TRASH TALK'N ✤ gossip

Nov 22, 2022

"I know something no one else knows!"
It was the first thing out of her mouth as she wandered into the camp with a cheerful skip to her step and head raised, teeth wide in a smile. Poppypaw looked very much like the cat who ate the canary (whatever those were) but she stopped her strutting about to sit herself firmly in the middle of camp head raised and a paw lifted to proudly to her chest in a pointed gesture.
"If anyone wants to know it, you have to give me something cool." Cool could mean anything and she did also accept bribes in the form of doing her chores because nothing made her angrier than having to clean nests and drag around moss. She also liked odd baubles, bits and pieces of interesting things; the carrionplace had so many good treasures if you were willing to spend the time digging around in it for something and she was certainly the kind of cat who happily shoved her nose into any pile of rubbish to get to the neat stuff. She remembered the doohicky Brookpaw once gave Starlingheart, how it sprang and sprung in such a weird way; almost snake-like but with a little bit more motion. One day she'd get something just as neat as that, right now her collection mostly consisted of stuff that rolled (sometimes poorly) and stuff that when you slapped it with a paw would either fall over comically or shred your paw. Some of the shinier things were dangerous, she had found out. Much to Frostbite's annoyance.
siltcloud | 12 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
It's strange, she thinks, to be a warrior now when her only friends are still... not. They no longer share a den, and her excuses to spend time with poppypaw and loampaw now fall shorter and shorter. But thankfully, not all is lost. When the dust furred feline pads over, she gives a faint flicker of a smile - green eyes flashing upwards only briefly, but long enough to fully take in just how smug poppypaw looks. "I don't really... have anything cool to offer... but I could do your chores for you perhaps-?" it's the one thing she's good at after all, and though it might be a bit odd seeing a warrior stuck doing apprentice duties, she's certain that whatever has the ginger-furred girl so excited must truly be interesting. And besides - it's siltcloud we're talking about, most of shadowclan would probably hardly batt an eye to see her laboring about camp smply because she didn't know how to say no.


Ferndance didn't like to share, which was in part a large reason why her collection of stolen trinkets tended to spill over to the nests around her. Hearing Poppypaw's proposition, however, 'give up an item and gain some knowledge', was tempting. She tilted her head in thought as she walked over, nearly bumping into a clanmate due to the awkward angle she held herself. There was no telling what would come out of the apprentice's mouth, and finding herself hesitant to be scammed, she quickly righted her cranium and shook her head at the prospect of giving her things away. Wide eyes were near-vacant as she thought of a solution: Siltcloud had already offered to do chores, could she offer free reign of the fresh-kill pile for a day? Choice of patrol? No, that seemed more in Smogmaw's domain, somehow, she doubted the surly tom would entertain Poppypaw's offer. An eventual idea caused her large ears to spring upwards, her mouth slowly opening in a smile that revealed a row of pointy teeth. Ferndance leaned forwards, ready to offer the greatest prize of all. "I'll make you a Lead Warrior if you tell me what you know." No, she couldn't. But it was the thought that counted.

Change your mind

Crowpaw was next to pad over, copper eyes glinting slightly as she dipped her head in greetings to the others with a warm smile on their face. Curiosity of what Poppypaw had meant intrigued the young apprentice and he nodded slightly, wondering what they could offer up to the other while the tip of their tail twitched a bit. "Would a feather with cool markings on it work?" they would ask the other apprentice, probably more lame than what Siltcloud or Ferndance had to offer but...a feather with neat little markings on it, at least to them. "If not, next time I get to go to the carrion place, I can get you something of your liking" they offered up as well,
wanting to hear what Poppypaw had to say, what does she know that the others do not?
He doesn’t like it when cats talk about secrets.

But no cat with as much to hide as Granitepelt would—would they? The gray warrior slumps just outside of the medicine cat’s den, a scowl creasing deep into the harsh white of his muzzle. Poppypaw’s voice is grating, grinding at his ears and his common sense, eroding all sense of self-preservation. Siltcloud edges close, dull eyes shining with fascination at the fool’s secret—and then Ferndance and Crowpaw are asking, too, egging her on.

His head throbs. Dull, aching between the eyes. He wants her to shut up.

Nobody cares about your secret,” he says in a whiplike voice, his eyes narrowing threateningly in Poppypaw’s direction. “There’s nothing in that tiny brain of yours worth knowing.” Still, the fur begins to tingle on his pelt, a warning. An omen. His brain begins to nag at him, voices like crumpled shadows: But what if there is?

What if she does know something?


Siltcloud raised a good offer, she hated chores-she hated anything that wasn't super cool apprentice training or hunting and even then sometimes she didn't like hunting because she wasn't very good at it. "That's a good offer." The red and white molly mewled out with her cheerful tone before turning to Ferndance with the enticing offer of supreme ultimate power! If only it were true! Poppypaw wasn't so stupid as to think the lead warrior had any kind of authority to grant her this magical gift and she scoffed in response to it with her nose tilted up.
"You can't do that! BESIDES, Chilledstar is too scared to give me power since I'd destroy them if I had it." Mean, awful Chilledstar who did nothing but ignore her and act like Forestshade was better than him just cause she was their apprentice. An act that Poppypaw would never forgive.
Crowpaw's offer was also just kind of boring too and she waved a paw, "Feathers are old news! Anyone can get those! The stuff at carrionplace is neat though but I don't DO HOLDS!"
And then another voice, grating and horrible and bringing up a scowl and flattened ears to her expression. Ugh, Granitepelt.
She was so sick of him, he was just not fun at all and constantly butting into others business. "Yeah!? Maybe it's about YOU, Granitepelt! Maybe I know YOUR secret? Bet it's not so uninteresting now huh~! Maybe I'll tell everyone for free!"
Her fluffy tail swishes the air behind her rapidly, enticingly, she smiles at the gray tom with her sharp teeth before gnashing them in a mock bite.
  • Angry
He knows Poppypaw has a secret, but he often wonders if it's an actual, juicy secret, or the start of a joke to roast someone over something.

Both of these options are very possible.

He watches as others filter in to try and learn what she's hiding. She was like an annoying little sister to him. Incredibly biteable and yet. He just can't stop watching her. She was probably the most colorful cat here. Where does she get this energy. Can he have some.

Frostbite's smile that he hadn't realized he was even making fades as Granitepelt snaps at her. What a DOWNER. What does Starlingheart like about this guy. Can he even smile. Not that Frostbite can even talk in that department, but still. Opposites attract, supposedly.

"Nobody cares about your opinion." He retorts to Granitepelt. "Nobody needs your attitude either, for that matter. Unless...."

Maybe Poppypaw was rubbing off on him. He didn't usually like poking badgers or starting trouble.

"You DO have an embarrassing secret you don't want anyone to know?" His tone was playful and his smile was mischievous.

For all he knows, Starlingheart could be expecting his kits. But he also figures they would announce such a thing.​
siltcloud | 13 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
Siltcloud wants to bang her head against the ground - it is only sheer stubborn will and the knowledge that absolutely no ne would understand that has her refraining. Lips taught in a mockery of a smile, teeth grit, sand raising her eyes from the ground she deadlocks her gaze against her brothers. "If it's that he loves starlingheart a disgusting amount, that's no longer a secret poppypaw," she attempts to sooth, voice a bit to loud and a bit too upbeat - it's a preemptive intervention. Of all cats, she can say with full confidence poppypaw cannot know their secret - if she had, the entire clan (and maybe most of thunderclan too) would have heard of it by now. There would be no more peaceful days with time for gossiping. she can only hope her brother is smart enough to think the same. Her frown deepens for a moment, dull eyes narrowing as she turns to glance at poppypaw for a brief moment before going back to avoiding eye contact. "That better not have been the 'secret' - it's absolutely not worth doing your chores," she murmurs in a softer tone, more like her usual self.

Granitepelt had respected Poppypaw’s response to be obnoxious, but what she says, against all reason, sends his fur bristling into needles. He prepares to stalk closer to the loudmouthed apprentice, his teeth bared and his eyes burning, when Siltcloud slips between them. There’s a pleading note in her voice as she attempts to dissuade him from taking the bait—“she could know nothing,” Siltcloud seems to be saying, but how could she know? Granitepelt looks into her eyes coldly. If she were to search for mercy there, or understanding, she would come up short.

But after several heartbeats, Granitepelt allows the fur on his shoulders to lie flat. He gives Poppypaw a long, hateful look over his sister’s shoulder, and then he begins to pad away—but not before stopping in front of Frostbite. “You would think a warrior would have taught their apprentice how to show some respect,” he says frostily. “No surprise, I suppose. It’s not like she has anything to respect in you.” He smiles, and its devoid of warmth or feeling.

Rage still smolders inside of him, but he bites his tongue. For now.

// out :)