pafp TRAIN TICKET TO TOKYO [ ✦ ] gift


just pretend . 𓆩♡𓆪
Nov 8, 2023

Honeysplash was a stranger, a cat that, up until very recently, Springpaw did not know. And what a first impression she had made on the youths mind. Orangeblossom had said she was her sister, but everytime she looks at her all she can see is what she had seen that day. A cat lying bloody and injured in a clearing, and then she remembers how it had made her feel, how her mouth had dried up at the sight, how her heart beat started to race faster and faster until it felt like she could open her mouth and it would jump out and run away. Fear. It had been her first time experiencing it. But that wasn't exactly fair to Honeysplash now was it? If Orangeblossom was anything to go off of then she is certain that she is a nice enough cat. It wasn't her fault that she had been injured the way she had, and even less her fault that she had frightened Springpaw so bad. And yet she cannot bring herself to go near the medicine cats den in fear she might see her there.

Today though, Springpaw wakes up with a new kind of resolve. A determination to face her fear and show kindness instead. There were a lot of scary things about the medicine cats den. Dawnglare, Blazingpaw, herbs that don't taste good, the threat of stars that watch you even if you are sleeping... But Springpaw sets it all aside and begins her mission, feeling more determined than ever.

When finally she finds her gift she makes her way to the medicine cats den, taking a deep breath as she stands at the opening. It looks like a giant maw, ready to swallow her up and never return her. She knows that some cats go in here and never come out again... at least that is what she had heard from some of the older cats. With a big gulp though she closes her eyes and on swift feet she enters. "Miss Honeysplash?" she calls out, her voice tentative, afraid. "I brought this for you" she says, drawing closer to the nest where the warrior resides and placing in front of her a brightly colored butterfly wing. "I-I found it and thought you might like it" no butterflies were harmed by her claws in order to present her with this gift today.

// please wait for @Honeysplash

The medicine den was becoming something of a suffocating place. The herbs were sour smelling now and gave them a migraine. They wanted to get up and stretch their limbs as everything felt so stiff but they knew if they so much as moved then surely Dawnglare would manifest out of thin air again. She swore that the medicine cat was a like a ghost or something! Still, she shook her head and adjusted where she laid. At least the den wasn’t so lonely anymore with Slate and the young apprentices’ now in here too.

Then there was rustling at the den entrance and they lifted their head in expecting to see Fireflypaw or Dawnglare coming back or something- but no. To their surprise it was a young black and white cat. They didnt know who this cat was off the bat but she had been there when she had been found right? The memories were fuzzy and the attempt at thinking about it made their head throb painful.

Honeysplash then watched the young apprentice approach- hey. She blinked a bit with round eyes and titled her head, the sound of being called ‘miss Honeysplash’ making her heart hurt. Awe, what a sweet little thing. Then she nudged something over to them and the looked down at it with a curious head tilt.

It was a butterfly wing.

Oh my stars- its so pretty!” She breathed softly and put a paw up to her muzzle she felt emotional suddenly and like she might cry. What a sweet gesture! She was going to keep it forever and ever! Honeysplash purred happily, “Thank you so much, little one! Oh you’re just so sweet!” ​


living in a world so cold
The surprise return of her sister had been widely unexpected. So much had been assumed of Honeysplash since her disappearance, and Applefrost had been concerned their eldest sister would have treated it the same as Apricotflower's decision to live in RiverClan. But seeing her sister had been like looking at a ghost, and she almost would have been if it weren't for the patrol finding her in time. '

Of course Honeysplash would be given prey and as the code required the sick to eat before her, but she enjoyed the excuse to speak with her little sister whenever she got the chance. She had been right behind Springpaw with a jay held between her teeth and she hummed, seeing the apprentice had beat her to seeing Honeysplash first.

She carefully padded around the fragile gift to deliver the prey into Honeysplash's nest and smiled. "I think it's a good sign, seeing butterflies in the cold like this." Her pale gaze flickered between the two. "You'll get better and soon enough, Honeysplash, you will be able to see the butterflies outside yourself."


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