Attending the gathering had been a last-minute decision by Silversmoke and, speaking openly, he was still not certain why he had done it. As mismatched eyes hovered over the hustle and bustle of the clans, he took note of who seemed to be avoiding who, all whilst checking in on his apprentice visually every few moments to ensure a repeat of last moon's gathering did not happen. For all his wishes into goading WindClan into breaking their sacred oaths, he had not expected it would be his very own trainee who would threaten to do it first. The memory stuck with the blue tabby like burrs in his pelt, dividing his attention from the politics of the groups both, fortunately, and unfortunately. He seldom expected to recognise familiar faces in the crowd, knowing that the life of a warrior was ripe with death and betrayals even if he tried his damnedest to avoid both, yet, his pupils still widened in recognise as they glossed over individual RiverClanners. A part of him almost wished he didn't know them. He knew how the rest of the groups looked down on SkyClan for their kittypet ancestry, he didn't doubt RiverClan did the same, their salty tongues only kept quiet by the benefits the alliance gave them.

He spotted a stranger moving towards him and, pretending that he didn't see them, stood up and began prowling forwards towards said RiverClanners - better the devil you know instead of some scraggly ShadowClan rat. Those same frigid eyes settled upon a dark figure, one whose body language previously had made it clear that they didn't like to be disturbed and briefly, his ears arced back in sympathy. The next few minutes would be painful for both of them, it was better than having to interact with someone else though. Expression neutral, he offered a nod of greetings, and reclined on his haunches close to the RiverClanner. "I never caught your name before, RiverClanner. Stay quiet, but if you want to walk away, do know that there is a ShadowClanner just waiting to talk to either one of us and I don't want to give her an opening." Even now, he swore he felt an emerald gaze on the back of his head. It took the willpower of the Stars themselves not to turn around and tell the ShadowClanner where she could shove her inevitable questions.

"My name is Silversmoke, by the way."


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Why she ever keeps agreeing to come to these Gatherings was beyond her. A supposed peaceful night amongst all five clans was never the case. There was always tension, always something going on. Velveteen ears picked up banter here and there, some good-natured but others seemed pretty aggressive. She had watched a few hostile back and forths between a tortoiseshell tom and a shaded molly like herself. They were clearly apprentices, but for a brief moment she thought a scuffle would erupt between them before one retreated back to their own clan. A smile etched upon her features for a brief moment, respecting their fiery personalities and strong hearts. But she also wondered who had the—pleasure of mentoring such rebellious young.
Unbeknownst to her, one of the mentors of said apprentices were approaching her from behind. Before she has time to turn her head at the approaching tom, his looming figure is sitting beside her and dropping down on his ass as if she had reserved this very spot her him. Cindershade arches a brow, glancing up at the silver tabby with a mixture of question and irritation. His form towered over her own short stature, the tips of her ears barely reaching the nape of his neck. He smelled similar to that other lead warrior she had spoken with a bit earlier—what was her name again? Sheep-something?
He begins to speak now, low and gruff baritones grating her ears as he talked. It takes the rosette warrior a moment but now she recognizes him, they had shared a silent greeting from the previous Gathering after the raid on SkyClan with RiverClan coming to their aid. He mentions of a ShadowClan rat itching to speak to either one of them, a shadowy figure with venomous eyes standing in her peripheral. Apart of her wants to kick dirt in their face, though she simply makes very loud scoff for them to hear. "I don't associate with ShadowClan trash." She throws a glare towards the other, her own vibrant gaze flashing within the silver light of the moon. It's defiant and challenging, daring them to come closer before her eyes flick back to the tom beside her. "Silversmoke, is it? I can see why. You practically glow under the moon. I'm sure SkyClan uses your pelt to light the way when they have to make dirt in the middle of the night." A saccharine grin pinches her dark features, her thick tail wrapping around her paws. She didn't mean it necessarily hostile, but to poke at the metaphorical bear. Apart of her wanted to gauge his reaction, to see if he'd be so easily offended. The RiverClan lead warrior was hardly cordial, but she respected those with thick skin. "Name is Cindershade, SkyClanner. Nice to make your acquaintance."


Cindershade's scoff caused the tabby's ears to shoot upwards, his cranium quickly swiveling around to see how the aforementioned 'trash' would react. She seemed somewhat taken back before she turned her ruddy nose up at the surly pair. The ShadowClanner muttered something incomprehensible under her breath before moving away from the pair, and Silversmoke had to stop his jaw from hitting the floor. He blinked incredulously, that was one way to get rid of someone you didn't want to speak to. He'd promised good behaviour under the light of Silverpelt, but he supposed not everyone felt similarly about weaving their way through difficult social situations, especially not those who had to be 'good impressions' for their unruly apprentices. Oh, the curses he would've shared if Chrysalis was not in earshot. She compliments his name at first and Silversmoke feels his paws grow warm with embarrassment but luckily for the pair of them, any fluster was quickly shot down with a remark about the dirtplace. What was the Clans' obsession with such infantile humour? An eye twitched at first, the warrior's comedy was often found in reminiscing on old times instead of... this.

This was not an enemy meant to get under his skin, this was an ally, though, in Cindershade's case, it appeared he would have to use the word a little more loosely. The friendship between their clans tempered his reaction, a snort escaping the maine coon where a sharp protest may have done in another setting. "Hmph, and I suppose RiverClan uses you to scare kittens into staying in the nursery at night." He remarked, looking the void of a creature up and down. There was no doubt in Silversmoke's mind that one harsh comment and emerald glare from Cindershade would be enough to convince RiverClan kittens to never leave the nursery again. "At least we both serve our clans to the best of our abilities, as dirt-lights and as night terrors." Stars, what a pair. His own conclusions caused a small smirk to replace the tabby's scowl, however brief. Cindershade's name made sense, suddenly, he felt rather proud of himself for calling her a scary shadow all of a sudden. Fire was certainly horrifying and shade... was certainly shady. With silence filling the air again and a growing awkwardness in the tabby's thoughts, he pressed onwards.

"I get this is the part where I'm supposed to ask you about RiverClan and you ask me about SkyClan, but I think both of us will fucking die if we have to endure any small talk about that. So tell me, fought any tough opponents recently?" Suddenly intrigued by his own line of questioning, the tabby leaned forwards slightly.