tradition | taste testing

Sep 13, 2022
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
After receiving a clean bill of health from Berryheart, Silverlightning took full advantage of the warming weather to go hunting. Dangling limp within his jaws as he returned back to camp was a fine specimen of a snake. Thick, hearty, and long. A brilliant way to start off the new turning of seasons. If one looked close enough they would be able to see the minor upturned smile worn by the ticked tabby. He'd gone months without indulging in his favorite meal and he was more than ready to sink his fangs into its warm leathery flesh. However he pauses upon spotting his apprentice across camp.

Lowering his head Silver drops his prized catch upon the ground, calling out to the blue tortie. "Mousepaw, come. Allow me your attention for a moment." Grey eyes shift from the young molly back to the snake laying at his paws. "Where I'm from the older members of my group would bring back a snake for their pupils to consume. They are said to grant speed, precision, and maneuverability to those that eat them." His tail curls over his paws, remembering a warm memory during the days of his youth. A hint of pride seeps into the tom's vocals as he looks back to Mousepaw. "I was three moons old when I tried my first snake. While the mountains are no longer my home, it would do my heart well to extend the tradition to you." He murmurs with an encouraging nod of his head. (feel free to post before @MOUSEPAW ! does!)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Flycatcher is enjoying a meal in camp when he spots Silverlightning returning to camp with a snake clamped between his teeth. Flycatcher was surprised to think that Silverlightning had likely travelled to Snakerocks to catch that. The dogs weren't there anymore of course, but Flycatcher was of the opinion to stay away from the place for a little while longer. He has to give credit where credit is due for Silverlightning braving going out there, especially when he had only recently been given a clean bill of health from Berryheart.

"I've never tried snake before," Flycatcher commented as he padded over to the two. "Looks like it would taste like a frog." He looked at Mousepaw, curious to see what the apprentice would think, "Let us know what you think of it, Mousepaw," He chuckled, before looking back to Silverlightning. "Did you eat any other unusual prey in the mountains?"
Sitting beside Flycatcher, she too noticed the silver tabby pad into the camp with a snake. The fur on her neck rose instinctively, but then she realized that he would not be carrying an alive snake into their least she hoped not. She glanced at their kits who were off chasing a butterfly or something of the sorts, before following her mate to see what was going on.

Her gaze narrowed curiously as the warrior asked for his apprentice to try a bite of it. It was part of a tradition from where he was from...but the thought still made her skin twitch. Her nose wrinkled slightly, but she tried to straighten it out in an attempt to not look rude. She had never been this close to an adder before...her mother had always told her to stay away from them. One bite can kill you. No thanks. If a bite would kill a cat...then what would eating one do? If Silverlightening truly had eaten them before, then surely it was okay right?

Looks like it would taste like a frog. her mate had said. Had he eaten frogs before? She knew Shadowclanners enjoyed frogs, but the idea of biting into one grossed her out too. "I think I'll stick with squirrels." she would say with a small chuckle. Poor Mousepaw.

her gaze was trained steadily on silverlightning as he entered camp with a snake between his jaws. he had spoken of how it was some sort of 'delicacy' before, but she had kind of wished he had been joking. her wish, unfortunately did not come true. she had never eaten a snake, mostly because there was no desire.

however, his catch seemed to have the whole camp interested, poor mousepaw cornered into dining on a snake. the corners of her mouth twitched upwards in anticipation of how this would go, but she wouldn't utter her disdain. instead she just watched with an amused glint in her eye, an ear flicking to agree with flamewhisker's statement. squirrel was indeed a far more refined choice in her mind.
[ ☾✩ ]


A connoisseur of foodstuffs in and around the forest, Berryheart had of course tried snake. Though there were aspects of his old home he missed, the amphibian and reptilian prey was not among those thoughts. In fact, he thought he might live a perfectly blessed life if he were never to set wonky eyes upon such food again. Such a wish was, of course, unrealistic- though when he had risen that morning he had not anticipated the sight of Stone-face, whom he had only recently dismissed from his care, thumping a snake on the floor with a spark in his stern gaze.

From where he lay- not particularly far, and he had of course moved his nest outside to make the most of the new warmth- Berryheart observed, rather silently. A faint but tangible spark of judgement lay in his expression, though it was not the disapproving kind- instead, there was the tiniest humoured lift to his broken jaws. At Sunset's words, an exclamation of her own preferences, his tail flicked in agreement. "Mm, me too..." he murmured, thinking of the aforementioned squirrel as he let his eyes drift closed. When would the more orthodox hunting patrols arrive?