private total miscalculation / nightfish


in dreams until my death
Dec 12, 2023
As much as he was willing to die for his clan, Shadestone could admit that he did not much like the act of healing from not dying. Wounds criss-crossed his flank again, he could feel them pull and itch as the skin began to pucker into a scab. It was a feeling he was reasonably well acquainted with, though he liked it about as much as he could tolerate most of his clanmates. The pulling was annoying, the itching bearable but ever-present, a fly on the tip of his ear that he couldn't quite flick away. Maybe Ravensong had some magic plant to rub on the skin to take away his aggravation, but even if he claimed he did, Shadestone put little faith in the mutterings of a healer. How could he be healed by a cat who did not fight at his side, someone who didn't even witness how he earned the scars he had? No, no.

He would rather a hunt, something practical to keep his mind off the warmth as the blood rushed to the surface of his skin to coagulate the scabs. Paws scraped against cool earth as he turned, his pads searching for free purchase, worrying for thorns, dusting away pebbles and stones, confidence building in every step. RiverClan had lightened with the departure of the rogues and their ilk, the foot traffic becoming more manageable, more maneuverable. He could walk again with hitting -

- his muzzle collided with a wall of fur, a blackberry-and-salt scent invading his muzzle. He sputtered at the smell and balked at the feel of the other's coat. "I am sorry, I did not mean to -" @Nightfish get his ass >:3speech is in #b4bcb4
𓆝 . ° ✦ Most warriors know by now, and kits and apprentices are quick to learn by unfortunate experience: it does no one any good to sneak up on Nightfish. He can’t help it; it’s some kind of dumb loner reflex that he can’t seem to shake. And when someone unexpectedly walks into him while he’s settling down to eat, he reacts the same way he always does: by turning around and slapping his paw across the unsuspecting cat’s face. It’s a small miracle he’s learned to not unsheathe his claws, but he still puts all of his weight behind the blow instinctively.

Then, as usual, the surprise drains out of him as quickly as it came and he’s left with his paw up in the air, feeling like a jumpy idiot. “Watch where you’re going,” he snaps. Then he notices who it is, the cloudy eyes, and he winces, embarrassment rising hot in his throat and bristling his fur. Fishguts. Nevermind, whatever.”

He should apologize, right? Nighfish nudges his breakfast along as he takes a step back, clearing his throat. ”Sorry. Shadyrock, right?”
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.
The shock of the strike hurt more than the hit itself. Shadestone recoiled with a start and a jump, his short fur fluffing out as much as it could, blind eyes wide. Maybe it was the quick realization that no claws marred his face or perhaps it was the all too incorrect offering of his name, but there was no retaliation from the pointed tom, only a gruff shake of his paws and head to rid himself of the feeling of being touched.

"Shadestone." came his flat retort to his assailant. "I would apologize for my mis-step, had I not been subjected to ... whatever that was." His lip curls almost imperceptibly, so delicately that it's almost nothing more than a quiver. "My kits are more reserved, with defter paws."speech is in #b4bcb4
𓆝 . ° ✦ Well at least Nighfish doesn’t get a paw in his face for the trouble, though by the way the other tom looks it’s not for lack of wanting. “Shadestone, sure, close enough. Do you, huh—” he nudges his meal the other way, closer to the blind cat, but stops when the other’s comment reaches his ears, his own flattening on his skull.

“Well you also probably don’t step on your kits, so—” His voice trails off: he doesn’t really know where he was going with that one. His tail lashes side-to-side, and the way he’s turned means it hits Shadestone across the flank before he thinks to put some more distance between them.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.