development top 20 SCARIEST l voice cracks


Sep 11, 2022

The tom has been sneezing nearly all night, to the point that he was shoo'd out of the apprentice den for keeping everyone awake. Naturally, he's tired too, and so when he an npc offers a simple concerned comment, his imagination starts to run loops in his mind. "Careful going out with all of that sneezing. Maybe you should stay in the den. You don't want to catch whitecough." Well, they don't want him in there right now and he has no idea what whitecough is but it sounds horrible. It's too ambiguous for him and so he starts to come up with his own conclusions. It could be just a little sniffle or it could be something that would kill him slowly or maybe even eat his brain. The wilds are crazy, who knows. The important part is that he's getting sick and he really just needs some clarity. He's immediately worried, sweating bullets from his paws as he goes looking for Berry or Flame to clarify. Like, he's not going to die right? Right? It's only a sneeze, he's too young to die, and he doesn't want to die to sneezing. That sounds terrible and what if the sneezes are the thing that kills him because if you sneeze too hard those can really hurt and maybe it could even make his freakin' heart explode and--

He can't take it anymore, Jay hops up to the first clanmate he sees with his heckles and tail straight as a flag pole then shouts, "What iS whITEC-ouGH-?" Jay slaps a paw over his mouth immediately after and stares. He's mortified at the squawking noise that just came out of his mouth. Whitecough... turns you into a bird?

/clanmate can be anyone!
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Morningpaw had felt bad for poor Jaypaw, but the older apprentices had been adamant that he leave. She did have to admit she was still groggy from shallow sleep. His cough sounded like it was painful, getting worse.

In her sleepy reverie, Jaypaw's loud croaking voice catches her so off guard that she jumps. "What iS whITEC-ouGH-?" His tail is sticking straight up, fluffed out and his eyes are wide with anxiety.

She holds a paw over her mouth to hide her smile. He sounded so funny, but she knows it's not polite to laugh. Besides, he looks so worried!

Morningpaw murmurs, "Um, it's... it's when you're real sick, I think... like coughing and sneezing. But my uncle Berryheart knows more about that stuff..." She flashes him an apologetic grin.

- ,,
Howling Wind approaches with a gentle yet amused smile upon her face. She stops beside her granddaughter and drapes her tail lightly over her shoulders, although her soft gaze is upon Jaypaw. There's a hint of worry in it, but she tries her best to hide her concern. There's no need to get everyone worked up over what could be just a mild cold. "If your cough gets really bad, you should go see Berryheart to get it checked out." After many seasons, she knows how contagious whitecough can be...and how dangerous. What starts off as a mild illness can quickly develop into something far less compassionate.

Jaypaw and his star clan forsaken sneezing! The pitch black tom wanted to whack his fellow apprentice over the head as payment for keeping him up all night long. If he wasn’t so tired he just might but as it stands now his bones are weary, his limbs heavy. Still, he must go and train while now Jaypaw would probably get to relax all day. Sleep even. If he was sick, that was. Life was so unfair! For a moment he thinks about maybe trying to fake a cough or something of his own, blame it on the other tom but one look at his grandmother and he knows it wouldn’t slide.

He comes to stand next to his sister, the other side opposite to Howlingwind, pressing close to her for a moment of a familiar greeting before pulling away and fixing the other tom with his bright yellow eyes. “What’s wrong with your voice?” He asks rather bluntly, his nose crinkling in distaste