pafp towards the sun — first time outside the med den


never give up 09/18/23
Feb 21, 2023
you want a battle ? i'll give you a war .
The freckled tom shuffled forward, peeking out from the depths of his temporary stay, blinking sluggishly at the cats moving about sending a jolt of jealousy through his heart. He winced, pulling back, head lowered to stare at his paws. He wanted to be out there doing his duties as an apprentice.

Of course, Dove didn't think going days without proper sleep was good, but it had kept his mind busy from the thoughts that attacked him relentlessly. He sighed, tucking his face away, hiding the unruly mesh of healing skin, not wanting to deal with the stares he was sure to get, no doubt an eyesore against his black-and-white fur.

An inaudible whine escaped his maw, lowering himself until he was tucked away, head bowed to stare at his paws which kneaded the ground absently. He wondered how Mama was doing. His siblings? He didn't mean to scare anyone. Honest. He hadn't expected to stumble upon that badger until it was upon him, tearing into him.

He flinched, remembering the foul stench of crimson until it made his stomach churn. Oh—He didn't think he had the appetite to eat now. The real reason he ventured out, but everything was just so loud. It made his ears hurt.

His muscles strained from the misuse, watching as everyone went about their day while he remained stuck, drowning in his thoughts. Would Berryheart release him early? Dove frowned, tucking his nose beneath his tail, staring wishfully at the camp's entrance. Was he even ready? Being attacked again sent tremors through his small build, but that was what a warrior was about, wasn't it? Facing your fears, right?

Dove laughed quietly, an almost self-pitiful laugh, unlike his usual jovial demeanor. "M, Maybe I shouldn't b, be out h, here." He muttered.

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Redwind had noticed the cheerless mood Dovepaw had been in. She had been visiting the medicine den often to cheer up her injured friends and consulted the medicine cat about her flare-ups. It was like a raincloud followed him around, noticing the down-turned lips and wondering if she could change his mood for a few moments of time. The Thunderclan warrior eased out of camp for a few paces of time and came back with a heavy mouthful of a variety of wildflowers she plucked from the rich earth. The beautiful gentle scents banded together to overwhelm her nose. She had held back a sneeze the whole journey just so she wouldn't damage the attractive pieces of nature. Her eyes fluttered around like butterflies as she searched for Dovepaw until she spotted him. "Ah, Dovepaw my beloved. I have some flowers for you. Maybe I can decorate your fur with them? Unless you want to enjoy them in other means." she purred, setting them in front of the younger cat.

Redwind then noticed his absence from the medicine den, glancing in the direction of it. "Stretching your legs? Maybe Berryheart won't mind if we sit in the sun for a bit. My mother told me it's good for your body. Kind of like our friends here." she requested, ever so gently patting the flowers to show what she was talking about. Hopefully, she could get him to smile for once. ​
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" Lady's right, " Wolfwind says, coming to stand beside Redwind with a friendly flick of the tail. " Sun's like another kinda medicine. If Berryheart didn't allow it it'd go against his uh... philosophies. " Was that the word? She had no damn clue. Point is, no one would stop this guy from taking a gander at the sun once in awhile. Getting attacked didn't have to be a prison sentence. Besides, who could deny a gift? Redwind had managed to pluck up some real lookers despite the... viciously anti - plant nature of ThunderClan's territory right now. Seems like she had a real good eye for 'em. " Pretty, " she tells Redwind, then with softer eyes, looks to Dovepaw. " Come get a nosefull, eh? "
you want a battle ? i'll give you a war .
The apprentice flinched, blinking up at Redwind until his gaze lingered on the colorful flowers presented in front of him. His maw parted, inaudible until he let out a curious chirp, paw reaching out to touch the fragile petals. “D, Decorate?” He mumbled, owlish optic curious. He glanced at his black-hued fur, wondering how he’d look with such things. He didn’t feel worthy of such things, not with herbal mixtures and cobwebs plastered on sore wounds.

“H, Hungry but n, not so m, much anymore.” He spoke, lingering on the outskirts of Thunder’s entrance when he spoke, stomach queasy.

Dovepaw trilled, barely audible. He’d like that. A singular optic glanced at the medicine den, heart lurching. “R, Really?” He mumbled when Wolfwind spoke, bobbing his head in acknowledgment. “I, I wouldn’t mind t, that.” A wobbly smile graced his lips, although it hurt, face crinkling with the motion, he’d be content with basking in the sun’s rays.

“D, Do you t, think they’d l, look alright?” He spoke, mentioning the flowers, skin prickling with unease. His muzzle inched forward to nuzzle one of the flower buds, humming softly when it tickled his nose, eliciting a quiet giggle from the apprentice.
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