camp treasures // o - found object



"Hey, what do you think this is?"
Yet another question flowed from Cricketpaw's mouth - but at this point, that was really to be expected. In her moon thus far in Shadowclan, there was hardly a minute that passed by without some sort of inquiry from the young feline. One might think she would run out of questions by now, but she surely hadn't disappointed. Today, in fact, she was perched over a curious object in front of her. Her paws were slightly muddied, and the earth around it had been dug up by her personally in a moment of boredom between training, and trying to distract herself from peering up at the sky to see when they would have their next meal. It was an accidental find, really - a strange metallic object somewhere in the marsh that had glinted in a bit of light. "Should I touch it?"

// @loam
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Loam considers the object for a long time, even tilts her head about to look at it from a different angle or two. The object in question becomes no less mysterious, even with all of the scrutiny Loam's attention span could provide. It catches the sun and shows it to Loam with enough intensity to leave purple afterimages flickering in her vision. A clever defense mechanism, that, as if the object didn't want to be observed in any meaningful way.

"It's some k-kuh-kind'a a thing," Loam says with the same wisdom of an elder supplying a lesson, "L-luh-l... like— like a t-tuh-twoleg thing."

But then Cricketpaw carries on and asks if she should touch it, and Loam cannot help the snort that escapes her. The answer is an obvious yes.

"That's wh-whuh-what happened t-tuh-to my puh-paw," Loam lies, and presents her curled paw for Cricketpaw to better see, "T-tuh-tou— poked a thing, uh-and then the n-neh-nn-next day it'd bee-ee-been like this." That being said... "I-ee-uh dare you t-tuh-tuh-to poke it!"
tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 7 moons​
Roosterstrut, as he grows older, finds himself looking out more and more for ShadowClan's youth much like an older brother would. He's never had any siblings of his own, but he's grown up alongside many kits and watched as new, bright-eyed faces were introduced into the world seemingly every moon or so. There was no shortage of those little scraps, that was for sure. Having been a child himself, Roosterstrut knew how curious they could be about everything around them, especially when foreign objects were involved. From afar, it appeared outright unnatural for a marshy environment such as this. This was, in fact, the work of twolegs.

"I don't think you should go touching that, guys. Anything having to do with twolegs usually isn't any good." The orange tabby tom chirps, quickly trotting over and hopefully catching the young apprentices before they could go sticking their noses in things they shouldn't. Roosterstrut typically isn't a stick in the mud; in fact, he was one of the more lax and upbeat personalities that the clan had to offer. However, he knew where to draw a line when a situation could go south very easily. Twolegs had a habit of leaving items, sometimes dangerous in nature, lying about. He'd have his pelt skinned if he let these kids hurt themselves on his watch.

"The warriors will handle it, okay?" The young warrior glances over his shoulder, seeing if another adult would join him in assessing the object in question. They'd have to move it off the territory, most likely.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. sixteen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.
    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————
Leechpaw's sat pawstep from the hole, her own paws peeking over the edge as she also gazed at the strange object, wonder in her dreamy gaze. "It catches the light so prettily," She murmurs, ears perked in interest. She wondered what it could be used for, obviously not of naturally made, and she desperately wanted to know what it was about. But not that desperate. Her greyish eyes looked up in alarm as Cricketpaw asked to touch it and Loampaw dared her too, stating how a twoleg object like this one had caused his paw to be twisted. "We... really shouldn't. What if it hurts us? Shadowclan needs us all to be healthy right now," She murmured, a little bit urgently, before her ears drooped slightly, remembering Pitchstar and Ribbitleap were basically out of commission and many of the clan so hungry they couldn't truly hunt, adding, "Atleast those who can afford to be hungry."

Just as those words slipped from her lips, a more mature, adult voice snagged her attention. Leechpaw's gaze slowly drifted to Roosterstrut as he approached and, though not necessarily rebellious, there was a part of Leechpaw that wanted to touch the weird thing now. It was perhaps that encroaching teen angst she'd inevitably get, but, no matter where it was from, Leechpaw's brow furrowed and her ears pressed back. He wasn't even their mentor, let alone anyone with any authority over them. What gave him a right to tell them what to do? Grey eyes flicked temptingly back down, feeling an itch in her paws to reach down and just brush her paw over it, just because she could. But the responsibility of the clan hung upon her shoulders and shackled her paws where they remained, though her eyes roamed over it, stubborn curiosity set in those dark eyes.

———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————

Ferndance was endlessly fascinated with trinkets and oddities. Her eyes twinkled like silverpelt as she watched the object, deciding right at that moment that she needed it in spite of the dibs that the apprentices may have had. She smiled just a little wider than usual as she floated over, large ears angled forwards at the conversation taking place. Roosterstrut advocated for caution, as did Leechpaw, who reminded them all of ShadowClan's current predicament. Fern tilted her head towards the item. She'd seen enough twoleg treasures to know that plenty of them weren't edible (and admittedly, she may have taste tested a few), and though she had hopes this one may have been the exception, the only ever food she'd seen glimmer the way that did was fish when the sun caught their slick scales. The metallic thing did not look like fish, she couldn't discern what it looked like at the moment. Roosterstrut recommended that the warriors handle it, and being one such creature, Ferndance was not subtle in her approach. She shimmied to the other side of the two who found it and slowly sat down on her haunches, as calm as a spring stream despite being so close to it.

She cast one final glance towards Leechpaw and Rooster before allowing her eyes to settle on Loam and Cricket. As she stared, her white-socked paw slowly moved until she'd placed it atop the object, careful to avoid any sharp bits. Suddenly, her ears pinned back, and a flash of horror washed over her face. "Oh! Oh no!" She gasped, wheezing as she placed that same snowy paw on her chest. She leaned back until she almost lost her balance, saved only by her mobility. Ferndance waited for a reaction from the others before she blinked rapidly, 'resetting' her eyes into a softer state and returning to the unabashed visage many knew her for. "It's harmless." The ticked tabby confirmed, preening her tail like the theatrical teasing had not just taken place.


Being new here she has been trying to adapt to the whole clan thing. It's definitely new to her and she wants fit in as much as possible. So when she hears the conversation that the others are having her paws easily carry her own. She has spent much of her life up until now with twolegs, they loved her she is sure but now her paws are treading a different path. Here though she has already picked up on the stigmatism against twolegs. Her mind is trying to wrap around why but she says nothing even as she listens to them speak. There are other warriors as they are called here so she will be watched she supposes. As she settles down the masked woman tilts her head a bit and she flinches. Jolting at Ferndance and her sudden outburst as she touches the twoleg object. Her ears pull back and she sighs softly before she shakes her head a little. The woman is not sure what to say in this situation and she flicks her tail lightly upon the ground before finally deciding to use her words. "Yeah, most things from twolegs are harmless. But you still have to keep some sense of caution. Twolegs do have poison afterall."

Though it is hardly metallic like whatever that thing is. Still she doesn't like the show of potentially being hurt by it. Guess she isn't the type to joke about injuries but she holds her tongue regardless.
it begins with two apprentices looming over a strange object found lodged in the mud, cricketpaw isn't sure what it was that she discovered and loam decided to fabricate a fib on the spot claiming touching weird things was the reason their paw is curled so oddly. geckoscreech watches from a few tail-lengths away with quiet curiosity, more cats arrive to also investigate all sharing some concerns while ferndance instead puts on an overexaggerated spectacle with dramatics and all.

there is a brief glint of amusement that dances behind an aqua gaze, a rarity of emotion that isn't in the form of a glare or annoyance for once. "keep it or throw it out, it really doesn't matter. as long as no one is trying to eat it or something else ridculous." she mews simply, brushing her tongue across a dainty paw before combing it behind her ears and over her face.