private TOP MARKS FOR NOT TRYING \ honeypaw

Nettlepaw had decided he was bored, straying to the back of the patrol and letting his gaze wander. He held no hatred of his home, but on this particular day the grimy shadows and swampy underfoot simply felt like grey static to him. It was one of those days where he would have felt the same way anywhere on earth- that the world was incurably dull, and he would have to do something to spice it up.

Asking for a spar was off the table, as was a hunting competition. There wasn't enough food around to sustain a competition, even. And he didn't want to do something like this patrol, something that would passively act as training- it wasn't appealing enough. Instead, sky-blue eyes flickered to the other apprentice on the patrol, and he looked to the back of her head for a few moments. It was a little odd that he shared the rank of an apprentice with her, now... when they'd spoken before it had felt imbalanced, as if she was so much more wise than him. Bravado came to Nettlepaw easily, though, and it was more natural now than it had been then.

"Hey, Honeypaw!" he called- and once she swivelled around, he aimed to kick a glob of mud at her face. "Catch!"

/ @honeypaw
penned by pin ♡