Dec 12, 2022

Despite how much she had willed it not to happen, Fantastream had, inevitably, gotten sick. One day she was fine and the next she woke up feeling like she had just gotten hit by a monster. Her whole body ached, her nose ran, and she wanted nothing more than to just lay on her bed and rest. Hon had picked up on it immediately. Every morning, her and Hon had their routine. After Dear would leave to stars only knew where, Fantastream would jump up onto the bed, she would go to Hon and if Hon was not already awake then Fantastream would ensure she was. Then Hon would pet her for a bit while the kittypet purred, she would pick out Fanta's bandana for the day then she would drink that bitter tasting black liquid while Fanta ate her breakfast and then Fanta would be allowed outside. There would be none of that on the day she had gotten sick, however.

On the same day she had fallen ill, she had been put into the mesh den and she had been taken to the twoleg medicine cat. After her visit there, Hon and Dear had cooed over her and given her all sorts of strange treats. At first, Fanta had no interest in them but when she looked upon Hon's face and saw how worried she was and saw how relieved she looked whenever she did eat them she decided it was probably for the best and, though she didn't like it, she endured. For them she would endure.

Soon afterwards, she started feeling better again. She no longer coughed or had a fever and her muscles did not ache in protest whenever she got up from her bed. She had never seen Hon look so relieved. It was a couple of days after she had gotten better that Fantastream began to worry about the cats in the forest, the cats of SkyClan. Were they okay? Were her friends alright or had more of them fallen ill? She finds their faces swirl around in her mind at night. Chalk, Twitchbolt, Bobbie. Even Figfeather makes an appearance. She worries about every single one of them. Despite how loudly she wailed though, Hon never opened the door to the outside.

Finally, on the fifth day of her confinement, Hon relented. Fantastream at first, stood frozen at the doorway, staring out into the forest, her tail in the air. She looked back at Hon' but her twoleg had already gone back to the couch to drink her strange water so, without anymore second thoughts or hesitating Fanta ran. She ducked under branches and flew over logs, her legs carrying her through a forest that had once been foreign and strange but that she now knew as well as her twoleg nest. As she ran she had to surpress the urge to tilt her head back and yowl in joy, for certainly the forest cats would not be pleased if she did that.

She stops, practically bouncing in place, in front of the entrance, only pausing for a moment to let it soak in. She was back! A part of her worries that they would be angry with her for disappearing but for the most part, she is hopeful they would understand. It is not as if she had chosen to get sick, after all. Feeling resolve, she walks into the camp as if she had never left it. "Im back!" she would say to no one in particular "Sorry I was gone so long, I got pretty sick fer a second there, but I'm better now. My twolegs took me to their medicine ca- uh twoleg and they healed me" she kneads the ground anxiously as she waits to see how her return would be received

// TLDR; Fantastream got sick and was locked in her house for a bit afterwards but she was taken to the vet and is all better now!

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Daylight warriors came and went every day, but... but it was easy to notice when one was whipped away into the breeze. Fantastream was a cheery presence, a kind ambience that never went appreciated until the bicolour tom was worried she was gone for good. Catastrophising, definitely... but he would never discount the possibility that he might never see her again. It was a different feeling to grief... it had that tiniest speck of hope within it, but pessimism steered him down a path of sadness. As he'd done with Sheepcurl- gone now, too... Twitchbolt had to double-take before he fully took in that Fantastream had just burst in through the border.

"Shh- sss...squirrels, Fantastream," and anyone with ears older than six moons probably knew what he'd almost said, but Twitchbolt had learned to mind his mouth in the confines of camp, especially since his promotion. What an awful example it would be if a lead warrior just... ran his mouth every opportunity...

Despite the tumultuous tidal-storm in his chest, ever-battling extreme emotions, he met the returning daylight warrior with a feeble but genuine smile. "Oh, it's... good to see you..." A white paw scuffed the dirt. "I- I thought... something bad had happened. Illness-wise..." It was difficult to be optimistic with yellowcough making fatal rounds.
penned by pin ✧
It wasn't completely unfounded for those with Twolegs to have little stints of time away from SkyClan... in fact, it'd be odd if they never went home at all and would kinda sorta detract from the entire thing about being daylight warriors. As much as the clan was probably so miserable and so so sad when all the daylight warriors were at home with their Twolegs, Edenpaw was certain that every morning upon their turn, the clan rejoiced privately. To do so openly would be embarrassing! But here was Twitchbolt (the most nerve-y of the bunch) declaring his delight in seeing Fantastream in the middle of camp like a love song!

"You should be soooo excited miss Fanta, Twitchbolt never tells me he's glad to see me," they declare with a frown, appearing like a little phantom at the lead's side without so much as offering him a glance. Clearly he didn't have an interest in being their friend... adults were so boring and rude. And this one just liked to share lectures all the time.

"You look shiny! But I bet you missed the prey-food, huh?"


While Quillstrike didn't have anything against the daylight warriors personally, he could understand the frustrations of some of his clanmates when it went to the comings and goings of the human-owned cats. There were definitely some who made the effort to be with the clan during the day, but there were others who tended to come and go with far less routine, and unfortunately the tom had simply grown used to the fact that some daylight warriors would just take off for a few days at a time.

Not knowing Fanta all that much, the chimera tabby had sort of assumed that such was the case with her. He hadn't really put much more thought into it, too busy with his own illness and then all the extra crap that'd been happening around the territory lately.

However, he found her excuse to be a fair one when she suddenly came bounding across the border to rejoin them. Quillstrike had been a firm supporter of moving the sick cats -including himself- clear out of camp to stop the deadly sickness from spreading, so the fact that Fanta had chosen to stay back and let her twolegs work their magic on her instead of wasting their herbs and getting their cats sick was actually preferable in his eyes.

As he opened his mouth to join Twitchbolt in welcoming her back though, he was cut off by Edenpaw.

"You should be soooo excited miss Fanta, Twitchbolt never tells me he's glad to see me,"

What the hell does that mean?

Was Eden trying to say that Twitch was paying some kind of special attention to Fanta? That was stupid, why would he..?

For a brief moment, an image of himself and Bananasplash came to mind.

That was stupid. Twitch didn't like Fanta. And the shecat had never even looked at a tom like that the entire time he'd known her. Why was he getting so worked up over a stupid comment some kid made?

"He didn't think you were dead." the chimera replied flatly toward Edenpaw, quickly dismissing it as he shifted a bit closer to the lead warrior and turned his attention back to the shecat. "Glad your not, by the way. Skyclan needs all the paws it can get right now."

With a chunk of their cats journeying to the mountains, it would be up to those left behind to protect the camp- something that was needed more than ever now that they were housing two more of Windclans 'finest'.

skyclan - male - 19 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark, muscular chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his neck and spine.

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