private traveled land and sea - Acornpaw

With yesterday's extensive heat, she had decided to postpone their training session until this morning. She knew Acornpaw had probably been disappointed, but there was no shame in helping out around the camp instead of spending a few hours training. There was plenty of things that had kept them busy. Several holes had been patched in the nursery, the elders had new bedding, the fresh-kill pile had been sorted. Now, there was nothing keeping them from spending the entire morning training. Her goal was to hopefully be done by sun high, before the hottest part of the day struck.

It was right at dawn when she awoke, and poked her muzzle into the apprentice den to call Acornpaw's name. It had been about a moon since Cloudyfur had received her full name, but it still felt strange to not call her former apprentice's name. She had sat by the entrance to wait for her to wake, then when the apprentice joined her, she would pad out into the forest. With the threat of Windclan potentially showing up on their doorstep, she wanted to make sure Acornpaw had at least the basic fighting moves under her paw.

"We will run through some hunting lessons real quick, and then I want to spend the rest of the morning with battle training." she would say, glancing at the younger molly to see her reaction. "Lets see your hunters crouch."

