took the long way getting home [ nana ]

Feb 13, 2023


Termitepaw flees the scene of Kuiper's murder (and it is murder, the same crime the rogue himself committed; to call it anything less would do disservice to its brutality). Her paws thud clumsy and frantic against the soft earth, racing along some unknown path -- away, that's where she's going. She needs to get away, no other clear thoughts in the frantic fuzziness, the strange detached panic of her mind. Outside the camp is where she finds herself. It makes sense, though her conscious mind puts little thought to it; there are too many other cats in camp, the apprentice den soon to be crowded with the others who lacked the stomach for such a cruel execution.

She stops a short length from camp, running until the blood-stench leaves her nose, heaving breaths escaping her parted maw as her eyes remain fixed on the ground. Though she ran here purely on terror rather than conscious thought, she has stopped at a secluded area, a spot shaded by a spot shaded by one of the pine forest's few shrubs.

It is here that she realizes her mistake. She is alone now, with nothing to stop her panic from growing and growing, building until it collapses in on herself. All the frantic thoughts that have lurked at the corner of her shell-shocked brain threaten to spill in, to consume her. She lets herself fall to the ground, pulling shaky paws over her eyes as though it will block the image of Kuiper's body from her mind.


  • // @Bananapaw takes place after this thread
  • TERMITEPAW named for their dark and shiny fur.
    — she/her, they/them, or it/its. 10 moons.
    — skyclan apprentice, mentored by ashenclaw.
    — cowardly and superstitious, yet still kind.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • termitepaw.png

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The brutal murder of Kuiper was one soon to not be forgotten. The image would haunt the dreams of many for days to come, but that wasn't what the focus was right then. There was something more pressing at hand, someone who needed help, and Bananapaw would be damned if she didn't try to help. With Quillstrike busy with Twutchbolt, the young cat had gone after Termitepaw after she fled the camp. The etching of her body had pushed her forward into following after the black and white apprentice into the forest- though after the camp entrance she lost her.

A little white face looked around for a moment as she pushed through the tunnel into camp and then she called out, "Termite? Termie! Where'd you go?" Worry laced her voice without her knowledge and she gave a small curse to herself. Bananapaw didn't want to drive her further into the forest but the care she had for her friend outweighed her need to not be something scary.

Opening her mouth slightly, Bananapaw followed her scent trail to a nearby bush- suppose it should've been obvious with the slight tremble of the leaves from Termitepaws' shaking body. "Termie?" A white paw lifted to push aside some of the bush and peer inside for a moment, "Oh, Termie," Bananapaw's voice was softer as she spotted Termitepaw with her paws over her eyes.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 11 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png


Bananapaw's inital cries go unheard through the deafening sound of racing thoughts and rushing blood in Termitepaw's ears. It's not until Bananapaw brushes away the bush's leaves that they finally register her presence. Her voice has them tensing up at first, before they process who it is that has followed them. Slowly, Termitepaw draws a single paw from their eye, its molten orange blinking wide-eyed and slit-pupiled up at this cat that they consider a friend.

There's relief, first: they're not alone. It's easier, they know when they don't have to bear their fears alone.

Then comes the horror: oh, that's right, she wasn't the only one at the trial.

Bananapaw saw it all too, heard Kuiper's horrible declaration, witnessed his brutal demise. Bananapaw, ever-bright eyes now clouded over with worry. They pull their other paw from their face, pull their shaky body to standing despite the tremors that wrack their wobbly legs. There's a sheen to their eyes, a hiccuping to their voice as they speak softly: "Nana..." Not typically one to use nicknames, she finds herself unthinkingly using the name in response to Bananapaw's own soft speaking of the name they've begun to bemusedly accept.

They waver, but do not yet move closer to Bananapaw, remaining half-crouched as they look to their friend for -- comfort, reassurance, companionship, they don't quite know what. They still can't get their brain to form anything resembling coherence.


  • //
  • TERMITEPAW named for their dark and shiny fur.
    — she/her, they/them, or it/its. 10 moons.
    — skyclan apprentice, mentored by ashenclaw.
    — cowardly and superstitious, yet still kind.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • termitepaw.png
  • Crying
Reactions: wolfie

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Bananapaw had seen the slaughter. It had happened like it was in slow motion, one moment Kuiper was talking and confessing everything under the sun that he had done in his short life span. Each name echoed like they called from down a cave, this voices made her ears ring but that wasn't what she focused on. She couldn't focus on the stench of iron in the air, the warmth of sticky crimson, and the way Thistleback just killed a cat. No, that wasn't what she could put in the center of her mind. Trying to lock it away deep within the recesses of her mind in hopes it would just be blocked out like everything else in her life.

Deeper green hues watched the black and white apprentice removed a paw from her eye, and she tries to stand up. There is a sheen to orange eyes and there is a soft croak of Bananapaws' nickname. The tawny apprentices' face softened with her ears flicking back and she was quick to Termitepaws' side. Pressing up against the other she-cat and putting a front paw around her shoulders softly, "Shh, shh, its okay," Her own voice was soft, barely a whisper and seemed to waver slightly.

The sight of others' crying would always make Bananapaw cry cause of the amounts of empathy she could feel. That and something in her started to break slightly, something that kept the bad thoughts locked away. A dam maybe or some sort of iron door- something steel that help keep up Bananapaws' happier nature. A few droplets pulled from the corners of her eyes and dribbled down her cheeks before the white spotted apprentice nuzzled her friend softly, "It'll be okay,"


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, previously mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png