touch the lion’s paw only while it sleeps || starlingpaw


die young or get old trying
Oct 4, 2022

The medicine den stands as an unexplored place— a great unknown that feels unexpectedly familiar, once Loam is inside. An out of reach stone ceiling, the scent of countless herbs mingling. It nudges something in her mind, but the memory remains out of reach. Loam shouldn’t be in here, she knows, but she also knows boredom all too well, and she knows boundaries exist to be trodden upon eventually.

But, oh, it isn’t empty.

Mischief will need to wait another day.

You’re Starlingpaw, r-rrr-right?” Loam asks, as if a visitation had always been her intention, “Is it tuh-tr-true you were attacked b-buh-by a monster?


tags ∘ shadowclan kit ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​