TOO OLD FOR A SWEET SONG / meeting 7.12.23

The seam in his belly has lost the bulk of its soreness, and though Blazestar is still battered from the ferocity of Sootstar’s claws, duty calls him to the Highbranch. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!” The Ragdoll is unsteady on his paws, but he stands strong and proud before his Clan. Today is an important day for many young cats—and to him.

We have two apprentices among us who have proven their bravery. Both fought nobly in the battle with WindClan, and one helped drive away a vicious dog.” He flicks his tail, beckoning both the silver tabby and his spirited tortoiseshell daughter to pad forward. He meets first Drizzlepaw’s eyes, then Howlpaw’s, and for a moment, he loses himself in his kit’s amber depths. The shape of them, of her limber and battle-hardened body, is so reminiscent of her mother’s that he feels nearly breathless watching her approach the Highbranch.

I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend you as a warrior in their turn.” His whiskers shake and his blue gaze bores into first Drizzlepaw and then Howlpaw.

Drizzlepaw, Howlpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” He waits for their answer, silent and intense, before he continues to speak.

Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Drizzlepaw, from this day forward, you will be known as Drizzlepelt. StarClan honors your resilence and your initiative, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan.” Drizzlepelt is deserving of his early ceremony, having proved himself as a fierce and capable feline multiple times over. Blazestar has no doubt the young tom will be a noble warrior and a credit to their ranks.

He turns to Howlpaw next, and a lump gathers like debris in his throat. “Howlpaw, from this day forward, you will be known as Howlfire. StarClan honors your courage and your spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan.” Howlfire. He remembers the bloody day he’d discovered Little Wolf on the border between their Clans, her cries of pain that gave way to tenderness and love as they cleaned and anointed each of their five kits. Howlfire had been the smallest, the last born, and Little Wolf had named her for Howlingstar, who’d been present at their births.

She stands before him now, a fierce and dedicated SkyClan warrior, and yet he cannot help but remember the feisty she-kit who’d skipped about his paws, eager to hear stories of his foreign-to-her kittypet life.

When he descends the Highbranch to anoint both warriors, he gives Drizzlepelt a warm smile before resting his muzzle atop the tabby’s head. When he does so to Howlfire, he gives her a long, meaningful look, enough fatherly love to make up for all of his mistakes during her lifetime. “Well done, both of you,” he murmurs.

When he’s finished, he turns to their Clan, lifting his voice in a chant. “Drizzlepelt! Howlfire! Drizzlepelt! Howlfire!” He will let their Clanmates take up the cries and pass them around until throats are hoarse from cheering.

The commotion at some point dies down, and Blazestar searches for another young warrior, tan-and-cream pelt bristling even during ceremonies. “Twitchbolt, please step forward.” He has thought long and hard about the absence on his council and who to appoint in Thistleback’s place. Twitchbolt, despite his nervous nature, has never backed down from protecting and defending SkyClan. He is loyal, as loyal as any of the cats on his council, if not more, and despite his youth, Blazestar trusts him implicitly. He meets Twitchbolt’s gaze before speaking: “Twitchbolt, you have only been a warrior for a short time, but you have been a credit to your Clan long before that ceremony. I am inviting you to join my council as lead warrior.

He lifts his chin, silencing the murmurs that may have erupted. “Do you accept?

// everybody say congrats to Pin and @TWITCHBOLT!!! we are super excited to have you on the team and we know you’ll do amazing!!!

i am looking for lead warrior candidates and i have my eye on a few already, so keep up that awesome activity!

ceremonies: @Drizzlepaw @Howlpaw
activity shoutouts: @orangeblossom @DAWNGLARE @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @Johnnyflame @TWITCHBOLT @DUSKPOOL @GREENEYES @Howlpaw @Drizzlepaw @bobbie @YUKIO @Cherrykit

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The marmalade tabby strides over to the high branch. Taking a seat, she looks up at Blazestar with narrowed eyes at the sun’s rays are casted into her face. Despite the claw marks that ran through her leaders pelt, he still looked just as strong and noble as ever to Figfeather.

It’s not hard to guess who the two apprentices are; her eyes find Drizzlepaw and Howlpaw quite swiftly.

The sacred pledge is made and Blazestar gives them their names. ”Howlfire! Drizzlepelt!” Figfeather chants, a gleeful smile resting on her face.

Two moons have passed since her own ceremony- the abrupt realization causes her heart to lurch. Two moons without you, Daisyflight. Of course, her mind turns to her brother not seconds after. It wouldn’t be long until that much time has passed since his death too… time really stood still for no cat. Figfeather has to do all she can to shake the existential dread she feels as time slips right through her claws.

Luckily, the large leader assists her in this matter.

Twitchbolt’s name is called, she thinks at first he must be getting an apprentice; instead a higher honor is granted to him. Lead warrior of SkyClan her eyes flash with ambition and her jaw lightly droops… what an honor!
Flowercloud had heard of the recent fight with the dogs that made her further scared for the daylight warriors to travel to their homes safely. occasionally she would offer to walk with them, fretting and lecturing about this safety. dogs were cruel creatures, their beady eyes seeming empty of emotions. though she herself never had a problem with them.

The leader continued, blessing two apprentices who fought hard as warriors and even though she didn't know them well she would hold pride in her new denmates. "Drizzepelt! Howlfire!" she cheered, a grin spreading across her face.

Then, the leader would call upon twitch bolt. A warrior becoming a lead, and her gaze cast to the warrior, waiting momentarily for his response and reaction. A position as such came with a ton of responsibilities, but was an honor for sure.


Large paws carried him forward at Blazestars call, languid steps unrushed from where he silently stalked along behind Twitchbolt. The chimera tomcat took a seat beside his friend, lips pulled into a vague frown and looking as grumpy and unapproachable as ever as the fur along his neck spiked up in silent warning of his agitation, not in the mood to entertain smalltalk. Rumours of his ‘breakup’ with Honeysplash were still running rampant among the apprentices and such, wondering just why the sweet, cheerful shecat had decided to abandoned her family and home to return to the twolegs who abandoned her. All less than a moon after agreeing to become Quillstrikes' mate.

The tom wasn’t deaf to the things some of them were speculating.

He kept away from his clanmates outside of necessary business -like this- or when Twitchbolt pulled him along into something, humiliated and angry over everything that had transpired while still trying to cope with the loss of his old mentor. Surely Thistle would have come back by now if he could have? And yet, much like Honeysplash, he’d disappeared into the twolegplace never to be seen again. Neither were stupid enough to get caught again so soon after the shelter problem- which meant they’d chosen to stay away.

He forced himself to focus on the meeting, to turn his mind off to anything that wasn’t happening directly in front of him. Drizzlepaw and Howlpaw were getting their warrior names, and when the clan called out their welcome for them, he joined in as well.

When their leader began speaking again however, Quill found himself sitting up a little as the call of his friends name. Curiosity sparked within the chimera, and he leaned over to give the other an encouraging nudge to their feet, watching them keenly as they made their way up and Blazestar continued. A lead warrior?

Pride for the other bloomed in his chest, and he found himself sitting taller, eager to hear what Twitchbolt would say. Surely he’d accept? He could imagine they were nervous as hell, but at the same time.. They deserved it. After everything they’d been through and all the shit Twitch had stuck around through, he’d proven himself worthy of it.

And you haven't?

He blatantly ignored the voice, stamping it out like the filthy bug of jealousy it was.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

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At Blazestar's call, Twitchbolt took rank among his cohort, beside the patchwork pelt of Quillstrike. He'd made a point to stay near his friend, indignantly showing his support in the face of rumours that he'd driven Honeysplash away. Settling upon the other only for a moment to catch his eye, the brown-and-white tom set his wide gaze upon Blazestar. Howlpaw and Drizzlepaw, ceremonies... it was odd, feeling so old when he was so young. But- he remembered training alongside Howlpaw, remembered when she was carted between ThunderClan and SkyClan when she and her siblings had been kittens... it really was a reminder that the sun never stopped its ceaseless crawl.

Drizzlepelt, a warrior with resilience and initiative. Twitchbolt dressed himself with a smile, despite the trembling of his muscles. It was fitting- he'd seen the silver tom's bravery firsthand, rushing into camp to fetch a patrol to fight a dog. And Howlfire, for her courage and spirit. Something glimmered in Blazestar's gaze that Twitchbolt could only equate to a silverpelt-shine of fatherly love, of pride. He rid himself of a small, slumbering pang that he had not felt in moons, and craned his neck a little taller to join the celebration. "Drizzlepelt! Howlfire! Drizzlepelt! Howlfire!" His frayed voice joined the chorus, verdancy-bathed pupils following the new warriors.

As the cheering petered out, Twitchbolt leaned back into a comfortable sitting position, curling a tail around his paws- a tail that seized in a jolting flick as, of all names, his own was called. He straightened again, pelt a coat of spines- please step forward. And- he glanced at Quillstrike before he did it, but still followed through. This wasn't how mentor-apprentice matchups normally went, was it? Unless- somehow, in his often-whirling mind, he'd completely ignored the order that everything was supposed to go in. Or- even worse, he'd done something to be ridiculed for. Blazestar was not the type to humiliate people, but- if anyone was going to be the first, it'd be him, wouldn't it?

He swallowed noticeably as he met the lake-blue eyes of his leader, trying and utterly failing to smother his involuntary jitters. Surprisingly- what he said was positive. And why should it be surprising? Amber-struck eyes shocked wider at the true reason he had been called up. Not for an apprentice, not for some punishment- not to be made an example of, to be- stripped of his rank (the likelihood of any of those fates did not occur to a panicking mind at that moment)- but instead, for something else. A something else- a something more- that he had never once considered.

I am inviting you to join my council as lead warrior. Do you accept?

No, this- this couldn't truly be happening. This had to be some dream- or worse, some error. Blazestar could not possibly want him, a shadow of his mentor- her skills, but none of her composure. Instinctively, he turned to find the reassuring pride of her apple-green gaze, before the painful memory that it was impossible struck him. Wide eyes instead settled upon Quillstrike again- he saw the chimera's posture straightened, his eyes fixed upon him. Turn around, he urged himself- even if he had only glimpsed over his shoulder, it was rude, wasn't it, to turn away for that singular moment and to forget- forget that he'd been asked a question-

"Yes- !" he choked out, as if ejecting a rock that had been stuck in his throat. Muscle-spasms rippled across his frame for a moment, eyelids flickering one-at-a-time. "I mean- it'd be- be- be an honour. If you're sure." The last three words were uttered quietly, and he immediately regretted them. Was that rude? Was it pathetic? Was that- immediate cause for some demotion, for asking- for doubting- oh, it was ridiculous to think that!

Stunned, he could not shake the shock from his pelt even as he tremored. Blazestar was kind- the best of them, Houndheart had said. And the one thing Twitchbolt was sure of in that moment was that he trusted Blazestar, had faith he would always do the best for SkyClan- even if the best for SkyClan was apparently having him in his council.
penned by pin ✧
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
When the battle patrol returned, Duskpool had been one of the few to slip out in haste, standing in the back as kin reunited with loved ones, molten copper scanning the group until they landed on two individuals that made his heart nearly give out in relief. He had wanted to laugh then, bittersweet and all-encompassing, but he refrained, watching from afar with a subtle smile on scarred lips, shoulders sagging. He was proud of them, even if he had not had the chance to get to know most of his clanmates, Duskpool would stand tall beside them in the heat of battle if the Stars called upon it.

And now he sat, some lengths away to see Drizzlepaw claim his warrior’s name, pride swelled, overflowing until it threatened to burst. I’m proud of ya, kid. He thought, expression softer than it has ever been. Couldn’t have asked for a better apprentice. Drizzlepaw; who faced the monumental task of rallying others to help face the beast that left his face unrecognizable beneath the fray of scars that now mark his flesh to fighting for their home against cats who sought bloodshed in the darkest of nights while he remained, trapped, licking at wounds that festered and itched.

He sighed, helm down turned to stare at the ground, ears swerving when guilt weighed heavily on his mind. He should have been there, but because of his own stupidity, Duskpool was benched, forced to watch his apprentice leave, fate uncertain. It had left him jittery, unheard of to those unfortunate to know the obsidian-hued male, too stubborn to let others in until now.

Duskpool’s voice rumbled, deep within his chest as he called out the newly made warriors, molten copper glistening with poorly hidden pride although there was hidden sadness swirling within his molten copper hue like a parent watching their child leave home for the first time. Never would have thought I’d be this damn emotional. He huffed out a laugh, ear swerving to catch word of Twitchbolt’s promotion, deadpan hues watching the jittery tom clamber to his paws, offering a congratulating flick of his tail.
thought speech
  • Love
Reactions: Drizzlepelt
Drizzlepaw has been dreading this meeting. Not out of worry that things will go bad, no, it’s the opposite. He knew what was coming, and part of him is scared. Is he truly ready? Part of him thinks he’s not, despite all the bravery he’s shown. But he quickly squashes that thought down. He’s done everything he can for his true family, and he’s happy that he’s made it far enough to become a warrior, even earlier than he should have. His pride in himself shines through the dark clouds.

As Blazestar assembles the clan, he keeps his chest held high as he awaits the fated words. The praise is lathered immediately, and he bathes in it. He listens intently as he is ready to proclaim his oath. “I do.” He says it resolutely, with as much power as he can muster. It’s true; he would do anything for this clan, and that will never change. And as he is told he has the resilience and initiative needed to be a warrior, he is reborn again as Drizzlepelt.

He’s quick to join in on the others yelling out Howlpaw’s new name, Howlfire, and is immensely overjoyed at hearing all the other SkyClan cats call out his new name. It already feels so right, so him. Drizzlepelt’s attention also turns to his now former mentor, and he smiles at him showing genuine emotion at his promotion. He’s happy he was Duskpool’s apprentice as much as the other is proud of him. “Thank you for everything, Dad.”

Drizzlepelt also starts cheering when Blazestar asks Twitchbolt to become one of his lead warriors, knowing full well he deserves the high position, even if he himself can’t see it. He’s forever thankful he answered the call when he needed backup with the dog. So, even with all the hesitation in his voice, Drizzlepelt fully accepts him. He flashes the chocolate and white tom a grin when he settles on accepting the offer.​

Howlpaw knew this moment would be coming one day soon. She is only a few days shy of twelve moons, but she had known her training was largely complete and that her warrior assessment would be imminent. Unlike most of her fellow young warriors, she would not get a warrior assessment, but rather her deeds in the battle against WindClan were sufficient enough to prove she was ready.

Her father had told her and Drizzlepaw that they would be named warriors in this meeting, so when he calls the clan forward, she is ready. Excitement floods her veins; she hasn't been able to sit still all morning. She and Drizzlepaw are summoned forward and somehow Howlpaw manages to remain still as her father speaks. When the time comes for her to speak her oath, she is oddly calm. Mere moments before she had been taut with nervous energy but she is still and relaxed now. "I do," She says, speaking it clearly.

She relishes in the moment as she and Drizzlepaw are given their warrior names - Drizzlepelt and Howlfire. We honor your courage and spirit, her father says. A very apt name for herself she thinks, as she stares back at her father with a loving glance. She wonders how he must feel in this moment, having the honour to bestow the final name upon one of his kits, something which had seemed incredibly unlikely when they had been forced to choose.

Howlfire is quick to join in with her clanmates in celebrating Drizzlepelt and herself, cheering for Drizzlepelt until her voice is hoarse from effort. She is also quick to join in the celebrations when Twitchbolt is summoned forward and named as a lead warrior. He is young but loyal. Howlfire thinks he is more than deserving of the new role bestowed upon him.
  • Love
Reactions: Orangestar
Orangeblossom watches Blazestar warily as he claws his way up to Highbranch, broad shoulders trembling with the exertion of the task. It's so soon after WindClan's audacious attack during the middle of the night, and he's already up there to make announcements. She doesn't join him as his deputy this moon, choosing to watch with her kits from the entrance of the nursery (and shush them periodically when they start chattering about becoming apprentices next moon), though a Clanmate looking her way at the right moment would see the longing look she sends towards her usual place among the tree's roots.

Their cream-coated leader calls Drizzlepaw and Howlpaw forward for their bravery, ready to be received as warriors, and Orangeblossom's chest puffs out with pride for her Clanmates. They had earned it, even if they're a little younger than what would normally be graduated, and the atmosphere in the meeting sharpens from curious to electric as SkyClan realises it's possible to graduate without an assessment.

Drizzlepelt is named for his resilience and his initiative, and Orangeblossom turns the virtues over in her mind with a nod. He had been through a lot as an apprentice, but he'd always stood tall through it all. Maybe, as a warrior, life would grant him the rest he deserves - even briefly, for the life of a warrior is anything but restful. Duskpool had trained him well, but it's hard to train initiative into a cat; and Drizzlepelt has always been one of the first to volunteer here and there, getting things done without having to be asked. Orangeblossom had always appreciated him as an apprentice, and now, she would do so as a warrior. Maybe she'd put him on to lead a patrol next moon, in the way she always had with their new warriors.

Howlfire is named for her courage and her spirit, and a warm glow of approval flares in brown eyes. Of all the names to give her, of all the virtues to name her for, Blazestar has maybe stumbled upon the best possible combination for his own daughter. Orangeblossom remembers when she'd been Howlkit, visiting SkyClan with her siblings and Little Wolf, rough-housing and friendly and genuinely warm despite being the smallest of five. She'd been through too much since, in a different way to Drizzlepelt; the loss of her sister, choosing to live with her father in SkyClan rather than with their kin in ThunderClan; and, not for the first time, Orangeblossom wonders why, though she's glad that the little tortoiseshell has made this choice. Howlfire would make a stellar addition to their warriors.

"Drizzlepelt! Howlfire!" She adds her voice to the yowls of celebration, and as the cheers quiet down, the Clan realises that Blazestar has more to say as he beckons Twitchbolt forward from the crowd.

Now this, Orangeblossom doesn't quite agree with; Twitchbolt is too young, in her opinion, to advise Blazestar effectively. She, nearly twenty moons younger than their leader, feels like a kitten in comparison - but Twitchbolt is half her age again. Too cautious, too nervous ... But he is a good warrior. He's literally grown up in the Clans, something that any cat older than him doesn't have the luxury of saying they did. He's astute, and clever, even if that observant behaviour is tempered by his fear at nearly all times. Not enough so for him to decline Blazestar's offer, however, and Orangeblossom makes a small noise of surprise as Twitchbolt accepts his place as a lead warrior.

She adds her cheers to the crowd a few heartbeats later than they begin, though they're no quieter than she had afforded their new warriors: "Twitchbolt! Twitchbolt!"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
The Maine Coon tries not to appear so pathetic as he practically hobbles out of the warriors den, taking care not to reopen or irritate his healing stomach wounds. His injuries were nowhere near serious, he tells himself, so he attempts to maintain his independence and move about like normal all while being bound to camp and dozing off in his nest most of the time. Slate finds himself itching for productivity and tasks to keep his mind occupied; he doesn't like listening to the hustle and bustle of SkyClan, as it only serves as a reminder that he's unable to participate. He wanted to hunt, patrol, do something.

A meeting would be a welcome distraction from boredom, at least for a short while. Slate settled somewhere near the outskirts of the crowd, looking on with dull eyes as Blazestar announces the promotion of two warriors. It was probably for the best that Howlpaw graduate now; Slate couldn't exactly do much for however long, and if participating in a battle against WindClan wasn't enough of a test then he didn't know what was.

Just like that, Drizzlepelt and Howlfire had joined the ranks of the warriors, and now he was relieved of his duties as a mentor. Part of Slate was glad that Howlfire had been more of a training partner than a young and clueless apprentice, something to ease him into what was in store for him in the future. He's certain that it wouldn't be long before Blazestar gave him another assignment.

Like Orangeblossom, Blazestar's second announcement comes as a surprise to Slate — Twitchbolt, a new leaf warrior. This would be the youngest cat on Blazestar's council by far (aside from Fireflypaw of course). The bi-colored tom seemed loyal and dutiful enough, but would he have enough experience and wisdom to add to the team? He was also rather... twitchy. Anxious. Slate wonders what Blazestar sees in him, but then again, he's been asking the same thing about himself ever since he was promoted.

Silently, he watches on, the tradition of name-chanting not quite caught on to the gruff former rogue yet.
Blazestar’s whiskers twitch with amusement at the baffled expression on Twitchbolt’s face. The young warrior is a hard worker despite the anxiety that plagues him, and his self-doubt will, the Ragdoll thinks, diminish with time and confidence. He dips his head at the twitchy feline’s critical acceptance—“If you’re sure,”. “I’m sure.” He smiles, then makes the painstaking climb back to the Highbranch’s crest. He has a few ceremonies yet to perform—where two apprentices have left their training behind, kits stand prepared to fill their place. He catches both Orangeblossom’s and Slate’s eyes on his ascent—but he does not acknowledge the doubtful gleam in either warrior’s eye.

We have many kits who have reached the age of four moons and are ready to begin their warrior training.” His tail curls about his paws, and he draws a breath to steady himself. “Plaguekit, Sorrelkit, Falconkit, Zapkit, and Mothkit, please step forward.” A kit from each of the nursing queens prepares to leave their nest. Orangeblossom had taken Sorrelkit in many moons ago; Bobbie had cared for Plaguekit, and Yukio had recently come to take Vermilionsun’s children under his wing.

Plaguekit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Plaguepaw.” He finds the patch-pelted warrior beside Twitchbolt and nods. “Your mentor will be Quillstrike.” To the stoic young tom, he adds, “Quillstrike, you are ready to take an apprentice. You received excellent training from Thistleback, and I expect you to pass all you know to Plaguepaw.” Grief, that familiar phantom, draws a shadow across his face, but he presses on.

Sorrelkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Sorrelpaw. Your mentor will be Houndheart.” He waits for the scarred molly to step forward and brush her nose against Sorrelpaw’s. They will make a good pair, he believes—Houndheart has a vast and storied history from her time as a marsh colonist, and Sorrelpaw would benefit from a firm paw.

Falconkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Falconpaw. Your mentor will be Greeneyes.” The ginger and white warrior—Daisyflight’s only living son—receives Blazestar’s earnest blue stare. “Greeneyes, you received excellent mentoring from Sheepcurl, and I expect you to pass all you learned from her to Falconpaw.” Greeneyes is a young warrior, but Blazestar has faith in him to teach Vermilionsun’s kit to be a true SkyClan warrior.

Zapkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Zappaw.” He half-expects an outburst to result from this, but he presses on regardless: “Your mentor will be Chrysaliswing.” Chrysaliswing is young, and his tongue is sharp… but Zappaw may teach him some much-needed patience, the Ragdoll reasons. “Chrysaliswing, you had a great teacher in Silversmoke. I expect you to pass all you learned from him to this apprentice.

Finally, Mothkit, the third rogue kit to be brought to their nursery. “Mothkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mothpaw. Your mentor will be Hailstreak.” He has chosen the older warrior for his patience, as well as his gentle nature. Mothpaw hopefully will learn more than battle skills from Hailstreak.

At last, the ceremonies have been concluded, and Blazestar exhales. It’s time for the Gathering, though he isn’t looking forward to it this time. He’s still in bad shape, and Sootstar will no doubt take every opportunity to display his death to the other Clans as a sign of his weakness. “Tonight is the full moon, and those going to the Gathering will be Slate, Twitchbolt, Chalk, Auburnflame, Greeneyes, Quillstrike, Duskpool, Drizzlepelt, Howlfire, Spiderpaw, Sparrowpaw, Plaguepaw, and Falconpaw. Please ensure you are prepared to leave before moonhigh.” He shifts slightly, wincing as he does. “This Gathering could prove to be interesting.

// @falconkit @mothkit @ZAPKIT @Plaguekit @Sorrel ! [ceremonies]
Gathering: @TWITCHBOLT @SLATE @CHALK @GREENEYES @Drizzlepelt @Howlfire @Auburnflame @DUSKPOOL @QUILLSTRIKE @spiderpaw @sparrowpaw! + Plaguepaw, Falconpaw

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Twitchbolt eagerly accepts the offer, though blatantly nervous it was clear to Figfeather that the tom-cat truly did want to embrace the role. She chants his name, unable to help but find it surreal that they had been apprentices together only four-five moons ago. She makes a mental note to try and approach him after this meeting to give him a face-to-face congratulations.

Plaguekit, Sorrelkit, Mothkit, Zapkit and Falconkit are called forth. One by one they are each given their apprentice names and an assigned mentor. Plaguepaw is assigned to Quillstrike, StarClan knows the tom needed a new cat to put his attention into... No one knows what had happened to Honeysplash, but bitterly Figfeather can't help but think she had ran home to new twolegs, never to come back. This would be good for him.

Sorrelpaw is assigned to Houndheart, the older warrior would make a good mentor without a doubt.

Falconpaw- her jaw drops at her brother's name. Greeneyes was to be Falconpaw's mentor?!
A conflicting rage of emotions overcomes her, pride but also... anger... Why did she have to feel jealous? Her brother was not her competition- they were supposed to lift each other up. She was supposed to lift him up.

As she watches the orange tom greet his new apprentice she can't help but wonder if she'll be given an apprentice this meeting as well... Hope reignites in her eyes and she looks back on Blazestar.

'Zappaw, your mentor will be Chrysaliswing.'

Figfeather's heart drops to her paws.
How...? How?!
Why did Chrysaliswing get an apprentice?! Why should he?! Figfeather has been a warrior longer than him- she was more... mature than him in every which way! Why should that... fox-heart of a tom get an apprentice before her! Why was she being left behind?!

All around her the cats she's grown up with are starting mateships, leading patrols, getting apprentices, becoming lead warriors! Why did everyone else get to advance past her!? Why wasn't she getting picked to lead patrols, why wasn't she given an apprentice?

It's hard to blink back the tears that burn in her orange eyes. She felt bird-brained, immature, like a little girl. A warrior did not think, or act like this! A warrior doesn't cry and fault their clan-mates for her own failures!

If she wanted something, she'd have to prove to Blazestar and the rest of the clan that she deserved it.

Figfeather would have to demand it. Then and only then, would SkyClan understand that she was ready.
I've been trying not to
For some reason quite unknown to him, Plaguekit was standing amongst those listening to Blazestar's meeting rather than roughhousing with Doomkit back in the nursery. He was supposed to be here, is the answer Plaguekit was met with whenever he quietly inquired about standing around with warriors and apprentices alike. Bored out of his mind the patch riddled kitten batted absentmindedly at a blade of grass, forked tail flicking back and forth. A low sigh flutters from his maw and his weight pivots, preparing to walk back to the nursery or grab yet another snack when the large ragdoll up above calls his name. Snapping his attention in the direction of the tom poised upon high branch he turns again. Blue-green eyes land briefly upon the other kittens before taking a step forward, long gangly legs carrying the abnormality forward until he stops alongside the others.

Warrior training. Is this the special thing he had to wait all this time for? Tall, tapered ears perk further as anticipation begins to bubble just beneath his pelt. [i“Plaguekit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Plaguepaw.”[/i] A name change marks him an apprentice and the boy's split tail curls over his back quickly followed by his signature crooked grin. But it falters, falling flat the moment Blazestar dubs Quillstrike his mentor. Turquoise eyes zero in on the young warrior with clear disappointment in his eyes. "Qué? What about Johnnyflame?" The former kitten questioned, accent spiking in dismay. This isn't what he was expecting, he thought he would be paired with the bobtailed lead warrior. Not the grumpy, stone faced Quillstrike.

His gaze trails between Blazestar and his new mentor with a growing frown as skyclan's leader goes on to announce the cats attending this moon's gathering. While the other newly named apprentices step forward to touch noses with their mentors, Plaguepaw takes several steps backwards.
Go off the deep end
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Sparrowpaw looked up in time to see the massive Blazestar clamber up to the familiar Highbranch, and they can't help the way their expression twists slightly. Pity, almost, for the wounds he still bore following that night. They wished he could rest longer - all of them - even as they knew that duty called.

The chocolate tabby pads over on mismatched paws, taking a seat among the growing crowd. Their leader is quick to get to business. Howlpaw, now named Howlfire, and Drizzlepaw, now named Drizzlepelt. It would be strange, calling them by new names, but they would do their best. The crowd erupts into celebratory cheers, and they join in. "Howlfire! Drizzlepelt! Howlfire! Drizzlepelt!"

As the noise dies down, allowing Blazestar's voice to take over, he calls forward Twitchbolt. Instinctually, their gaze searches him out in the crowd, even as they strain to see over their taller peers. Lead warrior, as he is now named, and the excitement is renewed. "Twitchbolt! Twitchbolt!" They could see why he was promoted. He worked hard, and they were sure he deserved it, even as he voiced doubts.

As new warriors moved out of the den, it seemed more would be moving in. Many kits, now 'paws. The apprentice den had felt quiet after their friends had moved out, and they hoped this would ease it. "Plaguepaw! Zappaw! Mothpaw! Sorrelpaw! Falconpaw!" they cheered with the Clan. Stars above, there were a lot of celebrations, weren't there?

As Sparrowpaw looked about at the smiling faces, at the apprentices meeting their new mentors, they decided it was a good thing. The Clan needed the joy. Their own smile grew, only to falter when they spotted Figfeather. She looked so... upset. They twitched, as if considering going over, but remained where they were. After the meeting, maybe.

The tabby's attention was redirected when they heard their name, head swiveling back up to Blazestar. Oh, the gathering! They shuffled their paws, remembering the last one they had been to. They weren't sure if they would interact with ShadowClan this time... or WindClan.


( )
Meetings where kits become apprentices used to bring her joy. But now she worries for the little ones. More than usual. After the fight with Windclan, it was hard to ignore the danger. They would now be open to all the world had to offer. Alice feels the need to gather her own kits and curl around them. Protect them from storms and claws.

She joins in the chanting but her heart isn’t in it. These new apprentices would be okay, right? ""

He gathers beneath the Highbranch for yet another meeting, crooked tail wrapping around his paws as awaits its beginning.

He does not miss the unsteady way Blazestar approaches his podium - a lingering result of their battle with WindClan that leaves a verdant gaze lowering at the memory of the fallen star as the leader regains his footing. Still, his leader is strong, and Greeneyes can find relief in the fact that Blazestar is able to even give this meeting.

Warrior names are spoken first - a graduating Drizzlepaw and Howlpaw. His gaze is quick to find them in the crowd - his best friend's sister, and the apprentice he helped bring back home from the battle. Both fought hard against the moor-dwellers, and Greeneyes knows they both deserve to move on to the warrior's den; to earn their full names.

"Drizzlepelt! Howlfire!" he chants along with the crowd as their ceremonies come to an end.

Fitting names for both of them, but Greeneyes finds himself sitting on Howlfire's name for longer - it wouldn't be long until Fireflypaw gains his own name too, would it? A new name to call his friend, as he furthers himself in the path of a medicine cat. Just as he calls him Greeneyes now instead of Minty, would he have to forego his use of Fi, retire it alongside the medic's apprentice name?

It's a worry for another day, as the name of another friend fills his ears. Twitchbolt. At first, Greeneyes thinks he's missed the transition from warrior ceremonies to apprentice ceremonies, thinks Twitchbolt is getting an apprentice. He's excited for him, but even moreso when he finds out this isn't the case, rather, something else.

Twitchbolt is going to be a lead warrior. His gaze brightens as he looks over the tom - his mother's apprentice - only a few moons older than him. Though Greeneyes hasn't been too fond of Blazestar's recent additions to the council, he thinks Twitchbolt, despite how fresh into warriorhood he is himself, will be a good addition.

"Twitchbolt! Twitchbolt!" he cheers when the brown and white warrior accepts. He deserves this.

And then, apprentice ceremonies. A section of the meeting that Greeneyes typically finds himself zoning out by - with the amount of kits to become apprentices this moon, he thinks he'll be doing such this time around as well. However, he hardly gets to before Falconkit is brought forth, before his own name is called.

What? His eyes go wide as he looks up at Blazestar, as the ragdoll speaks reason into the decision. Sheepcurl has taught him well, but Greeneyes doesn't know if he's ready for this, for the responsibility of carrying someone else into warriorhood. He casts his gaze on the newly made apprentice, nerves beginning to twist at the child he'd only just recently met. Would he be able to keep him safe, just as Sheepcurl had?

"Amigo!" he says with a grin pulling at his maw, moving to press his nose against the kit's, a vow shared to the stars above to the best he can with him. "Ready to learn from the best?" A teasing tone passed down from Sheepcurl to him, words exchanged when he'd gone from Greenkit to Greenpaw. Even if he's not among the best, even he doesn't feel ready for this, Greeneyes hopes his mentor is proud of him - that she's watching on from the crowd.

And, as the apprentice ceremonies go on, he expects to here Figfeather's name too. Of course he does, his sibling deserves this too, of course - if he'd been given Falconpaw as an apprentice, why wouldn't she get one of his siblings? But her name doesn't come, and her deserved role is filled by Chrysaliswing instead. A warrior who'd been punished plenty in apprenticehood, who'd left a sour taste in Greeneyes' mouth for quite some time now - what made him more ready for an apprentice than his sister?

As he looks to her in the crowd, he finds his heart sinking at the look on her face, his own smile dropping. Upset is evident amidst the celebrations around the orange molly, and Greeneyes makes note to seek her out after the meeting, to check in on his sister.

Or... After the gathering, he supposes, as Blazestar announces those who will be going. Greeneyes is among them - and, of course, Falconpaw. The young warrior turns to the apprentice - his apprentice.

"Aren't you lucky, amigo!" he chirps, the smile returning on his face. This should be a happy day for the kid, after all. Ceremonies are supposed to be happy. "A gathering already! I didn't go to my first for moons!"
Fireflypaw listens from the medicine den at first, waiting for the inevitable promotion of his sister- while he's more proud of her than anything, there's an inkling of jealousy beneath his fur that she's received her final name before him. He takes a hesitant step forward, conscious of Dawnglare's presence nearby. If he went to congratulate Greeneyes on his new apprentice, would he be in trouble with the high priest? Giving in, Fireflypaw settles for shouting the names of the new warriors.

"Howlfire! Drizzlepelt!" He shouts their names, smiling toward his sister's direction proudly. He remembers when she was so small, when they were all so small. But now she's an adult, and so was he- the realization hits him like a ton of bricks. He wasn't a child any longer, so there was no excuse for the jealousy he felt inside of himself.

Next, Twitchbolt was promoted- much deserved, in Firefly's opinion. The tom might be so nervous he looked like his pelt would fall right off, but he knew Twitchbolt would do what was right for the Clan. A wise decision on his father's part. "Twitchbolt! Twitchbolt!"
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconkit had been off to a side of camp, idly playing with a clump of pine needles. Working on his abilities, he thought to himself, perhaps his father would be proud of him. The cheers for each warrior name had him picking his head up, and eventually, he was interested enough to push to his paws and try and get a better close.

Luck had him, and timing was good, his own name being called, alongside a number of his den-mates- his sisters included. A swallow followed, and Falconkit approached. Oh, how the eyes of the clan followed him, he could feel it against his pelt. A deep breath followed, nervous confidence swelling. You got this. Show them who you can be, Falcon. That determined look found his eye, and he squared his shoulders. Plaguekit and Sorrelkit recieved their names first, then it was his turn. His turn!

Falconkit stared up at the ragdoll leader in awe. Falconpaw. That felt much more like it. His old name, mixed with Skyclan's traditions. Could he learn to conquer his fears? Could he become a great warrior? Something in his stomach churned- anxiety, with inspired aspirations. He stood up, padding to Greeneyes- copying the other kits- and touching his nose to the larger's. Greeneyes was the kind warrior who brought them lunch, once, and called him a friend. He liked that. A smile was given towards the other warrior, still bundled with nerves, before he spoke to him. "Yeah." HE said, his voice cracking. He coughed, cleared his throat, and flushed in embarrassment. This can only get better.

His head looked back towards Blazestar. He cheered at his sister's names- he knew they wouldn't like it, but maybe, just for now, they could get along with Skyclan? Falconk- Falconpaw made sure to cheer for the other apprentices as well. Excitement bubbled in his chest, but bitter disapproval still followed in his throat. How would his father feel? His sisters? Now that he was seemingly falling in line with them?

The Gathering. He had heard murmurs of it, and it seemed so far off for him. Greeneye's name- his mentors name!- got called, and Falconpaw looked towards him. Of course he was happy, but there was so much he didn't know, so much unexplored. He hoped his sisters would be safe and okay as he started speaking to his mentor again. "Lucky? I.. I think so. I'm excited to see what's there!" After all, Falconpaw had come from a small, starving colony of cats, and now he was living amongst well-fed forest clan cats.

What would happen when he saw five clans worth of (gathering group sized) cats in one place?

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK


It was hard for any of his ill feelings to take root when it came to Twitchbolt. Quillstrike had never even shown an interest in promotion or mentorship or any of it- in fact, he'd as much as said so to more than one cat. And he knew that was how he truly felt- that he didn't care one way or another- all of these feeling of inadequacy and rejection was just run-off from the incident with Honseysplash and he refused to let it ruin a happy moment in his friends life.

When Twitchbolt eventually made his way back over to his seat, Quill was the first to rise and greet him. Whatever the chimera was struggling with in that moment, he didn't let it show as he got to his feet and bumped his head affectionately against their own, the small smirk tugging at his lips entirely genuine.

"Congrats. As the best friend I better get special privileges." he joked in his familiar monotony before letting something a bit more serious seep into his tone. "Daisyflight would be so proud of you."

He wasn't usually one for sentimentality, but in this case he felt he could make an exception. Daisyflight would have been proud of Twitch, and the Lead Warrior standing with him deserved to know it.

He settled beside the other then, mismatched eyes shifting to land on Blazestar as the meeting continued. He expected Twitchbolts promotion to be the only thing of true importance to him, as selfish as that sounded, and so he was surprised when he heard his name called among the mentors. He'd known it was coming eventually, something every warrior was eventually expected to do, but the look Plaguepaw was giving him was hardly any reassurance.

Still, he got to his feet and made his way over to where the other apprentices and mentors had gathered. They were supposed to touch noses or something, right?

"Que? What about Johnnyflame?"

He stopped, expression blank as eyes of amber and sapphire watched the patchy apprentice with an unreadable look, his disappointment masked and locked down with the eyes of the entire clan on him.

"Johnnyflame already has an apprentice." he reminded them dully.

As they stepped away from him, Quill felt the pinpricks of rejection sink into his chest. More run-off, he reminded himself. He shouldn't care about this. He wouldn't care about this.

It didn't hurt.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

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