moment, he's on his paws, whips around on instincts he'd think long forgotten until now. Incessant twitching, his ears, whisker, tail. Where— what? It barrels closer. With a hiss, he slides away— Nothing to see, notime to hear, His claws catch on something, root, rock- it hurts. Whoever they are— whatever it is, it snaps at his tail, drags a hiss spiking in his throat, clenched between teeth. Don't let them know your pain— He snaps back, bared in a snarl. Pearly whites catch on fur, flesh, and there's a pained roar in response. Hesitation, he wrenches away, ignores the burning in his paw to charge at the thing again, teeth bared, claws outstretched, adrenaline runs through him and—

He can't remember the last time he's felt so alive.

Blinding Star lands a hit, slashes at something, warmth gushes at his paws in an uneven splatter. Someplace vulnerable, again, there's a hiss in his mind, and he aches to feed it, to satisfy that craving he's been missing. Again, he strides forward with an open maw, prepares for the tear of flesh— Too greedy.

Teeth crash into him instead. Puncture wound. Something bursts, his jaw falls slack. There's aching in his neck. He crashes to the ground. Paws fly out in a twisted flurry, desperate to keep himself afloat. He has more to give—

They sink into his sides. He can feel his weight being shifted, off-balance. It burns, bubbles up and spills out into the world. He crashes to the earth, everything and nothing spins at once. He can't see, can't hear, can't— he can't. He has more to give— He had more to give. Didn't he, once? He aches to scream, to say something, but it peters out into nothing, expells with no more than a shaky breath, a full-body shudder, and he stills. He has more to give, but it refuses— his body screams against the will of his soul. He waits for the killing blow. It doesn't come.

He had more to give.

Shaking, stumbling, he drags himself away. A thousand voices scream in his mind, it hurts, it hurts, and still, he grits his teeth, refuses to show weakness. Spitting, sputtering, it's the state he appears in as he nears Thunderclan. His whole body sags. A heavy head appears held up by little more than needle and thread, loose, limp. Warmth stains his fur. His mind seems to numb the closer he draws. He's not there yet, he knows it, and yet something seems to give the moment he's close. So close to that place he hates. The damned leader, the damned medicine cat. He gnaws at his lips, rubber bitten raw, it aches. "I'm..." -fine, he means to say. And the groan is audible, when he smells her, bitter smoke scent that seems to follow whever she goes. He can't even manage a hiss, it catches in his throat, disgusting sort of croak. "D-on't want you near- me," he growls.

[ TL;DR Blinding Star is fatally injured by a badger </3 ; currently near thunderclan camp looking like a walking corpse; @cinderfrost, not pafp ]

Blood- unmistakeable. Coppery tang, it seemed to permeate everything, flood the ground and the air even in the eden of their home. He had hoped the battle would have ended the stink of scarlet, but no, no- it was evermore present since StarClan had appeared, more groups to fight over more land, danger lurking in every nook. It was embarrassing really that the stench of death should shake him so, after all this time, but he could not deny what was undeniable truth. The mere odour sickened him, let alone the sight. Prickles, briar-bristles still raised, splashed with red, red, red. It was reddest on white. His illness did not subside.

A cough rattled in his throat as he made cautious approach- as, out of the corner of his eye, the Executioner's pelt closed in. Prickles demanded separation- and though it was frankly idiotic to refuse help in such dire circumstance, he supposed he could not blame him. For the greater good, the Executioner had all the power to extinguish him right there with him weakened before her. If she decided it was just to kill him- would she do it?

Selfish- it was selfish for him to feel nauseous. "You- you need help," he mumbled, rare hesitation stumbling through his tone. It was an obvious observation, but one bolstered with the flame of urgency in his usually-monotone voice. This was no ordinary injury, no trickle of red-ribbon; no, it was cascade, waterfall, bloodfall. He would be dead soon if he did not get help- could he not see that? Everyone could; perhaps everyone but Prickles himself.

The scent of blood was unmistakable, heavy and metallic, it clouded the camp before Roepaw even had the chance to look to its source.
Quickly though, she was able to find it. Ivory clashed with crimson, ambling into camp. Cinderfrost, of course, would be first on the scene, but not without Roepaw scampering behind her, coming to an abrupt stop beside Berryheart.
Concern for the tortoiseshell scrunched her features up, and instinctively she brushed her tail against his flank, a subtle gesture, so she could put her focus back onto Blinding Star, who was ordering her mother to get away from him. "Are you serious?" The outspoken apprentice was quick to exclaim, far less gentle than Berryheart’s protest. "Let her help you! She’s the only one who can!" She pressed further, hellbent on sticking up for Cinderfrost and quite possibly Blinding Star’s life- even if she didn’t like the warrior, stubbornness was a sad way to die.

"I don't care whether you want me here or not." Tired. The medicine cat was so, so tired. "Berryheart, hold him down if you must. He needs to be looked at. Every moment spent bickering.." Brows furrowed in frustration as she tried, yet again, to staunch the bleeding with a wad of cobwebs. It played out the same way as before, though. The blood-stained tom remained adamant that her paws not touch him.

"Fuck." she cursed beneath a tense breath. "Why did you try to walk back to camp? You should have fetched me." A rhetorical question. Cinderfrost knew why. Stars, the whole clan knew why. No matter how hard she tried, a promise she made to Emberstar and Ash, she'd never be accepted.

Her paws burned with everlasting pain, nerves crying out in pain, as she struggled to attend to the stubborn tom. He'd rather die than be treated by her. The thought tore her heart into pieces. "Someone. Help. Please.." Her voice shook under the weight of her heightening desperation. She failed Dewkit and now, and now-

Teal eyes grew watery but, somehow, they did not spill. "He keeps moving away and making it worse. Can someone else apply pressure? We need to stop the blood flow.."
( ) Blood.

It was a smell she knew anywhere. The coppery substance made her skin crawl...her heard started to race, large white teeth plagued her mind. She could hear the barking, and the screams of pain...No She shook her head, forcing her heavy paws to carry her towards the smell. As she came to the scene, an overwhelming smell of badger clung to Blinding Star's pelt. Her stomach twisted nauseously as she laid eyes on his wounds. How is he still alive?! "I-I can help, but we need to make sure the badger is gone too...Roepaw, can you tell Emberstar and Howling Wind what has happened?" The camp wasn't too far away, and the sooner more paws were out here the better.

Hesitantly, she approached Blinding Star's side, and attempted to help Cinderfrost apply pressure to his wounds.

The copper scent in the air drew him cautiously to the sound of voices, fear in both green eyes at the scene of the older tom practically disembowled and sprawled across the floor of the mulchy forest floor; like melting snow, strikingly white against the ground and the blood almost burning into his eyes as he stared in horror and confusion. Badger scent clung to the air, thick like a cloud. Cinderfrost is shouting demands, swearing, calling Berryheart to assist her; that was almost evidence enough for her panic.

He calls to Roepaw alongside the ginger she-cat's order, adding his own, "T-tell them to bring more cats!" Flamewhisker was absolutely right and there was still the risk of a badger present. Sunfreckle swallowed his fear down, nerves rattling inside him so aggressively he worried the sound of them shaking could be heard outside by all the cats present, but they had to stay calm.
He was useless here for Blinding Star, the sight of the blood made his head spin and he could only think about Dovekit face down in the camp and dead and-stars, he couldn't stand here a second longer and if tracking a badger gave him an escape then so help him he would.
"I'm-I'm going to check the area!" The red tabby turned with a sharp pivot, moved with a swiftness almost alarming on his three limbs and made his way into the nearby forest in a desperate bid to get away from the scene and help where he could; there were already so many cats there. Surely Blinding Star would be alright?

the hobbling figure of thunderclan's elder could be seen emerging from the hollowed tree, face twisted up in mild annoyance seeing as all the commotion outside had disturbed his nap. a smushed maw would part, ready to complain about all the ruckus these cats were making until it completely died upon his tongue when the stentch of both blood and badger assualted his senses. there was felines in camp talking in alarmed voices as news spread of an injured blinding star being found just outside of camp.

silvery fur would rise along a slightly hunched spine before paws would begin to move, taking this old soul towards the gorse tunnel where he'd hastily push through despite the protesting calls of a few npcs. heronbelly traversed the undergrowth with a stumbling pace until cloudy olivine eyes could make out the shapes of warriors huddling around what he had to guess was blinding star and in a not-so-gentle manner, he'd push himself between clanmates to inspect the scene closer.

from what he can make out, it seemed like this stubborn bastard was refusing the help of cinderfrost and while she did not have the greatest of reputations she was the only one capable to handle injuries but even then it seemed the gray molly did not know what to do to help. "blinding star, quit being such a hard-headed idiot and let the girl help you!" heronbelly's voice came out in a raspy hiss, ears swiveling towards the sides of his head.

he couldn't lose him now. starclan had to give him a chance to persevere. they had to.
[ penned by cobi ]
[ CW: death :( ]

Coherent thought slips further from him by the second. Fleeting, barely there, the sun refusing its eclipse by the moon, the spark of a soul left fighting. They all blur together, voices melding into sounds, into noises, chirups of sound without rhyme or reason. He's swaying on his paws as he hears him, low voice mumbling over help, help— the word only has him shying away, face scrunching into something defiant as he abruptly jolts from the crowd. Too-quick— his body wasn't ready, pain flashes through him in a sharp burst, leaving his jaw tremoring with the force of it all. He couldn't—

Who was it? That damned kid, following her around like a shadow, chirping futile defense over— for— for who she cared about. He gnaws at his lip "What..." a heavy shudder, his jaw falls slack for a moment. Words are too much. "W-what the hell is she gonna do? ...Finish the job?" The pauses between his words are too long, his voice is slurring together, a jumble of a thing, disorganized as his own body feels, chopped up and thrown back together.

Making it worse. He can't hear anything else. Making it worse, he was fighting for his life, giving it what he could, why—? He can't remember, can't think, can't distinguish who was who. What's he to think when— when something suddenly presses against him, screeching, crawling, grasping at him from all sides. He wants it to stop, wants to be... to be left alone, he jerks away—

Slumps onto the ground, the weight of it all crashing along with him. Weak, he's never felt so weak before. He hates it, self-loathing still sits raw in his stomach, refuses to go down, an ever-present bile in his throat, poison he can't shake. Non-stop, non-stop, how long has it been like this? How long has he been like this? The complaints die in his throat— whatever parts of it were still coherent through the slurry of nothingspeak. His paws ache to move, but he's so... tired.

He's tired.

It's muddy. He can't make out a thing. It all fades a way, a slow, but certain ebb and flow, the panic falling on deaf ears. There's a frantic hiss, closer to him, the usherings of an elder, Heronbelly. Blinding Star heaves a breath in response, heavier than anything he's sighed in the past few moments. It peters out into a whine, exhaustion, despair.

He wonders what Starclan is like.

No one would be waiting for him there. No one here would ever yearn to meet him again.

What has he done with his life?

Forlorn, the wail that catches in his throat, and he lowers his head one last time.

Something shifts when the ivory tom actually begins to speak, the slur of his speech, the drawn out pauses despite his defiant bite, but the usual strength behind his gruff voice is gone, replaced by the agony of his wounds.
Roepaw go get…
Get more cats!

The orders from behind her catch the apprentice’s ears, and she is frozen for only a moment, struggling to tear her blissfully ignorant gaze away from the gore.
So much…
She can’t even finish the thought, spinning on her heels and ready to dart back towards the entrance, to race into the comfort of someone, anyone.
She was selfish to ask for comfort, even her brash mind knew that.
The soft thump of someone collapsing, no, more like sliding to the ground has her freezing again though, a head much too big for her body is thrown over her shoulder blade, watching as something gets caught in the dying toms maw, his maw parting, before he lays his head to the ground.
He doesn’t move again, his last biting words an insult to Cinderfrost. Oddly, something saddens her at that, for someone’s last words to be so bitter. She doesn’t realize she is facing back towards him until she catches herself staring, the race of her tiny heart now slowing.
"B-Blinding Star?" The child almost whispers, despite the adults that may have been trying to usher her out of there, her paws don’t budge.
He isn’t going to wake up, is he?
The thought is bitter, and makes her stomach twists, but eventually she moves, but now her gaze is on Cinderfrost, mother, whatever Roepaw had decided to call her the second the girl had decided the ashen molly was her family. Cinderfrost is now her priority, and the cinnamon tabby would wait for her mother to move back from Blinding Star before pressing her pelt into the medics, small but feathered tail sweeping to and fro. Emotions bubbled up in her chest, but Roepaw lacked the tools to identify what exactly they were.

  • Crying
Reactions: Floppie
"W-what the hell is she gonna do? ...Finish the job?"

She couldn't hear anything after that. Blood caused her head to pound - louder, louder, louder. It drowned out any intelligible thoughts.

"I-I'll.. mint. I'll get mint. Someone can use it.. for his body. It'll help mask.. for the vigil." Tears trickled down her tired, sunken cheeks. She was too stunned, too disorientated, to regain any resemblance of composure. For now, the protective layer of ice melted away. "He would want someone else to do it. I'll stay away. But please.. clean him up before his funeral. He deserves a proper- a proper send off."

Numb. Her teal eyes lingered on Blinding Star. She couldn't breathe. Roepaw needed her but- but..

The metallic scent of blood made her feel queasy. Charred paws were once again painted with the blood of another. "I'm going to take a walk." She needed to get away.

Oh, right. A badger was loose.. but that didn't matter. She needed to escape the suffocating atmosphere. Death and pain followed the ashen molly, the blue mink forever stained with blood. "You're a coward." she whispered to herself. "I know."
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There is commotion, and the scent of fear and blood mix in the air. It sends adrenaline though Emberstar's veins. She is running, racing through the woods, and she almost doesn't know where. All she can do is blindly follow the terrible sounds and smells that swirl around her, and hope that she can find the source soon enough to stop then. Fix whatever is wrong and keep everyone safe.

She was fast, she had always been fast.

But for once, she wasn't fast enough.

Once she finally caught a flash of fur through the treeline, and burst onto the scene, a shocked silence had settled in place of the prior commotion. It was so deathly quiet that it sent a shiver down her spine. "What happened, what's going on?" she asked no one in particular through panting, exhausted breaths. No answer could come soon enough, already she was pushing through the crowd, trying to get to whatever everyone was looking at. The problem for her to solve. It only took her a moment, and once she caught sight of it, she almost regretted it.

Blinding Star, bloody and twisted on the ground, completely still. She froze at the sight. It didn't seem like it could be real. This was too cruel a reality to be believed.

"No..." she breathed with the breath he no longer had. It felt stolen in her lungs. Vividly in her mind she remembered leaping in front of him to keep him safe in the great battle. They had lost so many there, it felt like those that had survived it should be afforded some special protection. What justice was there in allowing him to survive that only to die here?

She stood there, uselessly, staring at him. A little choked gasp escaped her. She blinked. There was nothing left to be done, she was too late.