tread lightly | skyclan dawn patrol


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022

With the threat of loners and rogues looming ever closer to the border there was no room for lax behaviour on patrols. Especially here near the loner lands. If anything they needed to be especially diligent here. "Let's try to scent this border as heavily as possible. We need to give the illusion that skyclan is still a force to be reckoned with." With so many cats still sick and so few able bodied warriors, mind games were their best bet right now. Thankfully, so far, all seemed to be quiet and calm. Coyotecrest could only hope it would remain that way for the entirety of their outing. With a flick of his tail he motions his apprentice over. "Another way to mark a border is to scratch things up." He murmurs, using his claws to dig into the bark of a tree carefully. "Although you have to be careful not to catch your claws, you could injure yourself that way." (@pearlpaw apprentice tag, @sparrowsong!, @Drizzlepelt)
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
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XXXXXShe cannot leave the forest without saying goodbye to Mallowlark—she knows this—and when she scents SkyClan on the air, her eyes brim with hope and expectation. The tortoiseshell’s belly feels both empty and hard now without her kits, and her heart feels the same—but the thought that her nephew could be here puts a lightness in her step again. Unfortunately, the cats she see are unmistakably not Mallowlark, not born of the moorland. The cat in the lead is a thick-pelted cream cat, behind him a light tabby and a gray warrior. She stiffens, her fur rising just slightly on her shoulders.

XXXXXYou… you are SkyClan, yes?” She frowns, her tail sweeping protectively in front of her. She would disappear into it if she could. “Mallowlark isn’t with you, is he? Is… is he okay?” She dares not venture any further than she has. SkyClan has never been as aggressive as WindClan, but a Clan cat is a Clan cat, in her eyes. They’re all more or less the same.

Drizzlepelt’s nerves are on edge as the patrol approaches the boarder, but he does his best to steel himself. He’s used to fearing for his life, that has never changed, but if he left this earth now he feels like it would actually be impactful. Before he didn’t care that much if he wouldn’t wake up the next day, but now he has a reason to keep on going. And with that found purpose at the top of his mind, he makes sure to keep a careful eye out for any rogues.

When a cat he’s never seen approaches them, his fur puffs up, before he winds down after realizing that she’s no threat. In fact, she asks about Mallowlark. Is she one of the cats that WindClan exiled? “A-Ah…yes, we’re SkyClan. Sorry, we’ve been dealing with rogue attacks lately.” Drizzlepelt hopes that she isn’t in alliance with them, though he doubts it. “Mallowlark isn’t with us, no. But he’s doing okay, all things considered. Are you looking for him?”

XXXXXPollenfur studies the gray tabby who first fluffs up against her presence, but then forces his hackles to lie flat. She’d never receive the same courtesy with WindClan, and from what Hyacinthbreath has told her, she would not have received it from RiverClan, either. The young tom mentions rogues—is that what she is, now? The word rings harshly throughout the air, and she thinks of the cats she’s seen lurking through the unclaimed territories near Highstones. Hungry-looking things, vultures with fur and limbs, their rumblings about Clan cats now making sense to her rattled ears.

XXXXXThe chocolate calico forces a smile onto her face, sensing the uncertainty sparking between the SkyClan warriors. “Rogues. Yes, I’ve scented strange cats close to this border… I’m glad to hear he’s okay.” She flexes her paws, shooting a nervous glance to the other cats. “I’m not looking for him—he’s my kin, and I’d heard about the sickness sweeping through your territories…” She bows her head. “They say there is no cure, at least where I reside now.

ooc — sorry this is so late, no need to reply unless you just want the interaction :]