camp TOP OF THE WORLD — o, coming back to camp


* ✰. — starry-eyed ❞
Mar 16, 2024
Comet is a SkyClanner now. A SkyClanner! A clan cat! Gosh, wait until he told his mom about this. Wait until he told his neighbors. They'd be so jealous of him! After all, he was going to be trained in the art of hunting and combat, just as Orangstar had mentioned. Not all kittypets knew how to do that stuff.

The sweater-wearing feline followed the others into camp, curious green eyes taking in the sights and smells that surrounded him. "Wow..." The new apprentice breathed, jaw parting in utter amazement as he noted the hustle and bustle of clan life — kittens playing, cats sharing tongues and conversing, depositing kills onto a food pile. It was all so much, but even through this overwhelming introduction, Comet meowed, "This place is... incredible!"

He paused momentarily to shift onto his haunches and itch behind his ear, his collar jingling as he did so. Comet rose back to his paws and turned to the nearest passerby, figuring he should introduce himself to the others. It was a bit daunting, the amount of cats there were in this place, but he was sure he would adjust soon enough. "Hi, I'm Comet. What's your name?"

  • takes place after his joining!
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    he/him; kittypet
    shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
Milkshake is briefly in camp to deposit the little bird that she had caught while amongst the company of a patrol, her eyes shining with pride as she trudges past. It may be a measly little catch, but its a catch, and that means shes getting better at hunting! She likes being in the trees, and the warrior she had been shadowing had reluctantly allowed her to climb. It's almost like he was scared! Pssh, Milkshake climbed ALL the time, its like, she was super duper good at it and would never fall. And she DIDN'T! Hah! That shows him!

She, being too busy and excited to get back out on another patrol, nearly misses Comet until he speaks directly to her. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaims, jumping up with puffed out fur, the words leaving her mouth in an incoherent tumble. Wide blue eyes land upon the lilac tabby and she realizes she has never seen him before which is SO RARE! Because Milkshake knew everyone even if that is such a lie, and she dramatically gasps. "Hiiiii! Are you new? You smell new! I like your collar! Your... uh, thing, is cute! Thats sooo cute! I wish I had one!" she loses the word for what his sweater is, trying to wrack her brain for what her twoleg called it. It unfortunately escapes her...

"Ohmygosh," she exclaims again. "I'm SO sorry I totally forgot to introduce myselffff!" she shakes out her coat, puffing out her chest in pride. "I'm Milkshakepaw!"

  • ❝ mom doesn't think i fit in to the darling archetype; but thats an ancient pair of jeans. ❞
    afab ,, she/her,, 7 months
    daylight apprentice of skyclan
    fluffy, curly-eared cream tabby she-cat w/low white & blue eyes [ has a red collar ]
    "speech, E18AAA" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, single
    smells like sweet cream & sprinkles

The strange jingling sound of collars gets their attention, their ear flicking toward the sound before their head turns. Despite the fact that they weren't clanborn either, instinct made them just a little wary of kittypets - perhaps it was the sour taste that hearing about the kittypet lifestyle left on their tongue. Consistent warmth, comfort, and security were concepts that were completely foreign to them; a sort of kindness that they had not been afforded that cats who lived with twolegs certainly took for granted, at least until they became more familiar with the life of a forest cat. Unlike some cats, however, who made their distaste for kittypets - former kittypets - clear, they would not speak it, watching the two young cats through slitted olivine eyes. They linger for a moment before speaking, a chimeric shadow. "Welcome," they say simply, though their voice lacks the warmth that should come with a first meeting (granted, this is almost always the case with them).


There was always a spark of joy in Owlpaw when she watched newcomers interact with camp for the first time, especially new daylight clanmates. She held great pride being a skyclanner, that pride poured over into joy whenever someone got to experience that for the first time. The apprentice had spent enough moons watching her clanmates to be able to pick up when someone wasn't too used to the clan yet. They had tells, a little sparkle in their eye sometimes, a nose that's subconsciously sniffing to take in the new scents, usually new skyclanners ears twitched a lot, there was a lot of new sounds here after all.

Despite the joy she held for the newcomer, she felt hesitant to make her presence known, worried that she may mess up and say the wrong thing when giving her greeting. She debated not saying anything at all, having Milkshakepaw lead the conversation might be a more welcoming presence then her own awkward greetings.

It would be rude to not introduce herself though. She would hate to give the wrong impression and cause him to think that she disliked him. She was aware that not everyone had a positive opinion on their daylight counterparts and she wouldn't want to be misidentified as one of them. After spending a moment to think about the outcomes she decided it would be best to introduce herself at least. “Hello, I'm Owlpaw. If you uh… Have any questions, don't be scared to ask them, okay?”

The sudden burst of energy that explodes from the cream tabby she-cat comes unexpectedly, causing Comet to raise his eyebrows and absorb her excited speech as it flowed freely from her maw. "I, uh..." The new addition begins, trying to process everything that the apprentice is saying to him. "Yeah, I just joined today." He states with a smile. "Thanks. I like your collar, too." The lilac tabby mewed in response, glancing toward the red-colored band around the other's neck. She was a "daylight" member too, just like him! Comet wondered if she lived close by. "Nice to meet you, Milkshakepaw." Huh. Milk... shake? That was an interesting name, to say the least. Then again, most kittypets like him had funky names. He had no idea what a "comet" was anyway.

While a lot of SkyClanners were so far greeting him, he noticed a few faces that lingered in the background. An underlying nervousness began to well in his gut, a fear of being judged or disliked. Comet didn't think he had done anything wrong thus far... had he? Maybe those other cats were just quiet or not in the mood to talk. He could understand that, he supposed.

A monochromatic feline had issued a very brief greeting, one that definitely was not as enthusiastic. Either way, Comet would respectfully nod his head in their direction and reply, "Thanks."

Next to introduce themselves was a red tabby by the name of Owlpaw. She appeared young, not as much as him though. Still, it was reassuring to have a lot of other similarly-aged cats in SkyClan. Maybe making friends wouldn't be difficult, after all! "Nice to meet you too, Owlpaw." Comet chirped with a grin, genuinely appreciating her kindness. Speaking of asking questions, the lilac tabby supposed he had one, "Do the -paws in your names mean something?" Many young cats carried the suffix, he'd noticed.

  • *

    he/him; daylight apprentice
    shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
Jay had found some of her clan's apprentices mingling amongst each other as she watched for a moment before finding her way over. She knew of Milkshakepaw who was an extremely extroverted daylight apprentice, and she assumed that Comet was one as well by the foreign scent that lingered intertwined in his pelt. No offense, but they reeked in her personal opinion. Forest green gaze flutters as she allows everyone to introduce themselves before speaking up herself, "Welcome Comet, I'm Jaypaw." Her voice is silky smooth as she reaches a paw to her lips, licking it and rasping it over an unruly tuft of fur.

"The -paw is for apprentices which means we train and learn the responsibilities of clan life which we eventually take assessments to become warriors." Sometimes cats would fail their assessments which caused them to graduate later than others but overall it was just the clan's way of considering you a student. It was to teach young cats everything from borders, hunting, training and fighting and making sure they understood the warrior code. The long haired female would glance at the other apprentices before speaking once more. "We're taught from the warriors everything from hunting, fighting, borders, and the warrior code."
"speech", thoughts, attacking
Daisykit had been kicking a mossball around absentmindedly when the walls of camp parted and in came an unfamiliar face. The sudden appearance of said face surrounded by those that were familiar to the kitten caused Daisykit's eyes to widen, mossball slipping from his grasp and rolling lazily away as the blue and white tom jumped up from his spot near the nursery to move cautiously towards the other, nose wrinkling slightly as the strong smell of kittypet came from Comet. Daisykit didn't mind the scent, it was familiar in the way Sangriakit and Coffeekit smelled sometimes, but they both had the benefit of being in SkyClan off and on for a while as well as only having the bandanas around their necks not... whatever it was that Comet was wearing all over his fur that seemed to hold in the smell.

"Are you gonna be one of the... daylight warriors?" A rank that Daisykit had heard throughout his life, the ones who go home back to their twoleg nests at the end of the day and come back when they were let out again to train as a warrior. It was interesting but the tom wasn't sure if that's something he'd enjoy, having to be locked in a nest and only be able to come out when the twolegs let him out. Not like he'd have to worry about it now since Daisykit was stuck gladly within camp where it was warm and safe. "'m Daisykit." It was quiet, the kit not willing to get closer to the stranger quite yet.

  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed