TOUCH AND GO \ hurried hunting

He'd been in and out of camp in a flash, a blinking starburst. A voice with strength forced into it had called for volunteers, for anyone, as many cats as possible, to attend him on a hunting patrol. Petalnose was staving- was she dying? The terror twisted a flipped in his chest, lungs heaving in and out, but he somehow managed to keep himself calm. Apprentices, anyone... and it was quite a ragtag group of cats he'd cobbled togethe, no judgement employed. But... well, none of the apprentices were as bad as he'd been- no fish for ten moons. And the warriors were likely greater warriors than he.

Furrowing his brows, Ferngill swept a bright emerald eye over the surrounding patrol. "Catch anything- anything at all. Petalnose's life is at stake," he told them breathlessly- the shake was beginning to come back into his voice. The fear- he couldn't really deny it anymore. Giving them one last affirmative nod, Ferngill turned around to pick careful, light steps toward the river. He was no good at land hunting, after all...

\ @coyotecreek @otterpaw @robinpaw. but anyone can be on the patrol!
penned by pin
𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool silently nodded her assent to Ferngill's words, a look of grim determination on her face. She did not need reminding what was at stake. Even though she did not show it, she was just as stressed as he was. Petalnose's life sat heavy on her shoulders. Ravensong and Moonpaw were more than capable and would do everything in their power to help her, but they could not fill her belly.

As he turned to head toward the river, she continued inland. If there was prey to be found in the water today, she had full faith that he would catch it. So while he fished, she would hunt on land. Lowering herself into a crouch, she crept along the snowy ground, careful not to let it crunch under her paws. Slowly, she opened her jaws to scent the air. Nothing. Her ear flicked. She sped up her steps as much as she could without making too much of a sound. Maybe she'd be able to catch a scent somewhere else.

Normally, catching a single piece of prey would be a small task for an entire patrol. In leafbare however, it was not uncommon for patrols to come back with empty paws. Even the most skilled warriors could not always find prey in leafbare, that was the unfortunate reality.

It was a reality that Petalnose could not afford.
 ° .  . ° 
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    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
Seeing Ferngill so shaken yet determined to keep his fears under wraps reminded Robinpaw so much of herself - masking even the tiniest of fears became commonplace for the confidence lacking molly. However now was not the time for such introspection and unbridled concern for Ferngill. They needed to hurry and get prey for Petalnose. Robinpaw can’t forget how the lead warrior had stood up for her after the dead robins in her nest prank. Robinpaw owed it to Petalnose and was determined to be of use by hastily joining the hunting patrol.

Ferngill veers off towards the river to fish, a task Robinpaw is not as skilled in yet, so she follows after Mosspool to hunt the land. There was a higher probability of success for the multicolored apprentice after all. Her paw steps are light and jaw parted to scent the ground without drawing attention to herself. There is no prey scent yet but she trusts herself and Mosspool will come across something soon; and between the two of them they could catch it.