toy soldiers【 windclan patrol 】


【 tinker toys, rusted and retired 】
Nov 8, 2022

—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
He still couldn't believe it. Him? He, of all cats, was to lead a patrol? It didn't sit right with him, even now, nerves sitting heavy in his stomach as he led the way across the moor. Not only that, but Duskfire had left it to him - and the other patrol leaders - to choose who they wanted to bring with them. In the end, he had more or less asked if anyone had wanted to come with him, rather than directing. It had worked, at least, Coalfoot reflected with a sigh.

The marbled warrior could hear the distant gurgle of the river that marked their border with ThunderClan, beginning to brush against his surroundings to renew the scent of WindClan. He had felt horribly tired well before they left, doing his best even now to fight away the dark claws that gripped at his pelt and weighed him down. It filled him with frustration just as much as it filled him with even more anxiety. It was quiet as they went, and he tried to break the silence. "Maybe we can catch something if we find it. Or on the way back." Although as much as he wished the thrill of a chase would shake off the drowsiness, he knew it wouldn't. It never did.

ooc// never led a patrol before nor been on one pray for me y'all

[penned by its_oliverr].
♚ // you'll do great!

Hyacinthbreath follows closely behind Coalfoot, sniffing the ground idly to make sure nobody had passed through their borders without permission lately. None, so far. Luckily they'd managed to keep trespassers at bay. Her eyes wander to the borders, before they sway right past and check on the shadows where those stinking ThunderClan cats could hide amongst their thorned bushes and high trees.

"What do you smell, @spiritpaw ?" She asks her apprentice softly, Coalfoot's suggestion of catching something fresh on her mind. "I agree. With prey starting to hide away, now's the time to hunt as much as we can. Though, keeping an eye on those ThunderClan mongrels is my priority. Apologies, Coalfoot. All respect to you." Accented hum solemn from pearly lips, the woman turns her attention back to the border.

Would more come? ThunderClan always liked to talk a lot.​

nightbird had heeded emberstar's warning about keeping away from the shared border with windclan, but when she was out hunting and caught sight of a rabbit, was she just supposed to ignore it? no way. the possibility of windclanners nearby did not phase her, she was only focused on the kill. nobody would care about where she got it when she brought it back, they would only care that they were fed.

the smoke stalked the prey for quite a while. it wasn't much smaller than her at all, which would mean that she would need the perfect moment in order to be successful. it bounced around unknowingly, it's carefree nature beginning to piss her off. she followed it all the way until it was only a few lengths from the border. she followed it into a bush, rustling the dying leaves. she watched carefully as it's ears shot up. it turned it's head to look for the danger, but she already had lurched forward, gripping it with her front claws and delivering a swift bite to it's neck. at least she had caught it off guard and wouldn't go back empty handed.

as she was about to gather the kill and head back, voices caught her attention. voices from across the border. her ears tilted forward, tuning into their conversation, as she peeked with silver eyes to see the patrol. they were talking about hunting. how ironic. nightbird pushed herself out of the bush, making a show of slinging the freshly dead rabbit across her shoulders. "not a very nice way to talk about your neighbors," she remarked, faking a hurt expression on her face.


"Hmph! Cute. By the way ensure you hunt on your windy ass side of the border, not ours. If I catch ya across our border then I'll send you back without your fur." Blackmoon warned as he sidled up to stand near Nightbird. The old tom wouldn't hesitate to fight if given a reason too, though he would leave the passing patrol alone if they behaved. However, he opted to tail the WindClanners for the time being from the safety of ThunderClan's territory. Though he hadn't forgotten his fellow ThunderClanner's catch. "I see the hunt has favoured you today, good catch."

"GWAHAHAHHAHA! You lot calling us mongrels is funny! Weird you had time to go on patrol with your busy schedule of kissing your leader's ass!"
His laugh was a loud, hyena pitched cackle of a sound that started with a great puff of air and noise and slowly trailed off into a wheeze. Raccoontail made his way over next to Blackmoon, the cat least likely to be up for a joke and he attempted to give the other a gentle elbow in the side to get his attention.
"Moony-Moony-!" He probably hated this nickname, it would be a wonder if the other tom didnt' take a swing at him for it, "Got a joke for ya, how many WindClanner's does it take to turn an entire forest against'em?" There was a pause, a delay, he turned to offer Nightbird a wide cheshire-grin of a smile as he waited but he didn't wait very long; Raccoontail was not a patient tom so he could only hold a joke for so long before blurting out the punchline, "JUST ONE!"
The peal of laughter that erupted from him was almost too much, he howled, guffawed and doubled over at the hilarity of his own joke; perhaps a little too on the nose but if his hysterical cackling didn't send that WindClan patrol running then perhaps he gave them a poor assessment so far. It took a good cat to take a joke.


—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
Coalfoot may have been more relieved than he would like to admit when Hyacinthbreath volunteered to join him on the patrol. He was perhaps all too willing to subconsciously fall back and let her take the lead, even if it had resulted in him simply walking shoulder to shoulder. Even if she had stepped down, renouncing her title as lead warrior, he wouldn't stop respecting her so easily.

The younger tom perked up a little when she agreed with his suggestion, although quickly seemed to deflate at a redirect of priority. "I don't know..." he admitted after a moment. "I'd rather not start conflict." To be frank, he was far too tired to deal with any.

It seemed that conflict would find them, however, as before they knew it, three ThunderClanners made their appearance from the other side of the border, Coalfoot's hackles beginning to raise involuntarily. Cold words were fired relentlessly their way, his eyes narrowing in spite of what he had only just finished saying. Before he could reply, however, a dazed look seemed to cross his face, head dipping and eyes slipping shut, swaying on his feet. It was only a few moments, finding himself staggering against Hyachinthbreath for support and awareness trickling back in.

Upon realization of what happened, the warrior straightened up abruptly, flattened ears burning with shame and stare hard as he once again regarded the opposing patrol. "We're not here for conflict," he stated firmly, straining to rekindle his sense of dignity. "We're just renewing the border." There was a pause that felt too long to him, struggling to find his words, his heart pounding with nerves and embarrassment. Green eyes briefly flickered to Hyacinthbreath, silently willing her to step in.

[penned by its_oliverr].
♚ This wasn't SkyClan, so she couldn't exactly say she had a hatred for these cats- but they weren't WindClan, and she was used to the prejudice those of WindClan showed to ThunderClan and SkyClan. Kittypets and Loners alike. Hyacinth turns her head to meet Coalfoot's gaze, registering the emptiness before he disappeared from consciousness, Hyacinthbreath quickly moving her body to hide the tom from their enemy's vision and to hold him up. Her priority redirected, she ignored the taunts from the other side of the border in favor of waiting for the tom to return to them.

Then, his head raised, and he reaffirmed their intentions- no conflict, just marking the border. Hyacinth nods her head in silent agreement, gritting her teeth- she wanted to be a better person. How did taunting someone count as that?

"Beautiful catch. Have a nice day." She grunts out dismissively, turning her back to the patrol to seat herself down. Her apprentice still had her question to answer, and Hyacinth wanted to make sure Coalfoot was alright. "My mother had the same issues, fainting sometimes. This happen all the time, mate?" She asks the tom softly, not trying to intrude too much. He didn't do anything wrong, but he was the leader of this patrol; past rank aside, she respected him enough to let him keep making the decisions here.​