Mar 28, 2024

I THINK I'LL TAKE MY WHISKEY NEAT — With a sweep of his serpent-like tail, Saffronpounce slips through the mouth of Thunderclan's entrance not necessarily focused on where he's going and ended up bumping into someone and the fur along his spine lifts ever so slightly. His feathered ears lay flat against his skull taking a few steps back and parts his jaws to apologize to who he had run into only to realize it was the kittypet from earlier that had wasted his time picking out useless flowers. Saffron's jaw clenches in irritation with his teeth clicking when his mouth closes shut to swallow down any apologetic words that he would've had for literally anyone else yet his pupils narrow at the sight of the larger brightly pelted tom. "You should really watch where you're going," His tone isn't unkind yet the way his eyes glare daggers at the chimera warrior and his tail lashing behind him, "Clumsy mousebrain." The seal tom huffs pricking his ears forward and lowered his hackles not wishing to be caught being rude to Butterflyskip even if he didn't really care but if one of the higher ups saw, well, who knows what would happen. Nightbird had been kind enough to entertain the moggy's antics and had even suggested for the other to see their medicine cat with the weeds he had collected.

"Are you off to collect more flowers?" He dares to ask keeping his golden gaze fixed on the bigger tom, his whiskers briefly twitching, and he lowers his head to swipe his tongue over his chest to smooth out the slightly ruffled fur. "Or you could be useful and come along," They say rather bluntly mostly referring to catching prey for the queens and kittens that rest in the nursery, Butterfly could put his skills to something that would benefit the clan... Not flower picking.


  • Oc2OCKU.png
    longhaired seal lynx sepia w/golden eyes
    saffron's not a very friendly cat, has low tolerance, and no space for mistakes. he has a distaste for kittypets, both within his clan and outside of it, and he isn't shy to show it.
    25 moons old; ages the 21st of every month
    homosexual demiromantic ; has no current crushes
    currently mentoring ...
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Although he hadn't really done anything wrong, he was a tiny bit sheepish about the situation from earlier, though it was also proven that his hunch was correct when it came to the flowers making others' days a little brighter - and that made his better, too, so the incident had mostly been forgotten by now. Despite Saffron's earlier attitude, the big chimera doesn't seem dismayed to see him - or upset that he'd run into him even, though his olivine eyes widen slightly as he turns to look. Despite the other rather clearly not liking him, Butterfly's words are friendly, eyes creased with amusement as he responds, "I was sorta standing there," the chimera purrs, tilting his head somewhat to the side. The comment about the earlier situation with the flowers makes him falter only for a moment knowing how strongly Saffron felt, ears pricking and eyes wide, but he finally nods, mimicking the other as he bends his head to groom a patch of fluffy cream fur on his chest. Despite how critical of him they are, he smiles, though his brows portray his remaining sheepishness. "Are you going hunting?"


I THINK I'LL TAKE MY WHISKEY NEAT — The dark furred tom was expecting Butterfly to retort sharply in their direction but his eyes remain friendly, he's amused, and even dares to purr with a tilt of his helm. Their ears lay flat against his head watching the other through narrowed eyes and their fur grows hot with... Frustration. How could someone be so nonchalant and uncaring towards the harshness of others? Saffron parts their jaws to speak then closes it as their teeth click together and they straighten their posture, their tail sweeping behind them with another lash that struck at the forest floor. "Stand elsewhere where no one will run into you..." He bites down on his tongue from adding on anything more snappy when he's already made a point or attempted to.

The sheepish chimera asks if he's going hunting only to breathe in slowly and gives a curt nod of his head "Yes, I am. Are you coming with?" Saffronpounce lifts his white toed paw upwards to motion to them going further into the territory and away from camp. Even with the threat of wolves being gone, Saffron wouldn't want to risk running into anything dangerous. He'd rather gnaw off his own paw than get stuck in the medicine den after encountering some fox or some owl that could injure at him, Gentlestorm's too soft-hearted for his liking. That's why he had fallen into the role to begin with, he supposes.

"We could hunt near the Shadowclan border," The smaller warrior murmurs only to think of the black stoned river that split both of Thunderclan and Shadowclan's territories apart. There's often little surprises found near the Thunderpath and one of them had recently got brought back to the clan alive. Another kittypet. Although there's was another aspect that Saffronpounce often lingered near the asphalt stream not just for the monsters but the remains of those large beasts that snarled whenever they passed by. He never took any back home nor did he dare eat the crowfood that lay on the road, he'd never do that especially when he could catch his own prey, and sometimes he dared to draw closer for a better look at the damage done to the stilled, crushed forms of whatever creature they had been.

Sometimes, a fox would fall victim to the Thunderpath and he had certainly been interested in such a sight. He enjoyed going there when the moon hung in the skies and the bright glare of the monsters eyes were visible, he thinks its mesmerizing in a way. "Well?" They ask finally proceeding to mimic Butterflyskip with the tilt of their own helm awaiting an answer from the chimera, they push aside their earlier thoughts and acess the larger tom with obeservant eyes and bated breath.


  • Oc2OCKU.png
    longhaired seal lynx sepia w/golden eyes
    saffron's not a very friendly cat, has low tolerance, and no space for mistakes. he has a distaste for kittypets, both within his clan and outside of it, and he isn't shy to show it.
    25 moons old; ages the 21st of every month
    homosexual demiromantic ; has no current crushes
    currently mentoring ...
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

And even with the continued harshness, mostly in body language, Butterflyskip does not waver in his cheerful, patient attitude, simply watching Saffron with gentle green eyes. Maybe part of it was obliviousness - not due to having been a kittypet, despite how many cats would rationalize it, likely Saffron themself included. He had always been rather soft, as the others would refer to it, and he can't imagine that changing no matter where he had grown up. That thought is only supported by the fact that he had spent more than half of his life here in ThunderClan, and he had not really changed at all. He'd learned how to hunt, and how to fight, and it did not make him fierce, did not sharpen his teeth or claws.

Perhaps that could be seen as a failure. On the part of whom, he was not quite sure. Warriors were supposed to be tough, determined, always out and about, taking care of all of the duties that they had needed to - and while he would do what he was required to, he was not the most decisive, or the most skilled hunter or fighter, or the bravest. Clan life was wonderful, but not for those reasons, but rather for the companionship that his clanmates provided, and for the care and compassion that he could provide for them in turn when they needed it. Simply being there for others, showing kindness, and trying to aid others in their joy was much more fulfilling for him than warrior duties.

But, alas, there was work to be done. The large cat nods once more, waiting for Saffronpounce to lead the way, despite his hesitation. While Saffronpounce found the Thunderpath and all that came with it fascinating, the memory alone of the stench made Butterflyskip want to cringe. Due to his upbringing, he didn't have as strong of a fear of "monsters" as he likely should, having seen them many times over, but on the Thunderpath, they went by so quickly his fur blew in every which direction, while the ones he'd seen before moved at a crawl in comparison. "We'll have to be very careful."


I THINK I'LL TAKE MY WHISKEY NEAT — Their eyes blink once noting that Butterflyskip's demeanor didn't budge in the slightest and its enough to make their snout scrunch up for a mere second. It would seem that all the larger tom either lacked understanding or his upbringing had caused him to be this way and it infuriates Saffron in a way. It made the tabbied feline want to press each and every button just to get the chimera to react even just once that would make them content or that's what they think. Just one simple reaction or change in expression but nothing and they simply accept this deciding that they'd cool their sharp tone just a smidge. Their honeyed gaze locking with olvine eyes for a few heartbeats as if trying to see small flames of anger beneath that gentleness, a huff leaves their slightly parted jaws. Butterflyskip would always be a soft bellied kittypet and its a wonder why he hadn't simply returned to his twolegs if he sought out companionship.

The bright pelted tom mentions how they'd have to be very careful as Saffronpounce takes the lead after turning and flicking their tail for the other to follow. They briefly glance over their shoulder only to mew with a small shake of their head "Of course," Saffron mews in a blunt tone only to add on, "It'll be a quick trip and if we don't find anything near there. We can look elsewhere since we have plenty of time on our paws." With careful and quiet pawsteps it doesn't take long for the pair to arrive at the shared border and the dark feline turns their honeyed gaze over to the Thunderpath, they draw closer out of curiosity. They stop just in time as a monster breezes by them but they seemed completely unbothered despite the way their fur had gotten ruffled and they blink seeing only small bits and pieces of carrion on the road that had likely been eaten by crows or ravens.

He takes a moment to smooth out his fur then turns to his companion swiping his tongue over his teeth, his pupils less narrowed than before and mews rather calmly "How good are you at hunting?" A simple question though his voice is quieter so he doesn't alert any of the prey that may be nearby, Saffron already getting close to the underbrush and foliage that provided plenty of hiding spots. His first assumption would be not very good considering that Butterflyskip had a large body, even bigger paws, and his pelt was very vibrant against all the greens and earthy tones of the forest. Regardless, the smaller cat lowers himself amongst the plants with both ears pricked forward and more keen on finding something while half listening to what the other tom might say.


  • Oc2OCKU.png
    longhaired seal lynx sepia w/golden eyes
    saffron's not a very friendly cat, has low tolerance, and no space for mistakes. he has a distaste for kittypets, both within his clan and outside of it, and he isn't shy to show it.
    25 moons old; ages the 21st of every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; has no current crushes
    currently mentoring ...
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

The big chimera follows the the dark warrior without complaint, making sure to keep pace with them and attempting to not go ahead, despite his long strides. The day is pleasant enough, at least—without rain, and a fair temperature with sunlight spotting the ground through the branches of the trees arching overhead, creating little collections of dapples where the grass shone greener than it did under the shade. Soon enough, the whole world would be as green as the blades the sun shed most of its light on, and the sound of birds and insects would grow to a constant rhythm of hums and cries.

Hopefully, at least. The thought brings to mind the incident that had happened not long ago—the sun disappearing for a few minutes, shrouding all of the cats of the forest in the darkness of night. If it truly were an omen, perhaps the darkness would soon return, and the sun would not shed its light and warmth on them again, plunging them into leafbare as opposed to the not so distant greenleaf. Occupied by his thoughts, he almost forgets that he's with Saffronpounce, and that they're so close to the ShadowClan border—until the gaseous stench of the Thunderpath and rot fills his nose, making him wrinkle it, and a monster whirrs by noisily. He wanted to ask the other cat what they thought about the sign when they speak first, shuffling into the undergrowth where their shadowed pelt lends itself well to blending in, and Butterfly's certainly does not, the color of flame and and filtered sunlight making him stick out like a sore claw, worse on top of his large size. Despite this, he isn't a terrible hunter, but he certainly is at a disadvantage.

The question on his tongue is relegated to later.

"Oh, I can hunt okay," he murmurs, mirroring Saffron's quiet tone. The tabby chimera crouches, even though it hardly hides him, trying to scent something over the overwhelming stink of the Thunderpath, "be careful," he reiterates.

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I THINK I'LL TAKE MY WHISKEY NEAT — The warmth of newleaf bleeding into his dark fur and fur is pleasant but he already knows that he'll hate every moment of greenleaf when it arrives. The heat was unbearable and what made matters worse was his long coat though he tries not to dwell on these thoughts for long, he watches Butterfly from the corner of his eye noting that the chimera had something on his mind as well. Saffronpounce refrains from asking as he had already thrown a question in the warrior's direction and blinks his golden eyes at his response. All he offers is a nod of his head to show that he ackmowledged what the other said yet when Butterflyskip tells him to be careful again, the dark warrior can't help but roll his eyes and lifting his head from his crouched position to look at the tabbied tom. "Thanks for the warning, kittypet." Saffronpounce says rather bluntly lacking any of the sharper tones that he had earlier and it sounds genuine despite the word he uses but he begins to focus once more on hunting as his tufted ears prick forward trying to listen for any prey that may be shuffling about in the thick foliage around them.

They become completely still only to stalk the small creature they had spotted on careful paws and leap with claws outstretched. Said creature lets out half of a squeak before being interrupted by a swift killing bite and Saffron turns towards their companion holding up a mouse in their jaws. They place their kill down for a moment to lick their jaws and watch the former kittypet carefully only to speak once more in a quiet voice "Would it be easier for you if I chased out the prey and you caught it?" It's a suggestion that they make knowing that the both of them would probably benefit from it and quite frankly, Saffronpounce didn't want Butterflyskip to end up startling any of the nearby prey due to his massive stature and big possibly clumsy paws. Perhaps they'd catch a lot more working together... Especially since they had so many small mouths to feed back at camp, Saffron grimaces briefly thinking about the little leeches.

If Butterflyskip were to ask the seal tom his thoughts on the events of the sun disappearing, well, Saffronpounce would have to think a few heartbeats to collect them. Perhaps it was a sign for Windclan, given that their new leader after the death of Sootstar is named Sunstar and he'd be dethroned. Or perhaps something more awful that none of the clans knew about, his tail lashes to the sides uncomfortably at the thought.


  • Oc2OCKU.png
    longhaired seal lynx sepia w/golden eyes
    saffron's not a very friendly cat, has low tolerance, and no space for mistakes. he has a distaste for kittypets, both within his clan and outside of it, and he isn't shy to show it.
    25 moons old; ages the 21st of every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; has no current crushes
    currently mentoring ...
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Kittypet. It does not visibly bother him, but it does stir a rare unpleasant feeling within, despite Saffron's level tone - Butterfly really was not ashamed of his origins, and he didn't mind discussing them, either, but cats like them - like Saffronpounce - were ashamed on his behalf. On behalf of all of the former kittypets, with some taking it out on them themselves, despite how many of them had been members of ThunderClan for many moons now, including Butterflyskip himself, who had now been a warrior for approximately half of his life and was now more familiar with clan life than anything that was happening in the Twolegplace. Being called a kittypet did not always bother him. In fact, it usually didn't - but somehow, it was stranger to be directly called a kittypet without malice than with.

His attention momentarily is diverted back to the undergrowth as he catches the sound of a mouse rustling in the nearby bushes. His ear remains angled as he looks back at Saffron with a nod and a little smile. Although he was fairly capable as a hunter, teamwork would certainly help here, of all places - one of the darker places in their territory, causing Butterflyskip to stand out even more than usual. "Good catch! Yes, that works fine. There seems to be plenty of prey around - maybe a run through the bushes'll really stir everything up!" The successful catch improves his attitude a bit further - he still manages to keep his voice down, thankfully.