private TOO MUCH LABOR &. smogmaw


there was a lot going on, and the leader was exhausted but... they really needed to talk to smogmaw. there had to be more unity between the two, and what better way to be more unified than to talk about mutual interests and the latest gossip from the gathering. smogmaw was good at weaseling his way into others minds, getting information that was previously unobtainable, simply because he was a smooth talker. not always– and chilledstar rarely gave him the time of day– but enough to be useful. this was why he was deputy. he was good at what he did, despite their differences, and when chilled finally kicked the bucket, they knew that smogmaw wouldn't run their clan into the damned ground.

"smogmaw. how are you doing this fine night? would you like to join me for some night hunting?"

they asked, brows furrowing ever so slightly, ice gaze filled with slight curiosity.

"think it's time we caught up on the local gossips of the clans, hm?"

they state their true intention with a gentle grin. what better way to connect than to gossip?

// @smogmaw
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His leader's encroachment is received by slow, haphazard blinks. A dip of the noggin as well, a taciturn answer to their hanging question, but his tongue is kept captive in his teeth.

The deputy would not go so far as to say that the union between him and Chilledstar was a strained one. Traces of mutual respect lay buried within the midst of it, entwined into every interaction which they shared, scant as they may be. There sat a strong foundation of trust to boot, the very linchpin holding it all together—a precious resource, trust is, in a clan fraught with hidden agendas and clashing motivations. Yet, as Smogmaw imagined was the model for leader-deputy relations, the distance between them was palpable and built upon layers of duty and responsibility. But also, an undeniable, albeit subtle, tension. A deputy fosters their ambition while they lie in wait for their inevitable ascension, and a leader must live knowing the coming rise to power is interlaced with their own mortality.

Smogmaw's eyes take on a more purposeful mien shortly thereafter, and his brows unfurl by a nominal margin. Duty and responsibility do not appear to be the motivators in Chilledstar's conduct tonight. Rather, it is the pursuit of good conversation. He's surprised, pleasantly. "Of course," he meows softly, embarking on long strides that follow on the other feline's heels. Throughout the brief trek from where they'd stood in camp to the marshscape beyond the hollow, he'd clawed the precipices of his skull for a semblance of this 'gossip' they sought after. He tries to recollect important happenings from the clan's stint with the bears, and any notable event in the ensuing days.

"I take it you've gotten wind of my dispute with Roosterstrut?" he begins, exhaling sharply at the tailpiece of his words. His pace matches that of Chilledstar's, though he holds himself at a lower, almost submissive bearing. "A bitter and unsavoury affair, that, but bound to happen eventually." Muddy eyes drift netherwards for a scattering of moments as the coming words are closely considered. "His old man was someone I knew, back in the marsh colony moons. Always had somethin' terrific to say about his boy, along the lines of him growin' up into a strong fighter or sum'n of the sort." Pent-up frustrations guided the ginger tom's claws on that day in the tunnels, though he lacked the nerve to do anything meaningful with them. Smogmaw found himself reeling with disappointment after the fact. "He's strong, just not in a mental kind'a way," he drawls on, "and he's hardly a fighter. Just hides behind his clanmates' backsides for the most part, lets them fight his battles. Even after that encounter, I had Betonyfrost stroll on up to me, shoulderin' Roosterstrut's strife, 'cause she doesn't trust him to do it himself."

Another sigh breaks from his jaws, and he looks up towards his leader's icy regard. Their opinions on the matter lay beyond his grasp, though it is no secret that they demand efficiency from all in this clan. "Anyone been givin' you trouble since you've gotten to where you are?" the deputy asks, then, moving the conversation onward. "Not in a rule-breakin', misbehavin' kind of way, but in like a subtle way that keeps you on your paws."


they find themself nodding when he speaks. they are not unaware of roosterstrut's hesitation within a fight. a hesitation that would surely get him killed one day. he's a hard worker, and he has potential to be great but he's letting his fears hold him back. smogmaw was truly right about that.

"his father talked to me when i received my lives."

they shifted their weight before nodding.

"as pissed as i am that you'd go so far to egg him on, you know as well as i do that he needs to be pushed past a breaking point in order to properly fight. can't say what that point is, however."

they shrug their shoulders, before just huffing.

"a while back, granitepelt and i had a conversation. i trust him as far as a kit could throw him. he swore it was just a friendly little chat with me, insisting I looked tired. i have looked tired since before he was born. i simply just don't trust him."

they shrug. they have no other reason to distrust him other than this conversation, and yet it left them uneasy at least. granitepelt cared for no one but starlingheart so to feign worry for the leader made them feel... odd.

"how about your little chatters between clans? anything we can use?"

Chilledstar's moral condemnation is received by a nasal exhale, and an ungracious one at that. Persuasion is a delicate art, a domain rife with nuance and diverse means of expression, not readily fathomable to the inexperienced observer. It was persuasion which caused Roosterstrut to shed his foolhardy pacifistic shell, not egging on as they so imprudently allege. But, he leaves it there, shrugging off the topic prior and suspending the tension in his expression with a coaxed yawn. He needn't risk a confrontation over his leader's lack of creative understanding.

Shoulders grow less taut while the conversation shifts towards another clanmate. It is one whom Smogmaw did not outright distrust, yet he could see the rationale for others' doubts about him. "Granitepelt gives priority to himself, his mate, and what I imagine to be his ambitions," reflects the deputy, and the longer those words hung in the air before his maw, the more he identified with the younger tom's inner self.

"There's little room in his heart for the rest of the clan," he continues coldly, "and he hasn't that large of a heart to begin with. I'm skeptical of him for Starlingheart's sake, but at the end of the day, I regard him largely with indifference." Perhaps Granitepelt, like him, taps into the reactions of others in pursuit of insights or possible benefit. Such would shed light on the sudden change in treatment.

Weight returns to his bearing as the matter of discussion changes yet again, this time to the deputy's personal affairs. He knows fully well that he shouldn't feel so off-kilter by such an innocent question. There's nothing worth concealing amidst his interactions with non-ShadowClan individuals, no ulterior motives or maniacal schemes. Their words barely register across his features, reactions guarded, shielded beneath a veneer of apathy. "I've befriended RiverClan's deputy, Smokethroat," he accedes, "and so too have I acquainted myself with the most peculiar of SkyClan cats. Dawnglare, I think it was."

Eyes flit from his leader to the passing mud beneath his paws. He's unable to latch onto a fixed point as he considers his next words carefully, clawing through recollections of both encounters for information of note. "There's an old adage, about enemies of enemies being friends. Both RiverClan and SkyClan spurn the moor menace, as do we. I imagine we could easily triumph over WindClan, in the theoretic case of us all standing united against them."