camp Tremble, Little Goblin Boy / Intro


New member
Mar 31, 2024

Redpaw was nosy.
It wasn't a surprise, really, when he spent the first six moons for his life with only the queens for company. It seemed like many of his clanmates, queens and apprentices alike, were still reluctant to treat him normally. Not because his illness was a threat- no, the queens had come to the conclusion he was healthy enough to be apprenticed at the appropriate age- but because he was . . weird. He didn't understand how to play, talk, or act after six moons of having queens dote on him for his every need. After six moons of only hearing and occasionally watching the other kits play in the nursery, but never being healthy enough to be included. Yet here he was, lumped in with the rest of the apprentices like nothing was different about him.
The dusty tomcat flicked his tail and sat at the entrance to the apprentice den, watching the apprentices inside bicker and play. He blinked slowly, his head tilted to the side, trying to process the hierarchy between them and wondering where he fit into it. It hadn't been long since he was made an apprentice, so he was still practically a stranger to many of them, and therefore a wildcard. He swallowed his nervousness and stuck his head up high- he didn't want to be the sickly kit that was coddled anymore- before poking his head into the den.​

Through hardships to the stars ⸺⸺⸺ *:・゚

  • "Speech" Thoughts Attack
  • REDPAW ꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷
    He/Him | Apprentice of Thunderclan | Seven moons
    A short-haired brown tabby with muted green eyes. With having no parents to dote on him, Redpaw's pelt is typically very disheveled.
    Peaceful, healing and minor injury powerplay permitted / / Underline when attacking.
    Penned by Zalzi on discord, dm for fun plots!!

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Softpaw wasn't one to typically get caught up in gossip or play-fights with her denmates. When she was in the apprentices' den, it was to relax or sleep, to let the day's work fall off her pelt like rain off a duck's feathers. She rather enjoyed being an apprentice, having a certain amount of freedom to do as she pleased within reason, and the chores that so bohtered other apprentices were monotonous joys that she could find comfort in.

the light that was seeping in that had covered Softpaw's face as she listened to the ambiance of the apprentices' den suddenly disappeared, and she opened one of her eyes to find Redpaw sticking his head inside, looking a little lost as to what his place was. Softpaw also lacked many close friends, but she held a general amiability towards the rest of the apprentices.

"What's going on, Redpaw?" Softpaw asked as she lifted her head from her paws.
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  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, six moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


☆⋅⋆ ── briarpaw sat in the den, idly listening to her clanmates gossip. there was nothing new, nothing interesting enough to coax her into staying much longer. luckily, someone new joins the fray. a shadow of a head poking through the entrance, high held in a display of confidence. after a few moments, she recognizes it as redpaw.

softpaw was the first to call out to the apprentice, briarpaw moves away from the group with a long stride. "looks like he's got cold feet," she comments to the pale apprentice, head tilting in mock empathy. "don't be shy, we're so happy you've finally decided to join us after all these moons." the snideness of her words was covered with a flippant grin, it could even be mistaken as friendly teasing to any less perceptive eyes.

"come, join us," briarpaw beckoned with a white tail, moving to sit down by softpaw. "what've you learned so far? caught anything yet?" the questions were innocent enough, denmates trying to get to know one another. patiently, she waited for an answer while delivering a few licks to her chest.
  • OOC ⋆ ─

  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, nine moons.
    a well built solid black longhair with white markings narrowed yellow eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / apprentice to tba
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Crescentpaw sat close to Softpaw, typical for the chimera molly as she found the alabaster apprentice to be kind and considerate, just the right pace for Crescentpaw! The two watched the rest of the apprentices chitter and play, but the perceptive Softpaw noticed Redpaw's entrance far before the rest of them could. Crescentpaw's pale gaze lifted from the bustling apprentices and rested on that of Redpaw, taking in his dusty coat, his sage eyes. As Crescentpaw opened her mouth to acknowledge him as well, Briarpaw's snide voice sliced through the air. Crescentpaw furrowed her brows, never understanding how or why Briarpaw could be so smug. She waited until the jet black molly finished talking, watching as she sat closer to Softpaw and Crescentpaw, before she turned her face to meet eyes with Redpaw. She gave him an encouraging look. "It's beautiful out there, isn't it?" She remarked quietly, thinking of their territory that she was undoubtedly grateful for. In her opinion, ThunderClan had the best views around.

  • iso . . .

  • Crescentpaw ☄︎ she/her, apprentice of ThunderClan.
    ➳ Sturdy, LH chocolate tabby/blue silver tabby chimera.
    ➳ Apprentice to Falconheart.
    ➳ Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    ➳ Penned by Lav! @mimakirig0e on Discord, feel free to DM me to plot. 🤍


Redpaw didn't have much time to ponder who to wander towards, as the group of she-cats quickly got his attention. At first, he was relieved by the iterection, but was quickly second-guessing himself when Briarpaw began to berate him. His defenses walled up, and he sat down gruffly in front of them, his eyes narrowed on the black apprentice. He could hear Crescentpaw politely try to steer the conversation away from what was bound to occur, but . . he could not stifle his irritation. "I just got my introduction of the territory; so no, Briarpaw, I did not miraculously learn to catch prey before getting any lessons!" he snapped, face growing heated. The dusty tom wasn't sure what her problem was, but for some reason it was hard to divert his attention away from her words. Was he supposed to have caught something already? Was he already behind? The worst apprentice ever? He cast a quick, worried look at Softpaw and Crescentpaw. A silent plea for help without admitting weakness to the ruder apprentice.

Through hardships to the stars ⸺⸺⸺ *:・゚

  • "Speech" Thoughts Attack
  • REDPAW ꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷
    He/Him | Apprentice of Thunderclan | Seven moons
    A short-haired brown tabby with muted green eyes. With having no parents to dote on him, Redpaw's pelt is typically very disheveled.
    Peaceful, healing and minor injury powerplay permitted / / Underline when attacking.
    Penned by Zalzi on discord, dm for fun plots!!


☆⋅⋆ ── sticking to her ploy of innocence, yellow eyes blow wide as redpaw explodes. briarpaw hardly believed the sickly young kit had it in him, but even she could be proved wrong every now and then. "it was just a question," briarpaw claims disarmingly with a shrug. she is thoughtful about keeping the bite from her tone in favor of something more thoughtful on this apparently touchy subject. "i was just curious, i won't ask again. sorry."

although her words are that of a wounded animal, brairpaw does not flee like one. "if you need help with anything, don't be scared to ask. you'll be filling the freshkill pile in no time i'm sure."
  • OOC ⋆ ─

  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, nine moons.
    a well built solid black longhair with white markings narrowed yellow eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / apprentice to tba
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The little black cat is curled up in his nest, a ball of dark scruffy fur, tail curled around himself, sticking just in front of his nose. When in camp, he stuck to the edges, lingering in the darkest corners like an extension of the shadows that fell across the ground, or in the apprentices' den if he needed rest, though at the moment, trying to sleep was for naught considering the conversation being carried on between the other apprentices. He didn't really care what they were saying; he wasn't one for gossip, nor for bickering (at this moment, anyway; it could change any time), but whatever it was was keeping him awake, despite his lack of sleep in the preceding nights. That was the only reason he was even able to begin to drift off.

But it doesn't last. When the shadow passes over the entrance to the den, he cracks open an orange eye, whiskers twitching with annoyance -- both at the disruption and at Briarpaw's disparagement of the other apprentice. But he wouldn't be getting any help from Cardinalpaw (yet, anyway), despite their similarity in age. With a huff, he turns over onto his other side, curling back into a ball.


Crescentpaw became uneasy at Redpaw's immediate snappiness, but she couldn't blame the russet tom - cat, Briarpaw knew how to get under one's skin. She flashed both Briarpaw and Redpaw a sheepish look before gathering herself, rising to her full stature. Pale eyes swept the den, before the chimera she-cat flashed a smile. "Wanna go for a walk?" She spoke awkwardly, though was attempting to avoid anymore confrontation. "Kinda stuffy in here, isn't it Briarpaw?“ Crescentpaw felt like the jet black molly wasn't one to sit out of any form of adventure, though Crescentpaw truly did feel cramped inside the apprentice's den. "Maybe Redpaw can show us what he's got." She again smiled at the reddish tom, hoping he might be feeling more welcome to join them.

  • ooc…

  • Crescentpaw ☄︎ she/her, apprentice of ThunderClan.
    ➳ Sturdy, LH chocolate tabby/blue silver tabby chimera.
    ➳ Apprentice to Falconheart.
    ➳ Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. Please underline when attacking.
    ➳ Penned by Lav! @mimakirig0e on Discord, feel free to DM me to plot. 🤍

Much like Redpaw, the brown tabby had plenty of issues being able to socialize with his clanmates -- especially those that were similar in age to himself. He could thank his absent parents for his lack of socialization skills, often being nudged towards the other kits so he and his siblings could be watched by the other queens of the nursery. Despite being forced into many situations where he would have to interact with those around him, he in turn became more reclusive, sticking to the corners of the nursery while watching kits tumble and roughhouse through half-slit eyes. He was never really interested in their games, often finding the insects that were at that time as big as his paw far more intriguing than whatever trouble his den-mates were getting into.

Walking back from his training with Leafhusk, Adderpaw’s ears perked at the sound of heated bickering and high-pitched defensive tones from the apprentice den. This, however, did interested the tom as he came across Redpaw’s figure in the entrance of the den, Cresentpaw’s suggestion hitting his ears as he stopped next to the other tabby. Flicking his tail tip over the apprentice’s ear, he mumbled to Redpaw under his breath so hopefully only the other could hear. ”Pay no attention to her —” referring to Briarpaw, he pushed past Redpaw to get to his nest with a huff, circling his bedding before laying down to curl up comfortably. Covering his eyes with his striped tail, the tabby meowed to anyone nearby: “Wake me when something interesting happens.”
Darkpaw had stepped in just a few moments before Redpaw decided to join them- looking for a specific feather in his nest that he was hoping he didn't just empty out with the rest of the moss he lugged out of his den. Eyes flashed with minor annoyance as the newbie all but exploded, soft-spoken apprentices murmuring to him, and others being rude or cold-shouldered. Darkpaw puffed a ball of hot hair, nose lifting to the ceiling in annoyance.

"Yeah, Redpaw, it was just a question." The smaller apprentice responded, stretching a moment later. Each muscle and toe stretched, before he turned to sit in his nest, ear twitching in disregard to Adderpaw. "Regardless, I think Crescentpaw is right- a walk would be nice." Darkpaw stated with a tiny grin, paws neatly tucking together as he sat, darkened vision pinning to Redpaw- finally sliding towards Briarpaw with a tilted head. "Is this an open invitation walk?"​

Redpaw nerves were growing at the number of apprentices that surrounded them. Maybe his outburst had ended up backfiring. From the way Briarpaw smirked, he was relatively sure she had the upper hand at the moment. He swallowed. His heart was still racing, face heated. This was one of his first interactions with the others- especially on a large scale like this- and it was not going to plan at all. It would take him a few minutes to calm down. "Um, yeah" he murmured to Crescentpaw, his eyes trialing after Adderpaw as he walked past. He seemed nice, he thought to himself. Distant, but interested nonetheless. Maybe he just needed to distance himself from the black shecat. Crescentpaw didn't seem to be trying to help him much, considering she just opted him into making a fool of himself in front of everyone. "I guess so.." the brown tabby muttered to Darkpaw, who clearly seemed to be mocking him. It was becoming obvious who Briarpaws friends were and were not. "Do you want to come?" He asked in Adderpaw's direction. "Sorry, I don't know your name."

Through hardships to the stars ⸺⸺⸺ *:・゚

  • "Speech" Thoughts Attack
  • REDPAW ꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷
    He/Him | Apprentice of Thunderclan | Seven moons
    A short-haired brown tabby with muted green eyes. With having no parents to dote on him, Redpaw's pelt is typically very disheveled.
    Peaceful, healing and minor injury powerplay permitted / / Underline when attacking.
    Penned by Zalzi on discord, dm for fun plots!!