Dec 1, 2022
"How can you never get this right? It's a simple proceedure-"

She had tuned out her mentor long ago, eyes unfocused and duller than usual as she went through timeline after timeline trying to make the perfect get away world. Each one always had problems though; her memories of her mother were jumbled, and then there was the fact that some events wouldnt've happened if something was removed....but the most imperative thing was, without any memories of Amber to even forget, Lilacpaw kept writing her father in a way that felt wrong to her. So she kept having to scrap everything and start over. 'Would it be better if I altered the ways he showed he cared?...How do fathers even do that? Is it different from older brothers? Would he have been like Pi-'


"Are you even listening to me Lilacpaw? Tell me, tell me what I just explained to you." Her ears sting from their cuffing, and she resists the urge to shake her head to clear the slight ringing. Nightwillow favored obedience, when she kept to mirroring his stiff, straightbacked posture. 'If I mimic his tone like I did last time....' She inwardly cringes at the yelling she had triggered the first few times she had spaced out during training. "I...I can't. I wasn't listening I'm sorry." Her apologetic words have an awkward tone to them, she's not sure if thats how she's supposed to say them. Nightwillow's claws dug into the ground. "I don't understand, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST PAY ATTENTION? WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT SITTING THERE AND LISTENING-" They stop, tensing up before sighing and waving her off. "Just, Just go back to camp Lilacpaw. It's obvious we're not getting anything done today." They only seem tired now.

She folds her ears against her head, giving a small nod before getting to her paws and doing as she's told. 'For once.' Nightwillow thinks bitterly, before shaking his head and walking away from the training area to clear his head.

'I wish I could just live in my head forever.' Lilacpaw muses to herself as she walks, easily almost doing just that. She imagines all the things she would put in that world that they don't have right now, like her big brother being able to control fire, and the characteristic spiky fur of her family actually being sharp to touch like thorns. Though once again, with her mind disconnected to the world, she ends up fumbling over reality, running straight into someone as she enters camp.

Having already been on a hunting patrol earlier and returned empty-pawed, Twilightpaw isn't especially eager to head back out so soon, though his usual routine of simply sitting back and watching the comings and goings about camp had felt rather lackluster today. Nothing seems to hold his attention long enough for him to be useful in any capacity or to really enjoy watching his clanmates interact, and so he finds himself slipping away from whatever corner he had chosen to hole himself up in that day in favor of some quiet outside of camp. As he approaches the entrance, Twilightpaw glances back over his shoulder one last time, drinking in the sight of cats moving about camp as though it won't be there when he returns, and by the time he turns back around it's already too late. Despite his last-second attempt to duck out of the way, he collides with Lilacpaw, only just keeping himself from stumbling into the bramble barrier.

"Whoa there, careful where you're planting your paws," he reflexively remarks after catching himself, tone lighthearted - after all, no real harm done. Taking a moment to better situate himself, Twilightpaw throws a scrutinizing look Lilacpaw's way. He...hasn't exactly been spending a lot of time with her lately, admittedly, but even still he can tell there's been a change in her. Of course, it's not like they haven't all changed, so it hasn't really concerned him all that much, though she does seem pretty spacey today, what with their little bump. "You all good? Been working a bit too hard lately, maybe?" he tries. Perhaps she's just tired - after all, Lilacpaw's always been much more diligent than him, and with the lack of prey as leaf-bare seems to settle in it's certainly plausible that she's just training or hunting too much without enough rest. Could just be an off day, too, especially since Twilightpaw himself doesn't feel the most focused right now, paws itching to carry him out of camp for some sort of change in scenery.

Loam doesn't even attempt to stifle her laughter at the sight of two apprentices colliding. Had it happened with her family, such a thing would have quickly devolved into a play-fight, with one brother wrestling the other against moss-soft bedding. Loam would have made herself useful by batting at stray tails and limbs, or maybe even daring to tug at ears. In ShadowClan, such a thing feels entirely unlikely. If there is one thing Loam misses, excluding her family itself, it had to be the loss of the simple freedom to play.

"She's got th-thuh-the look of someone wh-who works t-tuh-too much," Loam says with the same authority as an expert in being overworked, "Th-thuh-that's why I'm uh-a strong believer in uh, uh, relaxa-ah-ation. Lets do th-that, right now," And with luck, Loam's own mentor wouldn't take note of her attitude towards hard work.

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 6 moons​
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Tornado lifts her head from across the way, tapered ears straining forth to pick up on the conversation being held between the small group of apprentices. Managing to catch bits and pieces of the topic a light frown tugged at the corners of her ebon maw. Relaxation? She couldn't understand the why anyone would want to spend their time lounging about when there was work to be done. She personally could not wait until her apprenticeship so she could indulge in all the work that came with it. Being confined to camp because she was deemed to young drove her up the metaphorical wall. Rising to her paws the black smoke arched her back in a smooth stretch before wandering over to insert herself into their conversation. "You guys are lucky, I'd rather be out there than stuck in here. It's boring." Tornado mumbled whilst glancing in the direction of the camp exit.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

Doing a half-job of changing his bedding, Teaselpaw was glad for a distraction- two of his littermates crashing right into each other, a feat of exceptional clumsiness that flung a loud laugh from his maw. Eager to mock them for it, the weaselly tom rose to his paws and made a beeline toward them- but what a sight it must have been for so many to crowd them so quickly! The funniness of it was not limited to the fact that these were his siblings, then...

They talk about working too much, and Teaselpaw scoffed, letting amber eyes fall to the ground. What idiot would work themselves too hard? It was easy to just stop when you didn't want to anymore. No-one could force them- and as the children of ShadowClan's founder, their blood running through many of the high-status Clan members, no-one could ever get rid of them either. With easy lodging, what was the point of working hard at all, let alone too hard? It wasn't as if any of them would ever live up to their mother.

A shadow-cloaked paw attempted to nudge Tornadokit. "You can swap with me if you like." He'd never get away with appearing kit-like, but he was sure Tornadokit would enjoy absolutely flopping at hunting patrols much more than he did.
Specter doesn't exactly engage in idle chit-cat, often only seen besides Chilledgaze before disappearing for a couple days. He'd be around camp, just not talkative and unfortunately that changes today. Green eyes narrow and a brow quirks as he enters camp, a heavy sigh leaving his nostrils at the commotion. They haven't returned with prey in a little bit, winter being brought on a little too early for his liking so he supposes he must entertain themself with this nonsense.

As they approach theres a little black curly-fured kit that says she'd rather be out in the territory and his lips part in a large smile that seems a little too strained and a little too big for their face (quite honestly he doesn't care if it seems off). "Why is that? You'll freeze to death." its a dry joke as his eyes flicker between those present. He's the only adult here, how fun. The commotion seemed to come from apprentices colliding and now this mess is all happening, he puffs out a breath that billows upwards. "Not much time for relaxing these days. You can do that in the next couple months." his ear flicked. Bothersome.
Lilacpaw, in her ditziness, ends up on her rump unlike Twilightpaw. "I-" She tries to search for anything in her brother's file, but all of it is from months ago. Would the same information work? Probably not. Might as well make a guess. "I'm sorry I should've been paying attention." The words are accompanied by a sheepish, shy smile as she gets to her paws and moves a little bit out of the ways of the entrance so they're not blocking anyone. Three others join in the fray, with Loam joining her brother in a sort of mock concern for her mental state. 'Right, Loam enjoys carefree people-'[ but as she registers Tornadokit and Teaselpaw...her brain reaches an impasse. 'I can't say I'm hardly working, then they'll get more concerned but Tornado will become cross with me. Teasel tends to just...not like what if...'

"Oh no I'm fine! Honestly just got a little up here-" Her entire body seems to freeze when Spectermask joins in. 'Always please the highest ranking first.' "Because Nightwillow's been teaching me a few new hunting styles for the cold weather, since they've seen quite a few seasons!" Lilacpaw finishes, her momentary pause readily being able to be passed off as listening to the warrior talk to Tornadokit. Maybe she'd be able to make up the lost positivity in time.

"Have...Have your guys' mentors been teaching you any cool things? Maybe we could share them with you Tornadokit! Then you can be a little prepared for when you're apprenticed!" That had to be enough for the slackers to excuse their momentary loss of focus to have a little fun, even if it was educational, and for those who valued responsibility to not get too up in arms about a simple chat.

If you don't like me, that's your problem
The scruffy little laperm's weight shifted in response to Teaselpaw's nudging. Looking over at the apprentice whilst wearing a confident fanged grin she flicked her tail, nudging him back in the process. "I'll give you my share for fresh kill for two days if you can convince Pitchstar to swap our places." Oh what she would give in order to prove herself useful the those around her. She wanted nothing more than to prove Granitepaw's assumptions of her wrong. Citrine eyes find the wide cheshire smile of Spectermask as they question her. Tornado's head tilts to the side in genuine confusion, surprised that it wasn't obvious. "The clan needs all the help it can get this season right? I overheard some of the elders talking about how leaf bare makes it hard to find food." Although they certainly were not wrong about the shift in temperature. It only seemed to grow colder with each passing day.

Her attention then falls upon Lilacpaw again, listening as the rosette apprentice proposes the possibility of them teaching her what they themselves knew. A rare glint of excitement flickered across her usual frigid yellow glare. "Wait, seriously?" She questioned incredulously, almost half expecting this to be some kind of joke they all might've been in on. She waited on bated breath a second longer, gaze analytical as she attempted to find deceit in Lilac's words. Tornado had not received any supplemental training since Brawlinglion's teachings and she was itching to use her paws in any way possible.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem